Staying healthy in India.
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Staying healthy in India.

If you're going trekking, this site won't be sufficient:


It's extremely important that you get sufficient liquid when you're in India. Don't rely on feeling thirsty. If your urin gets dark your not getting enough(Iodine also have this side effect) Take very much care with the indian water. Whenever possible stick to bottled water.
Safe to drink:
Avoid this:
How to purify the water.
If you have to drink water, boiling the water is the best way to purify it. And whenever possible do this. Otherwise you've to purify the water chemical. This won't kill all the patogens. Here Iodine is the best. But follow the instructions carefully and be sure not to make the solution to strong. Learn to drink as the indians do. They hold the bottle and pure down the water, without actually touching the bottle.


Food that are likely to have been washed in water, should be avoided. Try to eat in places that are busy For more info see Food(Here you'll see a short list of what the indians eat most). This should be fresh food.
Food that are good for your stomach:
Avoid this:

The main health problem in India is the stomach. So don't start out with the most spicy menu your first day in India. Banana and cola are good if you have diarrhoea. Electral is a sugar-salt solution that's also good. Diarrhoea can quickly cause dehydration. The symptons are dry tongue, feeling dizzy and that your skin on your hand doesn't respond when you lift it up. Dehydration can damaga your kidney. So seek doctor if you're dehydrated. Remember to wash your hand regularly.


mosquito:The highest number you'll find during the monsoon and in area with rice fields.
How to avoid bites from them:

Dogs: Are not pets in India, so keep a distance to them.
Monkeys:They look cute, but stay away. In some areas(Agra for instance), they're pretty aggresive.

Other things:

Clean small cuts at once. They'll get infected much quicker then back home.
Your style of travelling also have a big influence on your health. Travel slow and sleep well. Most people begin rather quickly to wear indian cloth. And it's much more comfortably then western cloth(and cheaper!). In bathrooms, wear chappals.
Avoid the climate extremes and rememeber to bring suncream of a rather high factor. You can't buy it in India.
