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Petals of Light Meditation


After you have completed your soundings [OM] (OHMS) invited the Archangels or those that you work with or your guides, directed the asking for your meditation and given thanks to all that have attended whether you see them or not after your asking they are there.

The Guided Meditation: Petals of Light

Dear Heavenly Father,

take us to that eternal field of flowers. (as you visualize walking through a field of beautiful flowers of your choice) Smell the fragrance as each flower comes into your vision, The roses, the lilies, the carnations, and those of your choice. Feel the softness of the just turned earth under foot. Continue to walk through this field until you have reached a state of Oneness with the creator and or Jesus.

Slowly sink down to your knees all the while smelling the fragrance of the flowers. Now slowly roll over as you are continuing down to lie on your back.

As you lie in this position bring your mind to the complete state of stillness (Think of nothing allow no foreign thoughts to enter your mind realm.) Continue to quiet the mind. Now the only thought to allow into your mind is the petals of all the flowers and the leaves are turning to gold and are falling on you. In that area of your body where the healing is needed.

As each petal or leaf lies upon you it turns to gold as you now visualize that blip of golden light being an angel that is bringing to you healing. Now see that angel of golden light becoming part of you. Now realize that you are the angels that reside within you. For they have brought with them the energy of God to fulfill all your askings. Continue to lie smelling the flowers until the last petal has fallen upon you and you have seen this petal become the light of God through the angel that brought it to you.

Now as you slowly rise up feel the wonderful feeling of exuberance that is surging through your being, feel God's presence surrounding your being, inundating your life permanently. Knowing that your healing is complete in every way, it is only your need to complete this feeling by allowing it to stay with you eternally. If you ever feel a weakening of this thought pattern just return your mind to seeing the petals turning to God's light as each angel enters your being.

Now is the time to ground yourself back to this place, to give thanks to all that have joined with you in bringing God's light to heal all you are.

© Paul Frigstad
Founder of The Spiritual Institute of Co-Creative Healing.
Paul’s Spiritual Healings Site
Copyright December 2001 Paul Frigstad.

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