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Midi Playing Is "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin.

WELCOME...This is my first attempt at making a Ripple Applet. I hope it turns out! This is a picture of Packim Pond. My parents took my sisters and I here many times through our childhood. This is the same place my parents used to go when they were kids. It's a lovely place to be. I remember "skipping" rocks across this pond. You can find Packim Pond in the Lebanon State Forest. Which is in New Jersey. I hope you like the view...

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

Since my first Ripple Applet worked...I'm going to make another one. This is a picture of Cheeney Lake in Anchorage, Alaska. I used to take my children there when they were young. It was a nice spot to feed the Ducks. Enjoy!

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

<bgsound src="/ak/duckysworld/images/ramble.mid" loop="-1">