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This is a group of highlights or funny bits taken from our adventures.
By far the funniest incident so far is Barry's confrontation with a skeleton. Upon seeing the skeleton (who was emerging from the ground so you could only see it's head) Barry drew his peacemaker and fired. Unfortunately the gun jammed. Unbowed he ran up to the head and attempted to kick it. Unfortunately he fumbled and only succeeded in stuccing his toe quite badly. Close by there happened to be a rocket pack (don't ask) so he hopped over and picked it up. Hopping back again he threw the rocket pack at the now almost fully emerged skeleton. He just hit it with some lucky dice rolls and managed to smash the grinning skull. Although to this day he sometimes get's nightmares with the sound of rattling bones.....

Another funny moment involved two friends (Jab and Arran). A large dog had attached itself to Arran (not physicaly). Now Arran and Jab (who was harrowed) were on a train in a deserted carraige. For some strange reason Jab decided he wanted to chop the dog up with a large sword he was carrying. Responding to this threat Arran pulled out his scattergun and threatened extreme pain. Jab brought his sword down and the dog died horribly. Arran fired, leaving a very large hole in Jab's guts. Jab got a shot off with his Peacemaker and scratched Arran who immediately high tailed it out of the carraige into the one adjoining. While this occured the dog began to reassemble itself(?) Jeffrey began fumbling for matches and pulled some sticks of dynamite out of his character (an indian called Fat Hippo) decided it was about time he abandoned the train and jumped off. The now undead and re-animated dog followed me. About five seconds later over half a dozen sticks of dynamite went off. Despite the door Arran was blown to the other side of the carraige and killed outright. The train was derailed and tipped onto it's side, finally coming to a halt a hundred yards away in a cloud of dust.
