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Pictures of Labrador

Here are some pictures of Labrador... Hope you like what you see and maybe come here to visit sometime....:O) Alright... I think it's about time that i did give a little explaination of where or what each or these pictures of labrador are...:O)

This picture i'm still tryin' to figure out where it was taken.... *lol* Pretty good eh... It's a good picture of Labrador though....

This is a picture of a Lake that is about 5 minutes from my house.... as you can see it was taken in the winter time and there are a lot of ski-doo tracks on it.... this is due to the fact that it is the lake that is used for racin' ski-doo's on in the winter time.... It's a fairly long lake....

This is a picture of a dog kennel about 5 minutes from my house...:O)

This is a picture of a ski-doo trail in Labrador...:O) A lot of the scenery in the winter time here is like this... it's very peaceful and relaxin'...:O) There is however groomed ski-doo trails here now... It is definately a place for ski-doo lovers... there are ski-doos galore here....

Here is some Labrador scenery

Here is another picture of Labrador scenery in the summer...:O)

Another Labrador Scenery Picture.....:O) Look refreshin' don't it...:O)

here is a picture of the Manic 5 Dam in Quebec..... this is what you will see if you drive into Labrador from the quebec side...:O) From End to end this dam is exactly 1km long...:O)

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