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The 41st Letter

Written On: 8-25-98

Greetings and good day unto yea. Yes I know I am late again. *laughs* Such is the way of things when real life comes first. *martyred sigh* In any case, I give yea the news for today. The page hath been updated, the new things

Now for the updated listing of

Next up, Gideon hath struck out at the Ard Rhigan Edain. Feel free to kill him shouldst yea desire. Lil and Scream Khad attacked Bright Ttreum and Sera in Eden yea may kill them too shouldst yea desire.

Further, one of the number amongst the sabbat that didst strike out at the Empire's capital, hath been slain. The remaineder of the forces that struck out hath since been held off for reasons of their own or their sires, and the Black Hand of the Sabbat, or rather a few of them, hath been dispatched to kill me. Needless to say I look forward to testing the best amongst them.

Also in a great battle in the Kingdom of Eden today, the Iron Thugz army wast routed completely and totally and left with several casualties to their forces. Howerr, the contemptuous and unwarrented response by the Queen Avengelyne towards us after the plea her subject sent wast responded to and accomplished, hath ENDED the once eternal Alliance with the Kingdom of Eden as of midnight tonight.

I know tis a shock, but tis forced upon us. That even, the Iron Thugz Infantry struck out at the Empire's Capital of New Agropas, and they were eliminated, the few survivors from their ranks were tended to, and sent back to their leaders alive.

Thus is the news for the week. Fair fortune mine citizens.


King Archos Zyan VryceGriffinsbane Godslayer of CDC Empire and Stormreaver clan

P.S. There art some internal difficulties within the Shadow Clan ranks, stay out of them if tis at ALL possible. Tis of EXTREME importance that yea do so.