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The 43rd Letter

Written On: 9-9-98

Good day again my people. Good news. Confessor, a malevolent foe to mine wife and unto myself, hath surrendered and is now deep within the dungeon. Thus be to all. He is bound o'er as a bondsman, to fight for dragondale city. On this date, 9-17-98 Dragondale City hath requested volunteers from the empire to do battle beside their forces. ooc: to get to wbs, go here: and head to the chat, then the role playing chat, and then to dragondale or wherever you want. Noframes version is the most like the chathouse. Hold, I have just recieved word that war hath been averted by the enemy general's death. His force scattered when that occured.

Further news, a new land hath been discovered by the scout, Jagor~Hunter of Slayers, he hath discovered a land known as the Citadel. Enjoy it. *G* Explore as thou dost wish.

Also, mine appolagies for the lateness in the extreme for this, however irl i have had to much to do. (2 tests in one day to prepare for) college is heating up, so i am able to spend less and less time here. However i will still be around often enough.

Also, the next census is coming up, which means those of yea that have remained inactive for a certain amount of time, without notice, wilt be removed from the roster, the mailing list, etc. and lose thy positions within the Empire.

Also, let us now mourn Mollin, who didst die in the defense of the Wolfpack against Altercation. She wilt be the first placed upon the Hall of Heroes. And well wilt she be remembered.

Thus sayeth I faretheewell, glad tidings and good fortunes to yea all. ooc: newsletter will be bimonthly for a while, but will be out even if late.


King Archos