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Kirtley's characters

A list of M.Kirtley's characters: ones in italics have been used.

Character and occupation
El Topo
"Thief, Murderer and rapist, this is not a man, it is a thing. Take it away."
Rev. Billy Sunday
"I bring you hellfire etc." Shoots scum with Scattergun.
Johnny Johnson
Fat Doctor who got shot as an NPC in one of my adventures.
Buffalo Hunter, also died a NPC's daeth at the hands of a Devil bat
The Limey Kid
English Tinhorn Gambler and Gunslinger: f***ing top character. Shame I lost his sheet.
Major Shee
Brilliant Swordsman and leader of brave men. NPC death.
"Warrior and Thief" ...."I wish to die not of Hunger but in Combat" Mate of Tiny (Conan)
Jamesh Bond
"Double o sheven" Pinkerton in a tux, with Martini.
Venerable Yoji
"Violence only in self defence" Katana and Zen sticks, and eastern promise.
Beat Takeshi
Violent Cop.

El Topo
This is the only character who has survived right from the initial adventure (technically he died quite recently but is now harrowed). The only other is Pott's body facist Tiny who was used in the first adventure Potts was a member of the Posse instead of being the Marshall. You may have, but I doubt it, seen a 70's arthouse spaghetti western called El Topo, in Spanish with English subtitles, following the spiritual adventures of a drifter called (as the title suggests) El Topo. It is extremely surreal and, to say the least, dodgy and features the following, earning it several points in my book.

  • A naked boy who shoots someone.
  • A gratuitously massacred village..complete with lake of blood.
  • A cruicified goat..nuff said.
  • A stone in the desert that spurts water...upon seeing the stone the director was ecstatic...because it looked exactly like his phallus.
  • Several amusing rape scenes.
  • A mass execution.
  • A castration of the executioner by the avenging El Topo himself.
  • A man who tries to have sex with a shoe.
  • A town with an obese transexual sheriff.
  • El Topo starts to believe that he is god, then becomes a Budhist monk, but despite this, goes on to massacre a whole town.
    Class, eh?
    Apparently John Lennon was a big fan of this film, which might encourage tossers to like it, but it is a testimony to its brilliance that I still like it, despite his patronage. Oh, by the way I don't know why I don't like John Lennon, but unreasoning hatred is extremely healthy, it narrows the mind wonderfully. However, his woman Yoko Ono made a film about arses that lasted 2 hours and the pair of them put a simultaneous orgasm in the middle of an album. As if we don't know what one is. Oh you don't....sorry. Anyway, when I came to design my first character, i had just seen this film and thought its a canny cool name even though my Deadlands El Topo bears little resemblence to the pan-reality-trancendentel hippie with guns in the film...A sort of Western Charles Manson. My guy is a bandit, but however one similarity between the two is that, periodically, THEY BOTH THINK THEYRE GOD.

    I will give you a profile of El Topo as he is of 26/4/98
    DEFTNESS 4d12+4
    Shootin: Pistol 6, Shotgun 2, Rifle 4, Automatics 4,
    Speed Load: Pistol 3
    Throwin: Knife 1
    Climbin 1
    Dodge 3
    Fightin: Brawlin 6, Sword 1
    Horse Ridin 3
    Sneak 3
    STRENGTH 4d8
    QUICKNESS 4d12+4
    Quickdraw: Pistol 4, Shotgun 2
    VIGOR 4D10
    Scruitinize 1
    Search 1
    Trackin 1
    Area knowledge: New Mexico 2
    Language: Mexican Spanish 2
    Language: English 2
    MIEN 1d6
    Leadership 2
    Overawe 2 (+6)
    SMARTS 1d10
    Ridicule 2
    Survival: Plains 3
    Tinkerin 1
    SPIRIT 4d6
    Guts 4 (+10)

    Grit 8
    Wind 26

    Harrowed: Supernatural Quickness and Deftness
    Black Joker: Ancient Pact: Cat eyes 1
    Coup: Los Diablos: +1Armour on whole body

