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The 23rd Letter

Written on: 4-13-98

Greetings honored citizens of the clan. There is much to report and little time to report it in, so I wilt make this brief. There hath been many rumors of war of late, to the regret of us all. However, 2 such wars hath already been aborted afore they began, and others hath died down almost as quickly. Peace is with us, for now. But do not ease thy vigilance because of this.

Next, two new orders of elite fighters and one new order of magi wilt be created in the chathouse, the elder orders hath been filled to capacity. The purpose behind these orders wilt likely be offensive and or general troubleshooting.

And whilst I am thinking on it, Thunder, the governor in chatalot, formally invites each of yea to come by there, tis not an order, merely an invitation. *S*

The constitution is written, and I wilt show it to thee when i decide on a national Anthem for the CDC Empire. if yea wish to nominate one, go here and select one of the midis. *S* if yea prefer one o'er any of those, e-mail it to me at me usual address. *S* there have been some new additions to the CDC Page so explore a bit. *S* Now faretheewell noble friends followers and citizens of the Crystal Dragons Clan.


-King Archos Zyan Vryce Griffinsbane Godslayer
