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1080° Snowboarding Cheats

Last Updated: 2/5/2001

Huge Glitch
Be in Second and First
Solid Ghosts
Easy Way to do Spins
Mysterious Ghost?
Halfpipe Start Bonus
Scratch the Music
Easy Way to do Tricksin Training
Air Tricks
Dragon Cave Glitches
Half Pipe Glitch
Play as the Gold Crystal Boarder
Combo Points
Control Rank Replay View
Get Top Speed Easy
Stunt Helper
Perfect Landing
Grab Tricks
Shortcuts and Track Hints
Fast Start
Panda's Moves
Crystal Boarder
Metal Boarder
Panda Man
Dragon Cave Course
Deadly Falls Course
Penguin Board

Huge Glitch

In the Mountain Village level on Time Attack use the Gold Boarder and get serious air of the road block (the yellow and black stripped one) inbetween the to buildings in the village after the long green pole on the left carve fast into the roadblock to the left twoards the left building and do a mute grab or a stiffy to get really high enough to get ontop the building and view the huge glitch in the game!

Be in Second and First

This a cool glitch I found, in the first track in match race when the guy is in front of you go to the side of a mountian. It will say you are in first put a guy is in front of you.

Solid Ghosts

Note: You must have the Crystal boarder and the Gold boarder to do this trick.

In the Manual, Nintendo says that if you race against a ghost, it will be transparent. Hah! Just save a ghost on any track with the Crystal or Gold boarder. Then race against the ghost with any boarder, and the ghost will be solid, and its alternate color. The Crystal boarder will be the Gold crystal boarder and the Gold boarder will be the Pink boarder!

Easy Way to do Spins

If you are having trouble doing spins, then read on. First get in the air and hold R and spin the analog stick. Right when you start to do a 360, let go of R but keep spinning the analog stick. While spinning, tap R,B, and Z. This will help you get 900's and 1080's. Once when I used this I got two 1080's just by jumping off the ground!

Mysterious Ghost?

To do this trick, save the ghost data on any track, but to make it easy use Air Make or Half Pipe. Then play the course that the ghost data is on. As soon you start press right-C to make the ghost disappear. But there will still be the trail in the snow from the ghost's snowboard. Odd huh?

Halfpipe Start Bonus

At the start of the halfpipe, immediately turn to the left or right. Proceed until you are near the wall, then make a turn towards the pipe. If you are in the correct position, you will move up a small invisible ramp and it will boost you high into the air. The best part of this glitch is that you land every trick, no matter how bad your landing position is (exception: not letting go on a grab). Can you say '13000 combo bonus'?

Scratch the Music

After you have finished a Trick Attack, watch the replay. While the replay is showing, move your control stick around. When you do this, you will here little scratch noise. Kinda like what DJ's do.

Easy Way to do Tricks in Training

This is for those of you who just can't get the penguin board. When you are in Training mode, pick a move that is very easy to do (example: Meloncholy or Lean Air). Get good air and do the trick you picked first. After you do the trick, while still in the air go to the trick list and pick a move you cannot do (example: the 1080). When you land, the game thinks you did the move you chose second. Best of all, the move you chose second shows up red on the cheat list!

Air Tricks

Remember CC means Counter Clockwise. All spins can be done clockwise by rotating the control slick clockwise. You also need to reverse the arrows (ex: for the 180, press R+=> to do it clockwise).

Commands                 Trick Name      Points
R+<=(or =>)              180 Air         100
R+CC                     360 Air         200
R+CC+R+<=                540 Air         250
R+CC+R+CC+B              720 Air         300
R+CC+R+CC+B+R+<=+B       900 Air         500
R+CC+R+CC+B+R+CC+B+Z     1080 Air        3000

Dragon Cave Glitches

1) Start off fast and follow the first turn, then on the second go straight off and if you get high enough or far enough to the right you will teleport back up to the track!

2) On that same turn go slowly to the left of the second sign, if you did it right you will tumble and float down the hill.

Half Pipe Glitch

When you start the half pipe hold left and jump when near the wall (also works with right side but I use left). It's really wierd, you get good air and if you try a grab it acts like you hit a wall.

Playas the Gold Crystal Boarder

The Gold Crystal Boarder is the game's best racer! To get the 24-karat boarder, select the Crystal Boarder, then conquer Match Race on the Expert level. Press the up C Button and then the A Button while choosing Kensuke Kimachi.

Combo Points

In Trick attack, if you do more than one trick at a time in one jump(there cannot be the same trick twice in a row), you get combo points. I have listed how many points you get for the amount of jumps:

2 - 500 points
3 - 1,500 points
4 - 5,000 points
5 - 8,000 points
6 - 13,000 points
7 - 20,000 points
8 - 30,000 points
9 - 50,000 points
10 - ?
11 - 80,000 points
12 - 100,000 points

I have not gotten beyond 12 tricks in one jump yet, but if I do, I will send in how many points you get.

Control Rank Replay View

When you get a new time record for any course, you can control the camera angle. Make sure you are at the screen that shows the records or entering your initials. Move the joystick in different directions to change the view of the record reply.

Get Top Speed Easy

If you are having trouble getting at top speed here's a trick to help you out. When you are going slow and you want to get some speed, just hold the Z button. When you do this, your speed will reach max. The only bad thing about this trick is when you hold it down, your turning will be wider making it harder to turn. A good example of this is when you are going across a bridge you go about 60 km/h , but you hold the Z button you go at 115 km/h ( the max. speed varies with boarder). So, this trick can help you greatly.

Stunt Helper

If you keep on falling when trying to perform a stunt here is something to help you. When you go off a ramp or jump, press the Z button as soon as you go off. Perform the stunt, press the Z button right before you hit the snow. Usually, you won't fall, but this trick doesn't always work. If it doesn't, try pressing the Z button at different times.

