The THREE 'I' s
The Three I's
(A Spiritual Precept)
©1995 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, PhD
*Integrity* - *Intention* - *Intuition*
The Three ‘I’s’ is truly a wonderful precept to live by. Not only in your spiritual life but also in every aspect of your day to day lives. No matter what it is you are considering doing, check in first with your Three ‘I’s’ and see if you get a tick on all three areas. Ask yourself “Am I in integrity with this action? Am I infringing on others and I letting others infringe on me”, “What are my intentions? Are they pure or am I flattering my ego?” “What does my intuition tell me? Does my gut tell me it’s the right action”. If you can not get three ticks to all your questions. DON’T DO IT!.
You need to have three ticks before you proceed ahead with the action you were considering regardless of whether we are talking about healings, counselling, dealing with clients, staff or family members. Applying for a new job or deciding on a course of action. This simple but very important precept can be effectively used in every and all areas of your life. Only you can actively work with the Three I’s as no one else can tell you what Integrity, Intention or Intuition means to you. This is a very effective and very personal precept to active and use in your life.
If you truly live by the Three I’s you will find huge energy shifts taking place in your life.
No matter what workshop I facilitate, whether it is Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Seichim, Psychic Development, Crystals or Stress Management, I always introduce to my students or clients the precept of the Three ‘I’s’ for their growth. I welcome you to embrace the Three I’s and see the difference in your life it will make.
No infringement on others or allowing others to infringe on you.
Not imposing your will on others or allowing others to impose their will on you.
Being honest with yourself.
Your intent must be pure - no ego involved.
Earnest in your intentions.
Right conduct
Trust your Inner Self - your insight, your guidance
Your gut feeling must be giving you the OK.
Your Yes/No center is in place. Checking In with yourself - Does it feel right.
Direct perception of your truths.
The ability to perceive your own truths. To walk your walk and talk your talk.
Overview of The Three ‘I’s
By Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, PhD © 1996
No infringement on others or allowing others to infringe on you.
Not imposing your will on others or allowing others to impose their will on you.
Being honest with yourself.
The Key to Integrity:- Be at peace with your past by accepting yourself now. Honour your principles and walk with dignity. Integrity is a quality that reflects a position of being sound or whole. It denotes an acceptance of your innate goodness and virtue.
Shadow Side – Betrayal
Those who betray others, delude themselves. They deny the truth. Betrayal is an activity that reflects dishonesty. It is based on deception and disloyalty to self. You are repressed by fear; you are intimidated by your true feelings.
Your intent must be pure - no ego involved.
Earnest in your intentions.
Right conduct
Key to Intention:- Before you perform any task, know your true intentions. Those who know their intentions are mindful of their purpose. Their focus remains harp and their actions are impeccable.
Intention is a state of mind that reflects your motivations. It indicates your priorities and expectations.
Shadow Side – Distraction
Distraction brings disorder and causes confusion. You become lost in a world of delusion. Distraction is an activity that reflects an inability to be disciplined. It is based on a lack of perseverance and an absence of focus.
Trust your Inner Self - your insight, your guidance
Your gut feeling must be giving you the OK.
Your Yes/No center is in place. Checking In with yourself - Does it feel right?
Direct perception of your truths.
The ability to perceive your own truths. To walk your walk and talk your talk.
Key to Intuition:- Practice silencing your rational mind and attune to your feelings. Surrender any judgments or negative thinking. Your intuition opens you to truth. A gateway to enlightenment is revealed. Intuition is a faculty that enables you to acquire instinctive knowledge. It bypasses the rational mind and its conscious reasoning.
Shadow Side – Confusion
With an overloaded mind there is no place to rest. You stand at the crossroads, confused by your quest.
Confusion is a state that reflects internal conflict. It denotes an inability to assimilate information easily. Confusion blocks your imagination and hinders your growth.
Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald Ph.D., Author, Certified Independent Reiki Master Teacher Trainer & Metaphysical practitioner resides in the tropical, coastal city of Mackay, North Queensland, Australia with her husband, Greg Fitzgerald and her two cats. Ann has a wide experience of life on many levels; Ann's search for 'spiritual truth' started 35 year ago, at the age of 9 years, when Ann realized that not everyone was capable of having clear visions. She had taken it for granted that, all little girls had dreams about things that later happened. Ann has over 27 years experience in metaphysics and healing work.
Ann has a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and a PhD in Philosophy of Holistic Counselling & Spiritual Healing and is the author of three books and four card decks – (Wisdom of the Australian Animals Book & Card Set; Words of Guidance by Son of White Cloud; Auz Astrology-The Australian Animal Zodiac; Australian Animal Tarot Deck; Butterfly Kisses Inspirational Cards; Inner Wisdom Guidance Cards & Inner Magic Cards and writes for numerous magazines. Ann has been channelling 'Son of White Cloud' (a Native American) and others now for over 10 years. Ann is credited with teaching and coining the phrase the three (3 I's), being:
'I' for Integrity, 'I' for Intention and 'I' for Intuition.
Ask yourself what one step you could take now that would contribute the most to your spiritual path. Then take it, and reach out! Learn to Trust, Play and Sing with the Universe and Spirit.
Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Inner Wisdom Promotions
PO Box 105, Mackay, Qld, Australia
Phone/Fax 07 4957 7505
Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Inner Wisdom Centre
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