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HOWLOOOOOOOOO WOLF LOVER'S! My Name Is April. When I'm On VP Chat, My Nick Is _SmilingWolf_ . When I'm On ICQ, My Nick Is Ducky. Maybe You Know Me Already ;-) So Rest Those Tired Paws; Find A Nice Tree To Relax Under; Chat With Your Wolf Brother's And Sister's; Stay For A Spell & HOWL At The MOON. Even Start A Game Of Hide And Seek. Enjoy The Poems And Become Free Spirits. Be One With The "GREAT WOLF"! Let "WOLF" Guide You Through-Out Your Journeys.


Give Me Power
Give Me Strength
Of The Wolves
With Precious Faith
Begin My Day
And End My Night
With Love And Peace
Of Laughter's Flight

Poem © By:April Collins 1993


...Dare not look into those haunting gold eyes, for surely you will see the suffering for man's ignorance; the knowledge that as surely as he is destroying the world of the wolf, he is making his own world unfit for future generations...

...Within those eyes is the wisdom of the ages, a spirit that existed before our father's father and sees beyond our unborn children. An overwhelming sadness for what is and the yearning for the love and understanding that could be...

...In his world is both compassion and justice, the quick reprimand, the lesson learned, the tenderness returned. He has no understanding of man's cruelty in the name of righteousness, the prolonged unforgiveness and withholding of love; man's great unkindness to man. His instincts still recognize the wisdom of the hierarchy of the family unit, the sharing of responsibilities, the discipline and obedience that build strength and order, the bonding...

...Many lives he lived before he had the wisdom, the strength, the tenderness and the fortitude to look from the eyes of the wolf. Dare not look into those haunting gold eyes unless you are ready to see the truth...

Poem By: Janet M. Smith


OH GREAT SPIRIT, protect the one with the haunting golden eyes, for the eyes of the wolf have almost vanished from Mother Earth.

I pray the hunter's aim is poor and that his arrow and bullet miss. I pray the poison given to him will only serve to strengthen him. I pray that he will know there are ones who care for him. I pray that he will live to look in the eyes of my children's children so they will know the depth of his wisdom and pride. I pray his howls will be heard untill Mother Earth exists no more. For no other sound can take it's place.

May we all learn from the wolf the respect shown for eack other and that we are a family of one. The wolf is quiet, and may we be, to learn the secrets of his world. His spirits are great and the world will surely know when he is gone forever more.

Poem By: Sandy Polson

This Gift Is From Lady WolfHeart

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