Crusader No Remorse
Developer - Origin
Publisher - Electronic Arts
Players - 1
Extras - Memory card
The bit on the box
"As a Silencer - one of the elite
enforcers of the World Economic Consortium - you're supposed to be incorruptible.
But if the system you serve is utterly corrupt, where does that leave you?
Now, your former employers better watch their backs because you're coming
after them with all the firepower at your command. No
In Crusader we have yet another PC port which has
caused the graphics to suffer somewhat through the transfer. Everything
is a much lower resolution now, and although the effect on a television
doesn't look too bad it is still certainly no Rapid Racer as far
as sharpness is concerned. The game itself is shown in isometric 3D (remember
that?) which serves the game style well, except when the Silencer walks
behind a piece of scenery and cannot be seen for a split second, sometimes
in that same second a large mini-gun turret sets it's mind to shoot you
to smithereens. The nice thing is that most of the scenery can be blown
up (well that's one way to get it out of the way, even if it does set off
the alarms at times). Animation is pretty standard, with the main character
reminding me of a Stormtrooper action figure I had as a child (he even
has the same cracks in his bum...ooer).
This is one of those games that will appeal to pyromaniacs
everywhere. If you can't caused something (or someone) to combust with
an enormous explosion then you can probably set it on fire (in the case
of enemies they run about screaming until they drop dead). The weapon sound
effects sound good and powerful and there are other effects about that
create a decent futuristic action atmosphere (voice alarms, computer bleeps,
klaxons, etc), as does the techno-oriented soundtrack. The voice acting
is pretty good too with Hollywood actors no doubt being used (it is an
Origin game after all) although I did notice some of the conversation scenes
between missions have been cut out for the PlayStation version.
If you can't blow it up, kill it! If you can't kill it,
pick it up! If you can't pick it up, blow it up! The control system takes
a little bit of getting used to but with practice you can be running, rolling,
and shooting with the best of them. The player needs all the moves available
to him in order to survive, because Crusader can get very difficult
in later levels. The main problem with the game is that it does get repetitive,
and even though Origin have put in a spattering of puzzles throughout they
mainly consist of "find the key, unlock the door, kill people and blow
everything up". You do also get to take control of robotic walkers now
and then, but unfortunately this doesn't really change the gameplay any
(it still remains for the most part a manic shooter).
I feel a verdict coming on
If you are a homicidal pyromaniac firestarting arsonist
then you'll probably love Crusader. It also has a pretty decent
storyline that follows the action, but overall unless you really love blowing
things up and shooting people then this game will grow old very fast. More
puzzle elements were needed to spice up the game and the loss of some of
the FMV scenes from the PlayStation version doesn't help make the game
appeal to those who have already played the PC version. It is an average
port of an exciting game, and for the most part the main elements have
been brought over successfully. An enjoyable game for awhile, this would
make a good rental for anyone who needs to blow off some steam.
Review by D.R.T.Barrett