These are some of my Cthulhu Mythos poems. They aren't in any specific order except that the newest ones tend to be at the top. The poems cover a wide range of mythos topics and creatures as I understand them. I plan on adding new ones every few days.
As you can tell I've been busy with other things and this page hasn't been added to in a while hopefully this poem Azathoth will make up for that. I've been fasinated by the Cthulhu Mythos since I was twelve or so and there are traces of it in many of the poems and stories that I wrote back in the Seventies and Eighties. Only in the last ten years have I started to return to the subject and begun writing more things with a Mythos slant not all of which could be call Mythos fiction but that won't stop me from doing it.
The poem Necropolis is not damaged it made up only of typographical marks. The words have to be considered from the placement of marks on the page. The credit for this style is given by me to John Morresy the Science Fiction writer though I can not say with certainty that that is where I read about it anymore. In the last five years I've reread most of his future history and still haven't found any reference to this style. Thought it was in the novel "Star Brat" but after rereading it don't know which of the books it is in anymore. If anyone knows for sure let me know.