====================================================================== FILE ORIGINATES FROM: <> UPLOADED BY: Tom Mickus DATE OF UPLOAD: FEB/15/1990 ====================================================================== ====================================================================== LAZAR10.TXT [ ***] U.S. Govt "Summary Report" on Lazar? ====================================================================== ====================================================================== NOTE: This file was received anonymously here at my Fidonet address, from a mailer using an unlisted Fidonet number of (1:999/999). The file was sent along with a short msg, which I will reproduce here: " DEAR FRIEND: HERE IS A FILE THAT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN. I SUGGEST YOU LOOK AT VERY VERY CLOSELY. IT CONTAINS MORE THAN WHAT IS EASLY (sic) READABLE." ======================================================================= ======================================================================= SUMMARY REPORT 2 Feb 1990 Sub: Robert Lazar Scope: Background and personality 1. The purpose of this report is to detail the available background of Mr Robert Lazar. Since his recent exposure to the media and the attention it has placed on the activities in the test range this will function as an internal document for staff briefings on the matter. 2. The subject has been employed by a DoD contractor to service and maintain ECM simulator sites in the test complex. At no time has he been admitted to the advanced systems test area. Contractor personnel are familiar with this area thru the peer gossip that occurs. As far as can be determined Mr Lazar has not had access to any current programs in the area nor does the contractor support team he was associated with have clearance for these projects. 3. After a review of his background it is highly likely that the subject seeks recognition thru the spotlight of the media. Mr Lazar has been featured on a local TV program as well as visits to radio talk programs. All indications are that he is highly intelligent but is not satisfied with his level of achievement in his current profession. Checks with his co-workers backup this assessment. 4. All inquiries about Mr Lazar should be handled thru the Nellis AFB Public Affairs office. No further action is recommended or required. As of this date Mr Lazar has not released any sensitive or classified information for which he may have had access. =============================== End of File ================================= ============================================================================= = Directory Listing of <> Computer Bulletin Board Systems = ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> Board Name System Data Phone Baud Net/Node Location Operator Remarks Hours ============================================================================= <> THE CRUCIBLE Tom 416-237-1204 12/96 HST (1:250/440) Toronto, ON Mickus Canadian Hub 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> Nexus Linda 602-526-8025 3/96 HST (1:304/1) Flagstaff, AZ Murphy 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> LATTICE~ Rod 405-277-3603 3/96 HST (1:147/66) Luther, OK Wilson American Hub 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> Astro-Net David 714-662-2294 3/24 (1:103/903) Costa Mesa, CA Rice 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> Radio Free Milwaukee Pete 414-351-1823 3/96 HST (1:154/414) River Hills, WI Porro Multi-line 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> Studio PC Ralph 813-862-8850 3/96 (1:377/2) Port Richey, FL LoBianco 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> The Briefcase BBS Mike 316-652-9202 3/24 (1:291/3) Wichita, KS Holcomb 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> BXT-1761 David 512-298-1761 3/24 (1:136/402) Del Rio, TX Winters 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> The Arts Rap Bob 716-223-7874 3/24 (1:260/234) Rochester, NY Branch 24 Hrs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= = FOR AN UPDATED LISTING OF BOTH UFONET BBSs AND FILES, WRITE: TOM MICKUS = = UFONET BBS NETWORK, BOX 388, STATION W, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA M6M5C1 = ============================================================================= ============================================================================= = IF YOU HAVE ANY UFO RELATED INFORMATION THAT YOU WOULD LIKE US TO SEE = = OR HAVE DISTRIBUTED, YOU CAN NOW SEND IT VIA OUR NEW UFONET FAX LINE. = ============================================================================= = ------>>> UFONET FAX HOTLINE - 24 Hrs - (414) 351-2075 <<<------ = =============================================================================