Term | Meaning |
ADN | Any day now |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
ARE | Acronym-rich environment |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
AYT? | Are you there? |
B4N | Bye for now |
BAK | Back at the keyboard |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
BEG | Big evil grin |
BF | Boyfriend |
BFN | Bye for now |
BG | Big grin |
BOTEC | Back-of-the-envelope calculation |
BRB | Be right back |
BTA | But then again... |
BTDT | Been there, done that |
BTW | By the way |
BWTHDIK | But what the heck do I know? |
CU | See you |
CUL | See you later |
CUL8R | See you later |
CYA | See ya |
CYO | See you online |
DIKU | Do I know you? |
DQMOT | Don't quote me on this |
DTS | Don't think so |
EG | Evil grin |
EMFBI | Excuse me for butting in |
EOM | End of message |
EOT | End of thread (meaning: end of discussion) |
F2F | Face to face |
FAQ | Frequently asked question(s) |
FISH | First in, still here |
FLA | Four-letter acronym |
FMTYEWTK | Far more than you ever wanted to know |
FOMCL | Falling off my chair laughing |
FUD | Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FYI | For your information |
G | Grin |
GA | Go Ahead |
GAL | Get A Life |
GD&R | Grinning, ducking, and running |
GF | Girlfriend |
GFETE | Grinning from ear to ear |
GFUG | Good for you, girl! |
GIWIST | Gee, I wish I'd said that |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
GOL | Giggling out loud |
GTG | Got to go |
G2G | Got to go (same as GTG) |
GTRM | Going to read mail |
HTH | Hope this helps (or: Hope that helped) |
IAC | In any case |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer (but) |
IC | I see |
IHA | I hate acronyms |
ICCL | I could care less |
IIRC | If I recall/remember/recollect correctly |
ILU | I love/like you |
IM | Instant message |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion |
IMO | In my opinion |
IOW | In other words |
IRL | In real life (that is, when not chatting) |
IYSWIM | If you see what I mean |
JIC | Just in case |
J/K | Just kidding |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek |
KWIM | Know what I mean |
L8R | Later |
LDR | Long-distance relationship |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
LMAO | Laughing my ass off |
LTM | Laugh to myself |
LTNS | Long time no see |
LTR | Long-term relationship |
LULAB | Love you like a brother |
LULAS | Love you like a sister |
MorF | Male or female |
MOSS | Member of the same sex |
MOTOS | Member of the opposite sex |
MUSM | Miss you so much |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
NP | No problem (or Nintendo Power the magazine) |
NRN | No response necessary |
OIC | Oh, I see |
OLL | Online love |
OMG | Oh my God/gosh |
OTF | Off the floor |
OTOH | On the other hand |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head |
PANS | Pretty awesome new stuff |
PDA | Public display of affection |
PITA | Pain in the a** |
PMFJIB | Pardon me for jumping in but... |
::POOF:: | Goodbye (leaving the room) |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
PU | That stinks! |
RE: | In regards to |
RL | Real life (not when on the net) |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFLMAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off |
ROTFLMAOWPIMP | Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants |
ROTFLMBO | Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off |
RPG | Role-playing game |
RSN | Real soon now |
SA | So Anyways... |
SO | Significant other |
SOHF | Sense of humor failure |
SOMY | Sick of me yet |
STW | Search the Web |
SWAG | Stupid wild-a** guess |
TAFN | That's all for now |
TFH | Thread from hell (a discussion that just won't die and is often irrelevant to the purpose of the forum or group) |
TGIF | Thank God it's Friday |
THX | Thanks |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TMI | Too much information |
TOPCA | Till our paths cross again |
TPTB | The powers that be |
TTT | Thought that, too |
TTUL | Talk to you later |
TU | Thank you |
UAPITA | You're a pain in the a** |
UGTBK | You've got to be kidding |
UW | You're welcome |
VBG | Very big grin |
WDALYIC | Who died and left you in charge? |
WFM | Works for me |
WIBNI | Wouldn't it be nice if... |
WT | What/who the |
WTG | Way to go |
WTGP | Want to go private |
WU | What's up |
WUF | Where are you from |
YIAH | Yes, I am here |
YOOC | You're out of control |
YYSSW | Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever |
ZZZ | Sleep |