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Book of Philosophy

We can see the frown on your face. You are thinking, 'Even if all the rest they have attempted be condoned, defenitely not this one !! What do they think they are?; Modern day Socratese, Plato or Marx ?' We are in Full agreement with you. We do not claim to know even the meaning of the concept 'philosophy'?. But there are umpteen situations where we come across moral or ethical dilemma which cannot be solved by straight rational thinking as we are taught by our upbringing (How rational is our thinking ?!!). In a larger picture, they do not even need to be moral or ethical in nature. In these pages we hope to discuss such issues. These issues could be ones we came across, or those sent to us by you. Obviously any such discussion has to be open and the inputs have to come from each one of you.

What do we expect from such an exercise ?!!. Probably an insight into the worth or worthlessness of our lives; or a better solution to a dilemma any of us faced in the past; or a better preparedness for one in the future.

Regy D. Varghese writes

………………..Your introduction to "the book of philosophy" sounded Interesting. I agree that the Socratean logic that the west relies heavily on is very limiting. Nothing about life is linear. There is always more than one way of looking at all the questions on life, death, relationships, meaning etc. But let us start somewhere specific. Let's talk about God. Let me ask you about your views on God. Does God exist? If he/she exists, what is the right path to find him/her? Is virtue possible without God? Does one even have to be concerned about the existence of God? How do the various religions explain the concept of God to us?

(Regy D. Varghese)

Let us state what we think……

……………….I do not worry whether God really exist or not….the question is whether it is necessary for me to have an existing God or not. Is it necessary to have some superior force out there, who makes me feel I am not alone, that there is always someone to whom I can run to, someone whom I can expect interventions to improve my life, someone the fear of whom prevents me doing things ethically unacceptable to myself and so on…..?. The fact is, 'Yes…I cannot survive without such a God…not even a moment…So does God exist? Yes He does….He definitely does exist in my mind…Without Him, I do not exist. Is He omnipotent? Yes, He is…That is how He exists in my mind…

………………..Have'nt we all heard of this story about a king who used to continuously run trucks filled with something to his huge gold reserve warehouse? People used to watch that and think, "Oh…our country is so rich…". From that faith rose country's strength. Country prospered for years. One day somebody found that the trucks where empty and there never was any gold in the warehouse. Insecurity crept in the minds of the people. It did not take much to disintegrate the country…Now in this story, did it really matter whether gold actually existed? No….The faith alone that there was lot of gold, was enough. Same is the case of God. God may or may not be there; But we all need a God…an all powerful God…

[We will soon discuss the rest of the issues as well…Meanwhile, all of you out there, what are your opinions on this??….Please write to us…..]

Y immediately.......There is more to life than Just living ........


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