3 weeks after moving to KC I am returning to St. Louis this weekend for a wedding/birthday. For the most part, I was glad to leave behind a lot of what St. Louis represented for me. There are a few people I miss. There are a few places I miss. I also miss being able to get a babysitter when I needed one. But I realize now that I had a few 'people addictions'. People I spent time around who were very bad for me and made me unhappy. Yet I seemed to keep hanging around them, because I was used to it. I have no idea why I keep falling back on these people like a crutch, but I do. Since I have been here, I have accomplished more than I did in years in St louis. But now my life has become all work, and I have no one around to have fun with or hang around with. I feel somtimes like I would do anything for a familiar face. ANYONe, just so long as its someone I know!
Well anyway, off to see the new pediatrician!!!!!