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Bob's characters

Ok, so here you are.
This page is being constantly updated so you can call back any time to see my latest creations.
From the top is my most recent characters in descending order.
I'm presuming that you have most of the supplements for the game
(Quick and the Dead, Book of the Dead etc.) If you don't you might have to make one or two changes but the basics are sound.
The character I am currently using is called Schijima and is the Sixth Devil of the Kimo. I don't expect this to mean anything to you unless you have seen the Manga movie 'Ninga Scroll' but he is still a damn fine character. I have created some new skills for him to reflect those he has in the film but he is basically a harrowed character. You might think them a bit powerful in which case you haven't seen some of the adventures we run:) But feel free to copy and/or make any changes to the character you want. He also makes an excellent NPC (non-player character) as Potts has used him in the past. And here's some pictures of him:

And here's him talking.
Well as you probably have guessed from the name he is a devil. He comes from Japanese mythology rather than America so what is he doing here then? Well he serves his master Gemma who summoned him and the other devils with unswerving loyalty. So when Gemma came to America so did his devils (all eight of them). But Gemma's death quite recently released Schijima and the other devils from their bond ans they are now free to do a they will......
Perhaps they will come under the sway of the reckoners?
Mental Traits
Search 1
Area Knowledge Home Country: Japan 2
Language: Japanese 2 American 1
MIEN : 3D6
Spirit : 2D8

Corporeal Traits
Throwin: claw 5
Climbin 2
Dodge 5
Horse Ridin 2
Sneak 5

Wind : 14

Edges and Hindrances
Veteran of the Weird West
Self Righteous 5
Obligation : Gemma 2 now void
Mark o' the Devil 5
Outlaw 5
Unnatural appetite 5

The Voice Grating 1

Harrowed Powers
Relic : 5 His Claw
Possesion : 5 As normal but he requires his saliva inside the target (gross I know but it happens in the film) Both he and the target make a spirit roll but he gets +5.
Shadow Walk : 5 Similar to Huckster version. With one action make a TN5 Spirit roll. If you succeed roll 5D8. This is the distance in yards Schijima can travel. Has to be from one shadow to another and both have to cover his entire body.
Illusion : 5 With one action Schijima can create 5 identical copies of himself to confuse his opponent. It requires one action and a TN11 Cognition roll to pick out which one is the real thing. Otherwise all shots/punches have a one in six chance of hitting the target (because there is six of him).

Weapons and Equipment
This is no ordinary claw. I got a five point Relic power in order to be allowed it. Most of the time it lives inside his arm in what looks like some sort of strange tattoo. But this claw can shoot out of his arm and impale people up to 50 yards away. It remains connected to his arm by a long chain and has to be wound back in in order to fire it again. To represent this the first time it is fired it is speed one but he then has to spend one action winching it back in before it can be fired again. This means that with an opposed strength role Schijima can pull anything embedded in the claw towards him, but it also works vice versa. It is his only weapon and indeed his only piece of equipment (but I don't see it getting lost or confiscated in a hurry unless they chop his right arm off).
Weapon : Claw
Shots : n/a
Speed : 1/2
ROF : 1
Damage : str+2D10
Range : 10
Notes : Need throwing: claw skill. Target gets a TN7 dodge roll if not surprised. Does double wind that also affects harrowed.

Black Joker : Favour. The other seven devils of the Kimo are willing to help him out in a fix....
Veteran of the Weird West : The Texas Rangers have a file on him and will most certainly shoot or recruit him should they catch him.

More coming soon....
