Developer - Visual Concepts
Publisher - ASC
Players - 1
Extras - Memory card, Analog
The bit on the box
"One man, One solution, One state
of mind. Flip, climb, hang, slide, blast, and fight through five multi-level
3D worlds. Rage-up with unique RAGE meter. Powerful assault weapons. Vicious
physical attack combos. Live or die by your State of Rage."
If you like action movies with more special effects and
explosions than actual storyline, then you are going to love One.
All the graphics in the game are crisp and well detailed, and remind me
more than a little of Crash Bandicoot, except with high tech craft
and soldiers rather than cutesy animals. There are so many explosions in
fact, that sometimes you will not be able to see what is happening around
you, causing death a few times in what would be relatively safe places,
and while this can be frustrating you soon learn tactics to get you out
of these tight spots. The animation in the game, ranging from the main
character to the helicopters and jets trying to blow him away, are quite
simply excellent, although enemy soldiers seem more static most of the
time than moving.
One uses a superb orchestral score that blends
extremely well with the "film" feel of the game, although sometimes the
music can be lost in a large barrage of explosions (which of course happens
frequently). Luckily this matters not, as the sound effects have been given
the same attention to detail as the graphics, with some of the best explosion
and gunfire sound effects I have heard in a shooting game to this date.
There are also small voice overs from the enemy soldiers, who frequently
communicate with each other via radio and chat about your status and whereabouts,
which really creates a good feeling of being on the run.
At first the gameplay reminded me a little of Crash
Bandicoot, as it is essentailly a platform game that runs on
"rails", with the camera angle changing on occasion to give a different
perspective of the action. That's where the comparison ends however, as
in One there is absolutely no time to hang around looking at the
scenery! From the outset you are under heavy fire, and only by constant
movement and fighting back can you increase your Rage meter (an excellent
idea, the more Rage you have the more powerful you are) and keep you alive.
Jumping can be a little haphazzard because of the sensitive controls, but
a little practice can get you by with little trouble. One only has
6 levels, the first four of which are very easy to negotiate through, and
only when you make it to the fifth and sixth levels do you really hit the
hard gameplay. I would have preferred more levels, but what is there will
have you playing for quite awhile as each level is very large.
I feel a verdict coming on
I can say that I enjoyed One more than I thought
I would. I haven't played that many third person shooters and didn't know
quite what to expect, but saying I was pleasantly surprised would be a
huge understatement. Though it could be longer, what is there is extremely
entertaining, and because of the ease of the first four levels, it is easy
to get into even for those players not used to this amount of fast and
intense action. The Rage meter is a brilliant idea, and as long as the
meter is above green (the lowest amount of Rage) then your character is
indestructible to enemy fire (but can still die if he falls from a height).
If I was to say one thing against this fine game, it would be the weak
storyline. Some nice CGI cutscenes to tell the story behind the character
would have been nice, and really would have completed the polished look
this game already has. All in all though, an extremely satisfying shooter.
Review by D.R.T.Barrett