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 Wing Commander 3

Developer - Origin
Publisher - Electronic Arts
Players - 1
Extras - Memory card

The bit on the box

"Origin places Hollywood on the PlayStation with you as the star! Turn your PlayStation into a home theatre with Wing Commander III, Heart of the Tiger. Join an all star cast that includes Mark Hamill and Malcolm McDowell and immerse yourself in a futuristic adventure that combines Hollywood Movie making expertise with the adrenaline pumping gameplay of a space combat simulation. Your actions will determine the eventual outcome in the final decisive showdown between Terran and the Kilrathi forces. Four PlayStation disks hold full speech, explosive sound, an interactive plot and live action video images. Multiple camera angles and complete interactive player control bring space combat simulation to new heights of cinematic realism."


Wing Commander 3 is a fairly respectable port of the third chapter in the popular series on the PC. The FMV actually looks much better than the PC version, although admittedly it is quite obvious that green screening has been used rather than real sets. The in-game engine is a little disappointing, and not as smooth or sharp as I had hoped it would be. Space looks very "flat" also, not really giving a good effect of traveling about in a spacecraft at high velocities. Dogfights look quite good but when you attack a capital ship the action tends to slowdown to a snail's pace with the amount of gunfire going on around you. The programmers seem to have had little confidence in converting this title to PlayStation, as they have axed the ground based missions completely and replaced them with animated CG movies.


The sound in Wing Commander 3 is actually rather good, with a great "epic" sounding soundtrack that appears very orchestral (even though it is only general Midi), and the combat sound effects giving a good feel of being in the thick of it. The sounds in the dogfights really makes you feel like being involved in some "Star Wars" type battle, as not only do you hear the searing blasts of gunfire but also the radio communications of your wingmen. The acting in the FMV parts of the game are Hollywood quality and do alot to enhance the overall storyline, which has always been a key point in the Wing Commander series of games.


I'm sorry to say that the control system for the game has suffered much in the translation from the PC to PlayStation. Whereas much of the keyboard was used at times in the PC version now the player has to used button combinations to access various things in flight (some of which are a little complicated especially in the midst of battle). A slow framerate can also make it difficult to target enemies if they are a distance away, and makes it impossible to maneuver when close to large capital ships. The missions are all waypoint based, but there is a large variety in what you have to do which does keep the game interesting enough to play so you can see what happens next in the plot, that's if you can control your ship well enough to survive the missions that is.

I feel a verdict coming on

A good story backed up by bad controls and a below par graphics engine may doom Wing Commander 3 to more obscurity than it's PC cousin. Longevity is also a factor as once you have played through the game once you may never go back to it again unless you are a diehard fan of the series. If there is a next time Origin may want to consider overhauling the graphics engine for these games as the storylines and high quality production of the FMV deserve alot better than what accompanies them at this time, even if they have to dump some of the graphics detail to get an overall smoother feel (maybe graphics similar to the Amiga classic Epic). If you are into space epic movies try renting this one or picking it up cheap, otherwise stay away.

Review by D.R.T.Barrett