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The 24 Letter

Written On: 4-20-98

Greetings and welcome honored citizens of the clan. First I wish to welcome those of yea that art new or recent citizens of the CDC Empire. I am glad thou hast found a home amongst us, may yea prosper as do we. There is some news to report, but not o’erly much.

The national anthem hast not yet been decided upon, and so I wilt na unveil the constitution as yet either. *S* thou wilt have to wait for a time methinks, but not to much longer.

There art new rounds of rumors about, mostly bad, a goodly number refering to one inevitable war or another. Whilst they remain rumors, we canna simply discount them. We must remain ever vigilant and ready for war on any and all fronts. However I think the Empire wilt remain strong and free from harm despite these rumors.

The original, elder orders of the CDC Empire, hath been filled for the most part. And so two new orders art going to be created as of today. "The Shadow Essense" and the "Order of the Morning Light" And tomorrow, the roster page wilt be redone.

And if I may go out of character a moment, I’m proud to announce that my novel, "The Crystal Dragon Saga" (guess where the title comes from *S*) has found the interest of a publisher. I’ll let you know if it gets published. *S*

And now I bid thee farewell mine friends and citizens. May honor and fortune be thine now and forevermore. *smiles again and is gone*


King Archos
