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Known Geographical Areas

Known Geographical areas


Canada and the United States.

The map above has indications in red where gnome sightings have been reported. The difficulty is to establish for certain that gnomes indeed do live in those places. Any encounter or sighting must be confirmed by at least two persons.  The same criteria as used by birdwatchers. We assume, however, that Canadian gnomes do adopt the same dress, life styles, and behaviour patterns as their cousins across the sea.

The geographical history of Europe is far more extensive and Gnomes have been confirmed in the following areas.

Western Border of the Irish Coast Eastern Border: Deep in Siberia Northern Border: Norway, Sweden, Finland , Russia and Siberia.
Southern Border: In a line from the Belgian coast via
Switzerland, the Balkans, Upper Black Sea, Caucasus, Siberia.

The reason that Gnomes live in the Northern hemisphere is that the winters are longer and therefore the nights. They are basically nocturnal creatures, who prefer not to be seen so easily.

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