Faith In Christ Ministry
Faith In Christ Ministry
In Association with
Family Harvest Church (Cheshire)
Charity Commission Number 1116531

Faith In Christ Ministry is a Pastoral Ministry and an instrument in providing help for other churches and to help those who are in need of encouragement.

Faith In Christ is a non denominational fellowship who believe in the uncompromising Word of God. We believe in healing, miracles and the power of God's Word and aim to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in all our meetings
When the Lord Divinely brought Steven Icke and Paula Mitchell together in 1995, He told them that He would use them to reach those who were lost and hurting,and would use them to impart the truth of God's Word into their lives on a one-to-one basis. Along with the aid of books, tapes, publications and a listening and sympathetic ear, they are here to help YOU!
Rev Steven Icke D.Div.

Steven was licenced to preach in 1995 and was ordained by Dr Robb Thompson of Family Harvest Church in Chicago USA on Sunday 13th August 2006. He has been an assistant pastor and also pastored two other churches before God called him and Paula, now his wife, to start 'Faith In Christ Ministry'
In 2005 he received his Doctor of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry
Paula Icke

Paula was born again at the age of seventeen and met Steven while studying at Elim Bible College in Nantwich, North West of England. Paula has a healing ministry.
Paula was ordained by Dr Robb Thompson of Family Harvest Church and Dr Rick Renner in Chicago USA on Sunday 13th August 2006.

That the Word of God, both written and spoken, will come above all else in our lives. (2 Tim 3:16-17, Psalm 130:2, Joshua 1:8 )
That we will be a loving, powerful,Spirit-filled fellowship in full scale Holy Spirit Revival, Where Jesus Christ is LORD. ( Eph 5:18-19, Joel 2:28-32, Phil 2:5-11)
That the glory of God will be seen in every meeting, and people being set free and healed will become more and more commonplace. (Eph 3:21, Acts 2:41-47, Eph 5:26-27 )
That every believer will walk by faith, living in holiness, evangelising and seeking to develop both fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. ( Mark 16:15-20, Heb 11, 2 Cor 7:2, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Cor 2:10-12 )
Family Harvest Church is the latest outreach of Faith In Christ Ministry. Family Harvest Church is based in South Cheshire, United Kingdom and is registered with a Independent Church Charter
(Charter number 14930)
Family Harvest Church is a part of the "FAMILY HARVEST INTERNATIONAL" (Recently renamed as "Excellence In Ministry International" Organisation started by Dr Robb Thompson, of Family Harvest Church in Chicago.

"FAMILY HARVEST INTERNATIONAL" has over 2000 churches under its banner
Family Harvest Church Television Programmes
To have a 24 hour Helpline
To offer a refuge and help center around the clock
Audio Teaching and Training Centre

To offer a range of Bible Study Courses

International College of Excellence Presentation Video
Telephone: 07852 739965
+44 7852 739965
Please feel free to contact us and we will endeavour to help and assist you in any way we can. If you are in the North West of England at anytime then we welcome you to come and pay us a visit. Please call us first to arrange this
May the Lord Bless YOU!
Email: Ministry Team
Faith In Christ Ministry is a member of Good standing of "Excellence In Ministry International"

Copyright, Inc.
Faith In Christ Ministry Conference Centre

Information Links
Family Harvest Church
Winning In Life Broadcast
Becoming A Christian
Family Harvest Church Head Office
Statement Of Faith
Excellance In Ministry
Gideon Army Partnership
College of Excellence
Study Pages
Faith Builders
Christian Book Shop
Bible Help Desk
Christian Apologetics
Christian Digital Tracts
FICM Bible Studies
Online Bible Study Guide
Every Eye Shall See Him
God So LOVED The World
The Four Spiritual Laws
Faith Ministries
I.C.E. Cheshire Extension Campus - COMING SOON