"Of Wolf And Man" by: Metallica
To My Wolf Page. My Name Is Ducky AKA _SmilingWolf_. This Page Has Information About And My Personal Feelings On "The GREAT WOLF". Become One With The Wolf And Feel The Magic Of Spirit Within ;-) |
THE WOLF. What beauty they bestow. They are but one group of animals that are on the "Endangered List". This means that the Wolves will be no more unless we stop the senseless killings. Why are they killed? Why are they feared so much? I'll tell you why, it's because of the lack of "truthful" information about them. NO; they don't attack humans out of spite. They don't kill livestock because they are "easy prey". That's not their style. YES; Wolves must eat food to survive. The Wolf only kills what it needs. Nothing more. If by any reason Wolves kill livestock it's because they are starving! Humans are abusing their food source. That's right; like hunting illegally, taking more than their quota, fencing in prime feeding grounds. It all has an affect on the food chain. Maybe if we would learn our lesson and stop; the Wolf wouldn't be "singled out". Is it really the Wolves killing the livestock? Maybe it's the Bears. It could even be are own faithful pet, the Domesticated Dog. No way! It can't be the Dog. We wouldn't hear of it!!! That's my point, It's so easy to put the blame on the precious Wolf. He already has a "Bad Reputation" in children's books. |
Let the truth be known, Wolves are actually very timid and afraid of humans. They live in a close knit family called a "pack". Their given names are "CANIS LUPUS" The Gray, Arctic & Timberwolf; "CANIS RUFUS" The Red Wolf; "CANIS LUPUS BAILEYI" The Mexican Wolf & "CHRYSOCYON BRACHYURUS" The South American Maned Wolf. Wolves are very loving and caring. They mate for life. Keeping the same partner. But in the event of a partner's death, the Wolf will either choose to stay alone for the duration of their own life, or will decide to find another mate. The Wolf is very protective of the family or pack. Their sense of honor is quite strong. If attacked they will defend themselves and the pack. Any creature would protect their family. The question still remains; why is the Wolf being killed? Is it for PROFIT? Out of IGNORANCE? Or just because their name is the WOLF. |
I feel for the Wolf with all my heart. I know that some people are afraid, blinded because they don't know enough about these beautiful creatures. They won't open up their hearts. They don't want to know the truth about Wolves. I hurt and cry inside every time I hear about another senseless Wolf killing. Wolves are my absolute favorite animal in the world. Maybe I was once one of them. Souls connected. I don't know. All that I do know is I love and care for their well being. Why do we mistreat them in such a terrible way? No animal wild or domestic should be abused! I can't stand the fact that there are "Aerial Wolf" Hunts, and that there are Wolf Traps, Wolf Snares, and Museums that have them stuffed for show. We don't need Wolf pelts as wall hangings or rugs, we definitely don't need them stuffed. In my own opinion; I find it "Blasphemous"!!! There are other humane ways to study, love and watch the "Great Wolf". IN WILDNESS IS THE PRESERVATION OF THE WORLD! |
In many cultures "CANIS LUPUS"; "CANIS RUFUS"; "CANIS LUPUS BAILEYI" and "CHRYSOCYON BRACHYURUS" are considered sacred. They are also worshipped because of their strong spirtual souls. The Wolf is a spirit guide to anyone who let's him in. He is Strength. He is Wisdom. He is Love. Because society is so blind to the Wolf, people would rather believe in the lies and misinformation, than to learn more about the truth behind this magnificent creature. If only more people believed in the Wolf. Their lives would be respected and revered as "Honorable". Please for my sake and yours, listen to your heart, your soul. Be active in your community and write to your Government Officials. Sign Wolf Petitions to protect and save their future. Wolves are "CRYING FROM THE WILD". Please let the Wolf live in peace. It's up to all of us. Thank you for listening and caring. PEACE and LOVE to ALL! DUCKY aka _SmilingWolf_ |
Please also visit my Dedication Page to the Desert Moon Wolf Pack *Wolfie Smile*
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The picture I used for the background set was given to me by a Good FRIEND of mine...Thanks Bob...*SMILE*...I manipulated the pic with my scanner and PSP5...Also the pics of the Wolves on this page was taken from the net...If any of these are copy righted, please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due...Thanks Ducky aka _SmilingWolf_ |