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A Firefighter's Prayer

When I am called to duty, God, wherever flames may rage, give me the strength to save some live, whatever be their age.

Help me embrace a little child before it is too late, to save an older person from the horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout, and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling and give the best in me, to guard my every neighbor and protect their property.

And if according to Your will I am to lose my life, please bless with Your protecting hand, my children and my wife.

Firefighter's Prayer

Oh Lord, please help this firefighter to be skillful and be brave. Please let me never falter when there are lives to save.

Be with my fellow firefighters and ride with us on each run, From the moment that we suit up until the job is done.

Be with me as I guide a child through the dark and smokey haze, give me strength and courage as I fight the deadly blaze.

Lord, I put my safety in Your hands, But in the chaos and the strife, help me act with selfless courage.

God just let me save a life.


I'd like to Make a Difference

God has given me a place on earth

To be here for a while.

I hope that as I'm passing through

I will make somebody smile.

I want to make life easier

For all the ones I meet.

I ask God for his blessings

To the strangers on the street.

I hope I'll never fail a child

If I can help somehow.

I want to be as generous

As my resources will allow.

And when life on earth is done

It will be my final plea:

Let someone, somewhere think or say

"You made a difference to me."



Sorry if we woke you in the middle of the night,

But someone in your neighborhood is fighting for his life.

Sorry if we block the road and make you turn around,

But there's been a bad wreck with dying children on the ground.

When you see us coming I hope you'll understand,

Let us have the right of way Someone needs our helping hand.

Sometimes a child is choking sometimes a broken leg,

Sometimes a heart stops beating And when we get there it's too late.

So if you see us crying when we think we are alone,

You'll know we had a bad one and we're feeling mighty down.

We don't do it for the money you know we don't get paid,

We don't do it for the glory but for life that might be saved.

Somewhere deep within us our souls are crying out,

We're here to help our neighbors in their hour of pain and doubt.

God gave us something special to help us see you through,

we do it cause we love you and we care about you too.

Author Unknown


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