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Gayaza Environment club:

Names of Students working on the project:-

1.Nagujja Joanita (15yrs) 2.Naddamba Diana (15yrs) 3.Kusiima Irene (15yrs)

Reason for choice

Being a boarding school, we were only in position to use the house with in the school campus which had the quality of an average family and had to move out of the school in the neighbourhood to have a rural home for comparison purposes.

House structure

House “A” is made up of mud bricks and wooden poles and the wall smoothened with mud. It has a corrugated iron roof. It has two small rooms i.e one bedroom and one stting room. Next to the house though not clearly shown in the picture is a garden with matooke (bananas), yams, pumpkins. The garden includes fruits like Jackfruit, Avacados, guavas and mangoes. House “B” is an average home which is with in the school campus. It’s a relatively big house made up of sand bricks, cement ,smoothened wall which were later painted.It has a tiled roof. It has 15 rooms all together i.e 1 living room , 1 dinning room, 1 kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms, 1 garage and 2 boys’ quaters. The yard around the house is mainly made up of short grass with some flowers grown in.It has a relatively short fence which has just been planted to separate the house from the neighbours.

Family Size & Structure House

“A”has six members. One lady(mother) with 2 daughters and 1 son. The eldest daughter has two sons whom they stay with. House “B” has nine members in the family i.e wife and husband .They have four children (1 daughter and 3 sons), 1 niece and two housework helpers.


Both the husband and wife work in house "B" work.The wife is a teacher as well as headmistress of the school and the husband is a lawyer. Only the mother in house"A" works as a cook in Kabanyoro University Estate.

Food & Drink

The people in house "A" get their main source of energy (food) from the garden. They practice substance farming & rare some pigs which are sold to contribute to their food. Their water is got from a neighbouring well or at times when it rains, they tap the water into a tank . House "B" members get their food and drinks mainly from the market because they don’t have any gardens around . The water is pumped from the main water supply in the school into their house i.e they have tanks and taps as their water supply. In case of scarcity, they normally buy the water elsewhere.

The predators and protection:

In house “A”predators include alcohol, discos and moving away from home late in the night. This applies to the members in house “B”. Protection is mainly from the parents in both homes.

Community Structures

House “A” is neighbouring a church and our school (Gayaza High School). As regards clubs, it's only the mother who goes for Mothers’Union which is conducted at the church. House “B” is with in the school campus which has a Chapel, Sports fields ( netball, hockey,rounders,tennis etc.) and has several clubs like mothers’union, computer club, environment club, Christian club etc.

Mass communication and information

House “A” has a small radio which is mainly used to listen to local news and music. House “B” gets daily local newspapers i.e New Vision, Monitor and the East African. The people here have a T.V and a radio. The computer is in the wife’s office which is just a few metres away from the house and it also has an e-mail. The fax machine is still in that office but temporarily out of service. There is also a telephone in the house.




The beetle has six spiky legs, with a black shiny hard cuticle and the rest of the body is also black or a very dark colour. It has two pair of wings (Four wings) - and a pair of compound eyes (two)


The beetle has a complete metamorphosis, that is the adult lays eggs which later turn into larva to pupa and lastly the adult stages. The beetle like any other insect happens to have an internal fertilisation. HABITAT: It is a terrestrial insect that is to say mainly lives on land. It could also be forsorial that is to say living in trees and shrubs just next to man's home making them our immediate neighbours.


It mainly feeds on green plants that's to say it's herbivorous. It's also adapted to that food because of it's having mandibles, which are used for chewing food. It can also be omnivorous in that it can eat flesh that is smaller insects than it can.


- Large birds feed on the beetle and this destroys it for they make the numbers smaller Or loosing them all. -Man too is a predator to the beetle, for example, during agricultural activities like Farming a number of them ares destroyed. And as man move around, he/ she could step on it and kills it. Man may go ahead to clear a bush or even burn it down which could bring an end to the life the beetles


It defends it's self from the predators by giving off a repellent scent. This helps it in a way that it can not be taken in as food because of the smell. The effective defence against predators some spray noxious chemicals at their attackers, which may keep some off. but some predators like the grasshoppers mice, plunges the chemical spraying tail end of their prey into the ground and feast on their head end.

It also has a hard cuticle it has a hard cuticle that protects the inner body from immediate contact with any thing that can destroy it. It further has spikes on the legs that help it from not being eaten by birds or else their alimentary canals are distracted by the spikes. It 's mandibles used for feeding could also be used for biting predators in defence.

It has the two pairs of wings that enables it to fly away from predators.


It destroys crops that are important to man, as well as seeds while in storage.

It is used for study purposes, as well as for research work .

Being a component of the environment, it's very necessary in the ecosystem and it should in one way or another be protected from it's enemies.

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If you have comments or suggestions, email Kanyonza Chrysostom