Chapter 2

I walked into the doors of Ken Seaford Jr. High the next day and ran over to the first of my friends I saw, "Marsena!" I screamed, "Hanson's coming!" "Really? Great! I can't wait to go!" She said sarcastically. I gave her a look and then started laughing,I ran over to the rest of my friends and told them all. Jen, my bf already knew cause I'd called her and talked to her last night about how awsome it was going to be. I talked about nothing else all day, even people in the halls would come up to me and say "hey, do you know Hanson's coming here?" It was no secret that I was like Hanson crazy, When I got home from school that day I sat down at my desk and pulled out my five star note book and began scribbling down a list of "things to do before the concert" I flicked on Midle of Nowhere and wrote, I had big plans, front row seats were a must, I would also have to listen to the radio alot to hear if they were doing any mall apperances, and even though i knew I didn't have much of a chance with this one, I wanted to find out which hotel they were staying at and check in. And of course I'd have to find the "perfect outfit" I was prepared for all this stuff though, I had been saving up for months and aside from constantly buying magazines and shirts and singles I was doing ok. I counted my money to find out I had 192.36 "hmm, not bad,"I muttered. I put my money away and went to have a quick shower and get ready for bed. I then pulled on my plaid pjama pants and a grey tank top and hopped into bed. I eventually drifted off to sleep to Taylor's sweet voice belting out "With You In Your Dreams".
