Creative Health Network - Australia
In October 1997 CHN-USA hosted the first Healing Summit in Monterey California and this attracted 230 people from 19 different countries. In partnership with the World Federation of Healing, CHN promoted a new form of conference, one, which was built on the principle that it was a meeting of peers.
Creative Health Network-USA had been asked to host The World Federation of Healing's interim conference and they eagerly grasped the chance to devise a forum for a gathering of ordinary yet extraordinary individuals. Because funding was limited, no one connected with the Healing Summit was paid, all donated of their time and expertise - even the highly qualified presenters and workshop leaders were happy to give freely to the unique opportunity for cooperation between equals. It was a leap of faith that such a concept could work but CHN's motto has always been that Spirit has a plan.
The event that took place in a hotel on Monterey Beach exceeded all expectations and was partly a joyous gathering with wonderful music, dance and artwork, and partly a serious conference addressing critical issues affecting the planet. It was truly an experience of envisioned community and left people profoundly moved and changed.
One of the achievements of the Healing Summit was the establishment of the following agreement.
Our Purpose:
Consciously Applying The Creative Principle
We acknowledge that all life on Earth is created by Universal Intelligence,
and that our role is to consciously cooperate with the Divine forces of
creation and compassion.
We agree to create, support, and implement that which unifies, balances,
and heals the Planet Earth.
We support that which is required for harmony to prevail within and between
all unique species, cultures, races, and realms.
We, as individuals, commit to be true to that which we hold most sacred in
our hearts.
We, as a community, commit to live our innate dynamic vision of wholeness,
mutual support, and expansion of consciousness for all beings.
We urge the application of this agreement in all human activity on Earth.
This agreement was considered and approved by the first Healing Summit in
Monterey, Californian October 17 1997, sponsored by the World Federation of
Healing and Creative Health Network-USA.
CHN-USA & UK presented the second Healing Summit at Glastonbury, UK August 25-30, 1998.
Many people attended this Summit, having heard of the great success of the first Summit. As before the conference was totally run and presented by volunteers and, as before, it attracted great humanitarians.
It is time for us all to weave the Dream
Living a Dynamic Vision of Wholeness
Creative Health Network-Australia is a group of Australians who work under the Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre umbrella to promote the belief that it is time for us all to work together as equals to achieve planetary and personal healing though global community and networking.

CHN envisions a world community of people who believe in the purposefulness of life, the unity of spirit-mind-body, and wellness as a daily practice and philosophy of living.
CHN's mission is, to work in unison with individuals, groups, and communities to help resolve societal problems and conflicts, to work to make individual and collective peace a reality, and to nurture the earth and all life. CHN's intent and purpose is to be an organic, living and responsive community without walls. It provides space, experiences and support that further and enhance group process, manifesting Unity and Diversity.
"Weaving a Rainbow Web and Manifesting the Dream"
Healing Summit 2000 - Australia
The Healing Summit 2000 was held in Australia, August 13th - 19th , 2000 on South Molle Island in North Queensland. It was a calling to be part of the fabric to be woven for global peace and harmony.
As before the Australian conference was totally run and presented by volunteers from Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre and CHN-Australia and, as before, it attracted great humanitarians.
We continued the energy of the Healing Summit by planting the seeds in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet. By entering into Dreamtime as our Aboriginal Elders do, we can focus and manifest our dream of an ensplendored Earth.
South Molle is a tropical Island cradled between the Whitsunday Passage and The Great Barrier reef and holds, it is said, the original template of the beauty we experienced in Lemurian times; a marriage between Heaven and Earth, land and sea. There is an Aboriginal Sacred Site on the Island and we had permission to use it. We had representatives from various indigenous peoples including a Ngaro Elder from the surrounding area.
All who attended the 4th International Healing Summit 2000 in Australia become a thread in the fabric we wove in the new millenium. We can make a difference! You can make a difference! The time is now for your to make a commitment to yourself, a commitment to the planet and a commitment to Spirit.
For more information about Creative Health Network - Australia and our Peace Gatherings contact:
Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, PO Box 105 Mackay Qld 4740. Tel/Fax 61 [7] 4957 7505, Email: Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
CREATIVE HEALTH NETWORK is an 'community' of people who are taking an active interest in the state of well being of individuals, groups, organisations, communities and our planet. CHN sponsors open dialogues, training seminars, healing projects, Spirit Has Plan gatherings, Interest Circles, Chat Groups and educational tours and peace gatherings.
SPIRIT HAS A PLAN (SHAP) gatherings are monthly get togethers which create a supportive environment where participants learn about and experience the work of fellow healers, educators, health practitioners and complementary therapists. By coming together in this way we can meet with our peers and ensure that none of us feel alone or isolated.
The SHAP gathering generally are organised in two parts separated by afternoon tea or lunch The first session is an open discussion based around a topic of current interest and encourages heart sharing that is spiritual and relevant to matters that have importance to all participants.
The second session is more structured, often with an invited guest speaker. This can be a member of the group sharing the experience of her/his particular work and methods, followed by an informal discussion/question and answer session.
SHAP gatherings are held at our Branches every four-six weeks. We request a $5 donation to cover costs.
Creative Health Network-Australia would like to invite interested people to join this dynamic group.
Write to-
Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, PhD
Creative Health Network-Australia
PO Box 105,
Mackay 4740, Qld.
Phone/Fax 07 49577505
View Our Guestbook
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South Molle Island
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