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Midi Playing Is "Wild Thing" by Jimi Hendrix.

This is my very first Lake Applet. I do hope it turns out as well as my Ripple Applet. This picture is about my favorite animal. The Wolf...They are beautiful aren't they? You can see why I love them so much! Just stare at the picture and you'll be mesmerized with their beauty!

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

This is a picture of the Statue of Liberty which is located on Ellis Island. I took this when I was in New York "May 17th 1998". I was on the Circle Line Cruise tour that sailed around Manhattan. Too bad it was cloudy though...But all in all it was a great day!

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

<bgsound src="/ak/duckysworld/images/wildthing.mid" loop="-1">