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Provinces in the Crystal Dragons Clan Empire

New Agropas

The Capital city of the Crystal Dragons Clan, it is the seat of power for the Empire. A mainly mountainous countryside, dotted with a few forests and fertile plains, it is indeed a beautiful, but deadly, sight for one intent on aggression. Look upon the emerald mount:

Crystal Dragons Clan room-east wing

Galen Thal

The former capital and soon to be shared with the House of KMAC, it lies far to the south and west of the new one, it is mainly a plain, but it lies upon the coastal lands, making it a common port for ships and dragons going to and from the Dragondale City colony in wbs. In the morning it shines with blue radiance beyond that of a saphire:

In the evening it is red beyond the rarest ruby:

The Mouse Trap-east wing

Historical Note: The land held by the Nation of Camelot, wast taken by the Mutiny Alliance during the first M.A. Camelot war and they now hold to terrains there (two slots), in which New Camelot now resides, the rest remains in the Empire's hands, thus giving the M.A. and the CDC a new mutual border.


Shared by treaty with the Nation of Camelot, the beauty and tranquility of this place, is loved by King Archos dearly, it was his home for a time, when he first began considering ending the CDC's nomadic ways, its greenery and gentleness of spirit both in its land and in its residents, restores the soul like nothing else in all the east:

Camelot's Garden-east wing

The Rainforests and plains of Motinia

Gained as a gift by Queen Salika of the Amazon Women, it is the farthest south of the Empire, and is a major hunting ground for sportsmen, it is only sparcely settled, particurally at the central isle and is highly underdeveloped by intention, its pristine and untamed landscape is a gem that will forever be cherished and defended:

The crypt-east wing

Western Yana

Located in the far east of the crypt's mainland, across the golden sea, the castle lands are settled by the colonists semi developed except for the seacoast, whose jaggad cliffs and dreamlike sea make for excellent fishing sailing and, near the edge, a natural port through which much traffic passes freely.

The Golden Sea:

The borders of Yana:

The Castle-enchanted castle

Dragondale City

Existing far distant from the mainland of the empire, it is a lond and tiring journey to and from this remote, but wonderous land. Purchased by King Archos during a period of general expansionism, the great city lies on the coast, and though a good many miles of land has been purchased, it is not entirely on the inland, and so, to increase the land holdings there, several moderate to large islands have been and are being raised out at sea, the eldest of which art shown here:

Dragondale City-WBS

Voidossos-east wing

(the void)

Gained by treaty with Alante after the 2nd Trinity War, it's gain marked a new period of expansion for the Empire, the land is shared with them and is to become a major shipping and military staging area of the empire. Its great seas and many coves make for a fine place to extend further control out into new regions. It is mainly coastal land, but its mountains to the east make a perfect military base as well as quarry and mining station, and the sea is filled with foods unknown, Islands are currently being raised out to sea to increase the dominion there.

Kalkanost-east wing

(Wolfpack's Den)

Shared by treaty with Ghaleon, it is a young and fertile landscape, though cold to the west. Also gained during the second age of expansion, just days before King Archos gained the title of Ard Rhi of Folcuth and King of the Stormreaver Clan by mairrage to Queen Edain. Kalkanost is the main settlement, surrounded by open plains filled with small game and fertile fields. Its name translates into "Land of beauty". Why? Look and see.

Tir Tainigri Edain'elia'Lenae-east wing

(The House of Tenshi)

On 9-25-98, the year of the dragon on the day of the wolf, King Archos Of the CDC Empire expanded the dominion and power of his people into the lands of Tenshi. It wast renamed in honor of his beloved Ard Rhigan, as Tir Tainigri Edain'elia'Lenae. It is expected to produce vast amounts of both metals, and food stuffs of both meat and great fruits, as well as grain. And may serve as a military outpost at which troops will be trained. Its vast plains are marked by a single great mountain at it's center.

Zyanyalan-east wing

(The Darkwind)

In the year of the dragon on the day of the lair, King Archos of the CDC Empire expanded the dominion of his people into the collapsed kingdom of the Darkwind. Dividing the land between his people and the M.A. supported faction, the Black Tigers, it is an ample wilderness in which many artifacts can be found, and resources of many kyns harnessed. The capital of the province of what is now Zyanyalan in honor of the Ard Rhi's birth mother, is much like the rest of the land. Which is to say, jungle: