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Welcome to Big Willie Style. I am not Will Smith, so could you please stop emailing me and telling me that you love my music? I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not him. Why would Will Smith have a site at angelfire? Please understand, I'm not Will Smith, I am not even a Will Smith fan. Basically, I know nothing about him. I made this page when I was younger and I liked him, and now I'm just learning html, and so I decided I could practice by improving my old page. Almost everything has been redone. There probably will not be many updates. If you want the latest, I suggest you check out Will's offical page. Anyways, I do have some stuff here worth checking out, so enjoy. Email me if the links don't work, or you have any good ideas/comments or if you want me to link your page. Have fun, and sign the gbook.

