I decided to write this to help others with ADHD/ADD CHILDREN,
Parenting on it's own is the hardest job there is at times it is the most thoughtless of all professions,when it in fact is one of the most important job there is.First off I would like to clear up the notion that there are "bad" kids,children with ADHD/ADD ARE NOT "BAD"THEY HAVE A DISABILITY!!most of these kids have a hard time dealing with social situations.they lack the skills needed they are too impulsive ( act first then worry about it later) this gets them in alot of trouble.just a simple walk to the store can make them anxious,which in turn makes them act out,sometimes leaving a very embaressed mom,it is not that these children are not disciplined,they are no different then your children except that,they loose control,we as parents need to be firm but gentle,most of these children do well in a structured setting ,where the limits are drawn, where they feel safe,most adhd/add children feel the need to be in control,this can cause alot of problems,to help overcome this and make them feel safe it is a good odea to walk them through the outing, so they know what to expect,the when and then method seems to work well with these kids.since they seem to view the world as black or white.Getting angry and yelling at them only causes the tantrums to get bigger,if you are out and they are not manageing you just simply go home,once they have calmed down explain why and give them another opportunity to try again,it's those baby steps that are going to make life easier for both you and your child,Time outs seem to be really helpful and necessary,a cooling down time for both you and your child,if your child won't go to his/her room then you go,let them have a safe place to go so they can get it together.Living with an adhd/add child is mentally and physically demanding,these children want and need you to be there 100% of the time it can be draining as well as exhausting,so it is important as parents to give yourselfs a break.MY SON WHO IS 11 YEARS OLDIS JUST STARTING TO LISTEN, WITH THE HELP OF MEDS,IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRY AND BOOST THEIR SELF ESTEEM , THEY FEEL " BAD" enough,without their parents telling them how terrible they are because they are not , they are bright kids,good sence of humour,they can be loving and gentle if you take the time to care.