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Asian Voting Page

The Voting Booth

Welcome to the
4th Annual #ASIAN
IRC Voting Marathon

Everything is DONE!!!! 6/22/98 -asiankid

The Voting Booth is now open!!! VOTE NOW =)

Walk in and cast your votes for your favorite IRCer. Don't forget to close the curtain behind you so that no one can see who you vote for. The rules are simple, just fill the name in the blanks and press the button that says "Cast Ballot." If you messed up, then just press "Clear Ballot." It's just as simple as 1-2-3. But be warned that I can disregard any biased type votes. It's up to me (and others) to decide which votes can be counted. Categories are more or less the same as the previous years. Advertise this page and press Ctrl+D when you are done, thanks =)
This years voting marathon is made possible with the help of BaByFiSh who generously gave me the file for this page and taught me how to use it.

If you forgot some nicknames, I compiled an incomplete list here. Click to view.
If you need some ideas, take a look at the current tally. Cick to view.
Also, you don't HAVE to fill in every category, just which ever one you like =)

Go to the #asian webpage where the voting took place last year!

Click here for another #asian webpage with most of the current user's pics!

Voting Ballot

Blanks are OK, Nicks used more than once is OK, except not down the line.
Guys Gals
  Best Looking   Best Looking
  Biggest flirt   Biggest flirt
  Most Perverse   Most Perverse
  Funniest   Funniest
  Best personality   Best Personality
  Sweetest   Sweetest
  Meanest   Meanest
  IRC Addict   IRC Addict
  Weirdest   Weirdest
  Silliest   Silliest
  Biggest Dork   Biggest Dork
  Quietest   Quietest
  Most Annoying   Most Annoying
  Biggest Ego   Biggest Ego
  Biggest Troublemaker   Biggest Troublemaker
  Most Modest   Most Modest
  Most Hyper   Most Hyper
  Most Friendly   Most Friendly
  Loudest Mouth   Loudest Mouth
  Most Childlike   Most Childlike
  Favorite Op   Favorite Op
  Most Cute   Most Cute
  Most Missed   Most Missed
  Best Nick   Best Nick
  Worst Nick   Worst Nick
  Least Favorite op   Least Favorite op

Should the bot X be counted? Yes No

Who do you wanna meet?

  Who is the person you want to meet outside of irc the most?

Why? Because...

Rules rulZ rOolEs

  What rule in #asian would you like to change the most?

Why? Because...

IRC Couple

  Who you think should be a couple?
Actual Thoeretical

Why? Because...

Optional Information...

  Your e-mail address

  Your nickname

***The voting pages are here for entertainment purposes only and is not intended for serious interpretations. Take a joke guys =)
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