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Hexes and other Powers

In this area I am going to add any hexes and other special powers I can think of.

There is only one hex and a few special powers available at the moment but don't worry they're worth it...

Hand: Ace
Speed: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 10 yards/hex level
This hex, as the name suggests, causes the target to experience vertigo and become badly disorientated. It acts as a more powerful version of the 'hesitate' trick from the Hucksters n' Hexes book. In the most extreme cases gunslingers have been known to drop their guns and clutch at their eyes. You simply nominate your target (one single person) and do the following. If you pass and get an Ace or better you have succeeded. The target must immediately make a Cognition check determined by the hand drawn to try and keep his wits about him. The base TN is 5 for an Ace and every hand above this minimum increases the TN by +2. Anyone passing the roll suffers no ill effects. Anyone failing the roll however sways on the spot as the world appears to spin round rapidly. They must discard a number of action cards equal to the hucksters skill in the hex.Read the example to make it clearer
Example: Arnold the huckster is facing up to an angry gunslinger who already has his gun out and is looking to blow poor Arnold away, who has nothing but his bare hands. Realising he has level 3 Vertigo Arnold casts it, rolling a 7 and drawing 5 cards. He doesn't do too badly and draws a pair of Jacks. The angry gunslinger is hit by this wave of nausea and has to make a TN9 Cognition roll. He rolls a 6 and fails. The one card he is holding is discarded. Next round the gunslinger gets 5 on his quickness roll and would normally draw two cards. But because he is still suffering from the Vertigo he doesn't draw any and just sits there for the rest of the round. This gives Arnold a chance to run up and bash him in his ugly mug.
If the hex is cast on someone with lots of action cards left the highest is always discarded first.

Special Harrowed Powers
Shadow Master
Speed: 1
Duration: instant
Range: self
To activate this power the Harrowed character must be fully covered by a shadow and use one full action. It's quite similar to the Huckster version of Shadow Walk. The Harrowed character declares the shadow he is going to appear in (which must be in line of sight). Work out the distance. The character needs a base Spirit TN5 roll with +5 for every 10 yards. The character can add his skill level to this roll.
For example Bill has level 3 in Shadow Master and is wanting to move to a shady porch 15 yards away. He works out that he needs a base TN of 5 plus 5 for the distance makes 10. He rolls his spirit of 3D8 and gets a 7, but adds 3 to this because of his level in the skill. He's just managed to do it.

Speed: 1
Duration: 1 round/hex level
Range: self
The Harrowed character creates identical copies of himself which fan out to confuse his opponents. These copies mirror any actions made by the original but if this proves impossible (eg. walk into a wall) they immediately vanishIn order to activate this power the character must have sufficient space, trying it in an enclosed corridor will automatically fail. The number of copies which appear is equal to the characters level in the skill and it also requires one action. Anyone looking directly at the character when he activates this power may make a TN11 Cognition check to keep track of which are real and which are illusion. Any further Cognition checks are at the same TN but one action card must be spent trying to see through the illusion. Obviously this power isn't much good if someone is already stood in front of you with a big sword but it does have it's uses. Anyone firing at you has an equal chance of hitting the fakes if they haven't passed a Cognition check.
Example Schijima has come up against some bandits and wants to make himself a harder target. Discarding his action card, 5 (his level in this power) copies of himself appear at either side of him. The two would-be bandits were both looking directly at Schijima but both fail their Cognition checks. Next it's the first bandit. He decides against using his action to make another Cognition check and instead relies on luck. He fires his peacemaker. As there is a total of 6 targets (5 copies plus the original) the bandit has a one in six chance of hitting the real Schijima. The Bandit rolls to hit as normal (dodge can be used). He hits and a D6 is rolled, the number one being the original. The D6 comes up a 3 and the bullet passes harmlessly through one of the illusions. However as a result this illusion vanishes, leaving only 5 and giving the second Bandit (who has pulled out a large knife) better get the idea.
