Chapter 5

The next couple of weeks Stephanie kept ourselves occupied ourselves by doing things we normally did; schoool took up lots of time, but besides that we were talking like non stop about the concert, we'd talk about everything from what kind of funky outfit Zac might be wearing to If we'd get a glance at them at the hotel. We really didn't expect much from staying at the hotel, we thought it would just be really cool to be sleeping in the same building as them. We knew that staying at he hotel after the concert was going to rock because our parents (after nonstop convincing) had finally agreed to let us stay at he hotel by ourseleves. They had talked to each other about it for a while even thought it was totally against hotel rules, they had agreed that Stephanie's mom would check us into the hotel and check us out. So that ment total freedom, no embarrasing parents we would be totally on our own! All we had to do was pay for ourselves, which wasn't that bad because it's not a very expensive hotel. That ment more cash for a pre-concert shopping spree! We decide we would make a day of it, the day before the concert were were going to go shopping, get manicures, new makeup, bathing suits for the hotel, etc. We knew this would all be awsome! (*editors note* ok, I know you are all thinking how unrealistic this is, but please just go with it, it get's better)
