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What is A GIS

(Geographic Information System)?

Specifically, a GIS is a special-purpose digital database in which acommon spatial coordinate system is the primary means of reference. Contemporary GIS can even integrate datasets that are actually in several different coordinate systems, converting as needed.

More broadly, a GIS may be considered an information system with software, hardware and data components that is designed and used to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information.

While a GIS is a type of database application, all information in a GIS is linked to a spatial reference. Thus, while other databases may contain locational information (such as street addresses, or zip codes), a GIS database uses geo-references as the primary means of storing and accessing information. The ability to integrate information and support decision-making is the true power of a GIS.

Some common capabilities of a GIS include the following.

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