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A Golden Package

Once upon a time, there was a little girl.

She tiptoed into the closet and pulled out a large roll of gold foil wrapping paper. Her eyes lit in excitement. After spending a long time completing her project, she returned the somewhat crumpled roll of wrapping paper to the closet.

"How could you waste a whole roll of paper like that!" shouted the father. He wondered where he could scrape up the money to replace it. "Go to your room!"

She hung her head in silence and trudged down the hallway.

The next morning, she presented her father with the brightly wrapped golden package.

"This is for you, Daddy," her eyes beamed. His heart sank as he remembered the scolding of the previous day. He folded back the wrapping and carefully opened the box to discover it was empty.

"How could you waste that expensive paper wrapping an empty box!" he erupted. "When you give someone a present, it's suppose to have something in it!"

Crocodile tears rimmed her eyes. "But Daddy, it's not an empty box. Before I shut it, I blew kisses into it. The kisses are for you, Daddy, just for you," her voice lowering to a whisper.

The Daddy scooped the little girl into his arms. As he hugged her he whispered in her ear, "Please forgive me, honey."

Years later a grown up little girl found that crumpled golden package still sitting next to her father's bed. Whenever the father had felt alone or discouraged, he would open the box and retrieve a kiss. With misty eyes, he would remember the unconditional love of the daughter who put it there.

Our lives are filled with many golden boxes. The next time we open a package and find it empty. Look again with the eyes of your heart. Love is invisible.

. . . . . based on a true story

Dedicated to my Daddy

December 24, 1997

Feel free to share this column with your friends. Just leave my name at the bottom. How am I ever going to become famous if I don't get credit for my work?
© 1997 Pamela Joy

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