Perfect Landing

When you fall off someplace and you want to land perfectly, here's a neat trick. When going off a high cliff, try to line the angle of your board to the angle of the cliffside. You can usually without a problem. Kind of like Stunt Helper, the Z button can help land without wrecking. Press it when you go off in the air, press it again right before you land.

Grab Tricks

Note: These are done in the air.

Trick Name           How to do it           Points
Indy                 Right+B                200
Indo Nose Bone       Down/Right+B           250
Melancholy           B                      100
Stiffy               Up/Left+B              250
Stalefish            Down/Left+B            250
Mute Grab            Up/Right+B             250
Tail Grab            Down+B                 200
Tweak                Right+B                300
Method               Left+B                 200
Nose Grab            Up+B                   200
Shifty               Down/Right+B           400

Shortcuts& Track Hints

Crystal Lake Shortcut
Right after the big jump, you will see a house with a ramp beside it straight ahead. Go off the course and hit the ramp, and you will find a shorter route than the normal one.

Crystal Peak Shortcut
Right after coming out of the tunnel, you will turn right. You will then see two different paths. Hit the right one. Be sure that after coming out of the tunnel you make the right turn pretty sharp, or you may not be able to turn in time to hit the right path. The right path is much shorter and you will bypass some tough obstacles.

Olden Forest Shortcut
There aren't really any shortcuts here, but at the two forks be sure to go left both times, for a shorter path.

Mountain Village Tip
Inside the cave may seem like a maze, but stick to the right side and you will find your way through much easier.

Dragon Cave Shortcut - Okay, in the level Dragon Cave, right after you cross the first bridge, keep on taking lefts(2) until you see the track coming to an end. JUMP!!! you'll get into a cave, which is really cool, and if you keep going straight, and not turning out, you'll get a big boost off of the computer. Also, near the end of the level, after you pass by the two huge TV screens, you'll see a house to the right. GO IN!!! you'll go on something like a grind-bar, and it'll help you a whole lot on the computer.

Shortcut for Crystal Lake
Here is your shortcut, after you take the little jump right by the house, you notice that their is an area separating the shortcut way, from the normal way. If you keep on holding in the left button, you will eventually be able to get up into this area. The area is a whole lot easier to take than the shortcut way, and the normal way.

Trick for Mountain Village
When I was on my way down right after the green pipe, I decided to hop over the guard rail thingy, and next thing I knew, I jumped over the fence by a building, and my guy went through an endless fall. It looks kind of like the clip mode in DOOM.

Shortcut for Mountain Village
When in your last decent down the mountain, you can ride on the sidewalk, do it, and right before you come to the two cars that look like they crashed turn a little bit out, because at that point the sidewalk is at an angle, and it will pull you down into it, and you will be stuck their a long time.

Shortcut for Dragon Cave
Right before you go over the first bridge, jump off, down to the bottom. Land it, and then take a right. You will have an even bigger lead off of the computer if you take this way.

Shortcut for Deadly Fall
If you follow the computer the whole way through the level you will pretty much keep up with him. Here is a way to cheat him out of the win. At the last part, take a hard, and I mean hard right, if you do, you will go past the rocks, and you will not have even slowed down or fallen.

Shortcut for Olden Forest
Okay guys, here is a pretty cool shortcut that I found. Near the end, when you are on the TOP of the ice river (you didn't jump down yet) if you turn left, you'll go up onto steep snow. After maneuvering around two trees, you see a tree lying on its side. You can ride all the way over that puppy. This trick will give a little bit of time to you, that is if you do it wrong, but if you can ride ALL the way over the log, you'll get a big bonus.

Tip for Dragon Cave
Once on the lowest part, go to the right and stay there. When you reach the little layer jumps at the end of second bridge, jusp up over them instead of riding up them. and don't go over the two big rocks before the third brige. These should cut your time if you are racing.

Fast Start

Normally when starting a race in 1080, you will start out slow. During the countdown right before you start (3-2-1), wait until the 1 disappears and press Up on the Control Stick. This will cause you to lunge forward and give you a much faster start. It may take a bit of practice though to get your timing perfect.

Panda's Moves

Front Flip: When in the air, press R and up on the analog stick. This trick is worth 100 points.

Back Flip: When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick. This trick is worth 100 points.

Tweak Front: When in the air, press R and move the analog stick in a counterclockwise circle, then press R and left. This trick is worth 300 points.

Tweak Back: When in the air, press R and move the analog stick in a clockwise circle, then press R and right. This trick is worth 300 points.

One Foot: When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick. This trick is worth worth 400 points.

Commando Roll: When you jump (or go off a jump) and when you are just about to hit the ground, do his front flip(hold R and press up). He will roll on the ground and you still will get points for it!

Play as the Gold Crystal Boarder

To play as the Crystal Boarder, win Match Race mode on the Expert level and top all the EAD scores in Trick Attack and Time Attack modes. Press the left C Button and then the A Button while choosing Akari Hayami.

Panda Man

Panda Man is a pokey downhiller, but his outstanding balance and power make him the stunt master of 1080°. To access Panda Man, beat all the EAD scores on the game's Time Attack, Trick Attack and Contest modes. Select Rob Haywood, then press the Right-C and then A to access the furry one.

Dragon Cave Course

In Match race, beat the five courses on hard mode. This will unlock the Dragon Cave course.

Deadly Falls Course

In Match race, beat the six courses on expert mode. This will unlock the Deadly Fall course.

Penguin Board

In training mode perform all 24 tricks (including both 1080s). Now, at the board selection screen highlight any board and press C-down followed by A.

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