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    Welcome to the Jet Jaguar FAQ. Okay, fine, so no one has ever asked me any of these questions before and I thought of them watching Godzilla vs. Megalon, but who cares? They might come in handy....

    Q: Who in Heaven's name is Jet Jaguar?
    A: Jet Jaguar is the robotic brainchild of a young inventor named Goro. He is stolen by the Seatopians as a locator for the demon Megalon who intends to destroy Tokyo with Gigan, but Goro regains control of him and he is summoned to battle Megalon and Gigan with Godzilla.

Our hero, click to enlarge

    Q: What are Jet Jaguar's powers?
    A: Eye Beams, Flight and the ability to grow from the size of a man to the size of a beast, not to mention a surplus knowledge of Martial Arts.

Jet Jaguar demonstrating his power of flight

    Q: Has Jet Jaguar ever appeared in any other films?
    A: Nope. Never has and probably never will, Toho's answer to the Sentai craze of the seventies.

    Q: Explain yourself.
    A: Well, at the time, several Japanese action programs featuring giant robots with human features were quite popular with children, who the target audience for Godzilla vs. Megalon was. Ultraman, Johnny Sokko, Kamen Rider and Zone Fighter were very successful and in fact, Godzilla made quite a few appearances on Zone Fighter, as did Gigan and King Ghidora. Also, an old Godzilla costume was given a frill not unlike that of the Dilophosaurus and given a new name and made a brief stint as a kaiju villain on Ultraman.

    Q: Do you think Jet Jaguar was ever intended to be a permanent character in the tapestry of Godzilla history?
    A: How poetic. No, I don't really think so, it seemed to be in compliance with what was popular among Japanese children at the time (see above).

    Q: Has there ever been a Jet Jaguar action figure?
    A: Yes, quite a few figures of Jet Jaguar have been made by such companies as Bullmark, Bandai, Marmit and Billiken and you can read all about them and see pictures of them thanks to Club Tokyo at

    Q: Would you like to own a Jet Jaguar action figure?
    A: Yes, but the prices on imported toys are too ludicrious these days. Maybe if I save up I can buy a nice one.

    Q: Why exactly were so many different Jet Jaguar action figures made, particularly one in 1993, twenty years after Godzilla vs. Megalon's release?
    A: I suppose they wanted to make the character popular again in 1993, as for the other ones, it's anyone's guess why there was such a merchandising bonanza.

    Q: Is Jet Jaguar involved in communism in any way?
    A: No, but that grin gets you thinking...

    Q: Was Jet Jaguar's design set from the beggining?
    A: No, in the film a sheet of designed prototypes are visible in a scene and I imagine Toho had the same conceptual difficulties. The area shown different in the sketches (below) is the head.

The prototype sketches for our grinning robot friend, click to enlarge

    Q: Is this pathetic selection all you have when it comes to Jet Jaguar images?
    A: No, see below.

    Well, that wraps it up, but if you want to ask me a real question about Jet Jaguar, feel free to do so at Enclosed below are the images.