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 Resident Evil 2

Developer - Capcom
Publisher - Capcom
Players - 1
Extras - Memory card

The bit on the box

"Can you survive the horror? First there was the disaster at the mansion lab. Umbrella Corp developed the T-Virus, a muta-genic toxin for use in biological weapons. After breaking loose, living things mutated into all sorts of decaying creatures. The case was eventually closed, but Umbrella's experiments were far from over. Now it's the worst possible nightmare: a new virus runs rampant. All of Raccoon City is infested. Blood thirsty zombies, hideous mutations now overwhelm the community. When Leon and Claire arrive in town their nightmare is just beginning...You now control their destiny. If the suspense doesn't kill you...something else will!"


The graphics in Resident Evil 2 are a huge improvement over it's predecessor (that's not to say the graphics in the first game weren't good as well). Although much of the game still takes place inside buildings the outdoor city areas are extremely well done and convincingly teeming with the walking dead. All the backdrops are done in rendered art, while all the characters and other assorted creatures are done in polygons, which are well drawn and textured. The animation for the characters and the monsters is also improved from the original and some of the things you will do battle with are truly hideous. There are also rendered cut-scenes now instead of FMV and I have to say they are the best CGI rendered movies I have ever seen in a video game (even better than Soul Blade's intro).


In my opinion it is the sound that really makes this game. Sound effects range from creepy to downright scary, and ambient music helps build up tension until something finally leaps out at you, making you jump in your seat. The zombies groan and scrape their feet along the ground, and you can even hear them in ajacent screens (a good warning that something is around the next corner, something horrible!). Weapon sound effects haven't changed much from the first game, but then the gunshots from the original sounded authentic anyway. The voice acting deserves a mention too, as there is no truly cheesy acting here, but this doesn't hurt the game as many predicted, as it gives a polished feel to Resident Evil's bigger budget brother (the first game seemed like a B-movie, so the acting fitted, but that style of acting would not have worked in the sequel).


If you enjoyed Resident Evil then you will enjoy this game even more. The control system is the same, and the characters target better when shooting. All the camera angles give a good view of the action, although you still get the odd blind spot when you can hear a zombie moving but cannot see it until it is almost upon you. If I was to find a major criticism it would be that due to the nature of the secrets and bonuses in the game (the faster you complete it the more bonuses you can obtain) the game can seem a little short. This is combated however by the differences in the storyline from playing with either character, so in fact you can play the game 4 times and have new things to see. There are also two bonus characters/subgames to find, but one of these is ridiculous and could have been left out.

I feel a verdict coming on

There is no doubt that Capcom have outdone themselves with Resident Evil 2, they have improved every facet and fault of the original and have added some great surprises and a well written storyline. There isn't really a big competitor for these types of games, so Capcom could have been forgiven for doing a re-hash of the first game, but to their credit they have put in a large deal of effort (and dollars) in making a sequel both worthy and better than it's predecessor. If you are a Resident Evil fan then I shouldn't have to tell you to go buy this game, but if you have never played it before then rest assured you are missing out on something very special indeed (only if you like horror though!).

Review by D.R.T.Barrett