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The 26th Letter

out of character: sorry this letter is late, my comp at home went down and i couldn't do anything.

in character: Mine citizens, tis WAR! the clan of Alante, led by members of the old Dark Trinity, have come, they seek to o'erthrow the Empire, and take our lands from us. This wilt NOT be allowed, one of our number has already fallen, or so they claim, Anarion they say, hath been slain, and mine daughter, Earth Song, hath been attacked.

There wilt be no compromise here. Not in this. If ANYONE, bearing the Alante tag on their name enters one of the CDC Empire lands, tis to be considered aggression and the person asked to leave, if they danna, then they had best be under a flag of truce, or banner of war. Martial the forces of the Empire, wbs citizens, our capital province is under threat. ((to get to the chathouse, type: register, and enter the east wing.)) Fly to us with all speed.

This is the CDC Empire provinces, watch for the foe in these places.

Read the magic book

Danna hesitate to use fell magics against thy foes.

Arm thyselves for war

Arm thyselves with any blade that yea wish. Let this end and quickly.

If yea have icq, my uins are: 4575673 & 6934394

They have begun it, but WE wilt end it.
