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The 34th Letter

Written On: 7-7-98

Greetings honored citizens, my regrets that this letter comes to yea late yet again. I have temporarily lost net access at home, and so had to wait till coming on campus to write and send this to yea.

First off, and the most sorrowful, is that Xian De Chaos, the First Guardian of the CDC Empire, is now officially BANISHED and EXILED from the CDC. He is stripped of rank, title, and citizenship, and his name wilt be etched upon the Tomes of Dishonor.

He is being ejected for the following crimes, there art others, but i have little time, so i'll only list a few.

Those art just a few, he wilt be stricken from all records save the Tomes of Dishonor, let him remain there.

Next, the Empire's fleet of war and trade ships wilt be constructed begining on saturday. Under the direction of Sailor, the Lord Admiral, for the War fleet, and Skyla, my daughter, supervising the trading fleet's construction.

Further, the pages for the fleet's as well as two new ones, the Hall of Heroes and the Tomes of dishonor shouldst be up and completed by next monday. I'll let yea know then. *S* Also, a new order hath been created, though tis na ready to become part of the empire until after i hath finished with other matters, the Dark Angels, a former division of Arctuurus, elected to leave them and join with the CDC.

To the Stormreaver's, I hath heard that some of thou art concerned for the absorbtion of thee and thine into the Empire, the concern i hath heard voiced, is that yea wilt be used as cannon fodder so to speak. Well i wilt tell yea this, i wilt NE'ER put yea to a risk i wouldst na undertake myself. I give yea mine word.

Lastly, i see i'll have to explain the previous letter more fully. I mentioned that there wast a freeze on membership with some clans. All that means is that yea canna join those clans until further notice. those that art already members, fine, no need to make a choice. This hath been done to look to see if there is a conflict of interest in such membership. Tis becoming a common practice by many elder clans, and by no means reflects animosity with those clans listed. it merely reflects a lack of information. The only clan there is a ban on is Arctuurus.

That about sums it up for this week. Fair fortune mine citizens.


King Archos