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Midi Playing: "The Joker" by The Steve Miller Band.

Wouldn't you love to "Warp" out the Clinton's?...How about the Gores?...Now here's your chance!!!

..."The Democratic Party will never be the same again"...

...Just click and drag your mouse across the pictures...

...Let's Warp Bill...

(if you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

...Let's Warp Hillary...

(if you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

...Let's Warp Al...

(if you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

...Let's Warp Tipper...

(if you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

Many Thanks to Alex Rosen for the use of his "AlexWarp". Without it; this page would not be possible

<bgsound src="/ak/duckysworld/images/joker.mid" loop="-1">