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The 32nd Letter

Written On: 6-15-98

I have na o'erly long, so i wilt be brief mine people. In the last week, the empire hath gained land in the wolfpack's den after negotiations with ghaleon, we may settle there freely now. *S* I wilt put it on the provinces page upon the morrow.

Next, I am now wedded to Queen Edain of the Stormreaver Clan and Fulcoth. Twas a diplomatic mairrage, but I am quite happy with it indeed. *G* As per the mairrage, I am now the High King of the Stormreaver Clan and the Ard Rhi (ruler is a rough translation) of Fulcoth. (check the history page for the full update on whats happened in the last week).

Further, we now have our own WEBRING! The Crystal Dragons Clan Empire ring is now fully opperational. *G* simply go to the links page, tis the first ring when yea get below the links. All are welcome to join of course, CDC or not.

Well, that about wraps it up for this week, oh, and i have a bounty on mine head. Now thats it. *S* Faretheewell mine noble friends followers and family.


King Archos

P.S.: if i seem a bit annoying or ill tempered lately. its because irl i haven't been sleeping much. i'll be getting me sleep tomorrow, and then i'll back to my regular self again. Also, i'm testing out a new gaming system, and archos is more vulnerable to berzerker status, so if he seems easily provoked, thats why, won't last but a day or two before i change that though. k. bye now. *S*
