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HOWLOOOOOO! My Name Is _SmilingWolf_ ;-) ...Need A Vacation?...From Life's Everyday Problems And Worries?...Well My Friends...I Have The Perfect Vacation Spot For You...*Wink*...A Quaint Little Place In Cyber-Space...WOLF-LOVER'S PARADISE...Where You Can Rest Your Tired Aching Body...From That Long Cyber Journey...You Took To Get Here...Please Come On In...Play Some Games...Chat With Your Family And Friends...Or Just Sit For A Spell...I Won't Bite...Hard...HeHe...*A Big WOLFfie Grin*

Some Wolf Facts

The Wolf is a member of the canine family. In fact, "Canis Lupus" or The Gray or Timber Wolf looks much like the German Shepherd. The only difference between the two is the Wolf is bigger, has longer legs, bushier tail and a broader head.

The male Wolf is larger than the female. Male Wolves may weigh from 75 pounds to 120 pounds. The Gray or Timber Wolf may weigh as much as two hundred pounds. Wolves usually mate for life and share in the raising of the Wolf Pups.

Wolf Pups are born in the spring in a Den made by the Father and Mother Wolf. The Den may be any sheltered place, such as a hollow tree, a cave, a burrow or even a rock ledge. The Pups weigh only about one pound at birth. Being both blind and deaf, the Pups are completely helpless. They need the watchful eyes and senses of their parents to keep them safe. At about three weeks old, the Wolf Pups start to venture outside their Den for short periods at a time. At this age they begin to eat meat. The Father brings meat to the Den, While the Mother stays with her Pups. The Wolf Pups leave the Den permanently when they reach the age of two months. They then move to an unsheltered area which becomes a meeting place. The Wolf Pups then spend time at this "meeting place" waiting untill their parents come back from hunting. The young Wolves learn to hunt by watching their parents. They practice their skills, pretending to fight with each other. By the fall, the young Wolves are ready to join the hunt.

Wolves live in Packs with six to twelve members. Within a Wolf Pack. there is a social order. Each member has a rank within that social order. Whenever the Wolves meet, they show their rank by different body positions. Wolves hunt in Packs. The area in which they hunt is called their territory. The Wolves mark off their territory with their scent. This warns other Wolf Packs to stay away. When a Wolf Pack gathers for a hunt, they start to Howl. The Howling can be quite loud. This serves as a warning to other Wolf Packs to stay out of the territory while the hunt is on. Wolves are meat eaters. They prefer Moose and Caribou, but sometimes these animals are hard to catch. Sometimes there's not enough large animals to hunt. In that case, the Wolf will catch and eat Rabbits, Rodents and Birds.

Long ago, large numbers of Wolves roamed all across the United States. As people moved in, they killed the Wolves and took over their hunting grounds. So many Wolves have been killed, that they are now an "ENDANGERED SPECIES"!!! Since Wolves are a very important link in the delicate chain of natures balance, It is certain that THEIR SURVIVAL IS ESSENTIAL!!!

This Gift Is From Lady In Black ,Please Visit Her Wonderful Site

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