    Loco3: Think's He's invincible, Think' He's God (I usually think of a new madness when I grow tired of one 'antic disposition'
    Intolerance: Confederates 3
    Bloodthirsty 2
    Vengeful 3
    Outlaw 4 (Grand Larcenry, Murder, Assault, Rape)
    Hankerin: Tobacco 1

    Friends In High Places: Father Billy Sunday 1
    Renown 3
    Thick Skinned
    Tough as Nails 5
    The Voice: Threatening
    The Stare

    Double action Colt Peacemaker .45 (2)
    12-gauge Scattergun (2)
    12-gauge Winchester Lever-action (1)
    Colt Patterson 1836 Rifle .69 (1)
    Bowie Knife (1)
    Knuckle Duster (2)
    Holsters etc.
    Silencer Glove
    Ammo Belt

    Black shirt
    Black trousers with leather reinforcements for riding
    Fur Coat (for winter)
    Riding Boots
    2 Bottles of Tequila

    $2262 cash

    Father Billy Sunday
    Quite an interesting Holy man, his name is taken from a Fire n' Brimstone evangelist in 20's America who toured the country and became rich through 'donations.' Like the real Billy Sunday, our fictional character's handle is not his real one, merely assumed. My bible-basher's real name is the believable William Sunny. Billy Sunday taught the anti-hero El Topo lots of things, including how to shoot a gun. He also encouraged El Topo to seek out the killers of his brother (a group of Confederate officers) and kill them, his philosophy being that god favoured and sympathised with El Topo. Unfortunately El Topo took this a bit far and now claims to be god, or a god. Sunday puts up with El Topo because he thinks he is a useful tool against the evil infecting the USA, and having a psycho (albeit a stylish one) on the loose is small price to pay. Well tell the famillies of those Columbian's that after El Topo slaughtered 40 of them...(Pott's last adventure)..But I suppose they shouldn't have been in the same town as the phenominal El Topo.
    Billy Sunday is a good character to play because despite being a man of the cloth, he can also shoot well and is, well, off his head.
    To quote a popular Welsh rock band "The man don't give a f**k."

    DEFTNESS 3d8
    Shootin:Pistol 6, shotgun 2

    Climbin 1
    Fightin: Brawlin 3
    Horse Ridin 2
    Sneak 1

    STRENGTH 2d6

    Quickdraw: Pistol 2

    VIGOR 4d6+2

    COGNITION 3d10
    Scruitinize 1
    Search 1

    KNOWLEDGE 4d12
    Academia: occult 2
    Area Knowlege: California 2
    Language: English 2, Latin 1
    Medicine: General 4
    Professional: Theology 2

    MIEN 3d10
    Overawe 3
    Persuasion 2
    Tale Tellin 3

    SMARTS 1d6

    SPIRIT 4d12
    Faith 5
    Guts 3 (+1)

    Wind 18
    Grit 1

    Veteran of the Weird West: He is hunted by something or other that he pissed off in the past
    Mysterious Past
    Knack: Breach Birth

    He is surrounded by abominations. They advance. He calls upon God for protection. God replies: "NO! You have sinned, son of hell!

    Self-Righteous 3
    Loco 3
    Oath 3 (To wipe out the servants of the Reckoners)
    Obligation 1 (Wine and bread stuff)

    Belongings 2: a very fast horse
    Sand 2

    Holy Roller
    Lay on Hands (sounds a bit Greek)

    GUNS etc.
    Double action Colt Peacemaker.45 with quickdraw holster and two 12-gauge Scattergun
    Derringer .44 (hidden in cut out bible)
    Spare Peacemaker
    Peacemaker cylinder (2)
    Bible (Small club)
    Ammo Belt
    12 Silver Bullets

    Travel clothes
    Winter Coat
    10 Day's Rations
    Canteen for Holy Water
