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This page contains a description of the adventures we have run. I hope it provides information for fellow Marshalls and is a good read as well.

You may find some of the descriptions rather short. If this is the case it is because it was run so long ago no-one can remember the exact details. But don't worry all adventures we run from now on will have complete and acuurate descriptions.
I think these are in some sort of chronological order, the oldest first...

Marshall: Potts. Posse: Eltopo (Me) Crap gunslinger (Carl) Dodgy Indian (Thomas) Some crap Pinkerton (Bob)
Hanging around in a town, the other members gamble. El Topo gets bored and accuses a gunslinger of cheating at the ensuing fight 2 men are killed by El Topo (about 5 men klled in Total) and El Topo is slightly wounded...The posse escapes through a gunstore and nearly blows itself up and The Redskin is captured along with scalps and is scheduled to be hanged. The Posse is successful in breaking him out, and El Topo shoots a man in the head.

Marshall: Potts. Posse: Eltopo (Me) Johnny the gunslinger (Carl) Dodgy Indian (Thomas) Some crap Huckster (Bob)
The Posse is attacked by werewolfs and they are repulsed (and beheaded before they change back into human form, but Johnny is bitten by a head) and rob a stagecoach....The posse helps the union against the confederates by blowing up a bridge in return for cash and supplies...In a skirmish Eltopo kills a few greycoats and then covers the sappers Redskin and Gunslinger Johnny who blow the bridge. Bob's huckster nearly gets drowned by shadow-walking into a river. They then have to escape in the wake of a nightime confederate offensive, along with the rising of the battle-dead.

Marshall: Potts. Posse: Eltopo (Me) Johnny the gunslinger (Carl) Rabbies the Pirate (Thomas) Some crap Huckster (Bob)
The Posse first meets X, a supernatural being of dubious allegiance, and along with other characters the Posse is enlisted on a mission. El topo sits on a horse doing b*gger all while the Posse fight a hangin' judge, then kills some dodgy skeletons as the posse journeys to it's destination. Lodging in a homestead they are chased around by (yet more) Werewolves and El topo barricades himself in a room til light.

2nd part of same adventure Marshall: Potts. Posse: Eltopo (Me) Johnny the gunslinger (Carl) Rabis (Thomas) About-to-die Huckster (Bob)
The town is near, but X is being followed by Los Diablos, he wants someone to stay behind and help him fight, Bob volunteers, the rest near an abandoned and eerie town and the posse is attacked by scummy skeleton zombies who kill a couple of the group I'ts important because the guy reappears later, tormenting a female dancer, it was that time when somebody got tied to the toilet and Carl got dropped thru the roof....Another problem is that I can't remember when yours and Carl's characters go into one another....especially Carl's because theyre all the same!

Marshall: Bob. Posse: El Topo (Kirtley) Johnny the Gunslinger (Carl) Rabis (Thomas) Big dumb fighter (Potts) Eric the boring gunslinger(Arran)
The posse is hired by a rich gambler to provide as guards for a trip over the mountains. Get captured by a bunch of Ghouls in an underground cave network. Break out with the help of El Topo who evaded capture. Gambler turns out to be a Huckster and network of tunnels turns out to be an old mine. The miners were trapped inside the mine after a walll crawler (which the posse met) took up residence outside. Eventually they turned to cannabilism resulting in them turning to ghouls. The posse kicks the ghouls arses and try to escape when they are interrupted by a Mojave Rattler. Rabis makes mincemeat of it's tentacles with his sabre and the posse are out on the other side of the mountains. And that was the end after they had got an extortionate amount of money out of the Huckster to pay for their lost horses and belongings.
