Total Annihilation

Last Updated: 5/31/2000

Easter Egg
All Missions


+atm                   Adds 1000 metal and energy to all players or computers.
+radar                 Full radar coverage. Whole Map!!!
+doubleshot            Shots do double damage.
+halfshot              Half shot damage.
+nowisee               All of map is visible. All units too.
+iwin                  You win
+ilose                 You lose
+kill                  ???
+dr                    ???
+clock                 Displays game clock.
+sing                  Units sing to you.
+view #                View opponents stats(energy and metal)
+los                   Toggles line of site.
+no metal              Takes away metal.
+no energy             Takes away energy.
+Contour #             Shows 3D contour mesh #1-5 
+Dither		       Dithering instead of line of sight 
+shadow 	       Changes the place of the shadow
+ANTIALIAS 	       ???
+ASSERT 	       ???
+ASSIGN 	       ???
+BECARRIED 	       ???
+BIGBROTHER 	       ???
+BURNALL 	       ???
+BURNONE 	       ???
+CDPLAY 	       Same as +CDSTART. (bit quicker)
+CDSTART 	       Starts CD Music.
+CDSTOP 	       Stops CD Music.
+CONTROL # 	       Lets you control a different skirmish AI, # = 0-3.
+DEBUGBREAK	       ???
+DPRINT 	       ???
+DROP 		       ???
+EDGE 		       ???
+FEATURE 	       ???	
+FILM 		       ???		
+FILMSPEED 	       ???
+FSHADOW	       ???
+GIVE 		       ???
+HALFSHOT 	       All weapons do half the damage.
+IFACE 		       ???	
+INCLUDE 	       ???
+LIGHT 1000  	       Darker structures. No number makes them black.
+LINE%D 	       ???
+LOSTYPE 	       ???
+MEM 		       ???
+MEMDUMP 	       ???	
+MOVE 		       ???
+MUSICMODE 	       ???
+NETSTATS 	       ???
+NOSHAKE 	       Stops explosion screen shakes.
+NOTOKTOBUILD 	       ???
+NUMLINES 	       ???
+NUMTABLES 	       ???
+OKTOBUILD 	       ???
+PROFILE 	       ???
+QUERYPRIMARY 	       ???
+QUERYTERTIARY 	       ???
+RCACHE 	       ???
+RELOAD 	       ???
+SCROLLSPEED 	       ???
+SCREENCHAT 	       ???
+SEALEVEL 	       ???
+SEARCH 	       ???
+SELBOXES 	       ???
+SELECTABLE 	       ???	
+SHOT 		       ???
+SOUND3D 	       Toggles 3D sound
+SWEETSPOT 	       ???
+SWITCHALT 	       Allows you to switch between squads with # keys.
+TABLE%D 	       ???
+TABLEINFO 	       ???
+TREEDEATH 	       ???
+TSHADOW 	       ???
+VIEW # 	       Lets you see the metal + energy a player has, = 0-3. 
+ZBUFFER 	       ???

Easter Egg
On the main menu of the game its right between the the mulitiplayer sign and the exit sign it allows the person who clicks it to see the ending credits
All Missions
On the Total Annihilation main screen click the Single Player button. When the Single Player game page appears type DRDEATH. This will cause a bone to appear between the Load Game and Previous Menu buttons. The bone will take players to a special Play Any Mission screen where you can play any Total Annihilation mission.
Trick 1: Build an Atlas/Valkyrie and go load the enemy commander. You can either self destruct the Valkyrie or bring it to enemy teritory and let them blow it up.

Trick 2: Due to the slow speed of the Invader/Roach, it is a good idea to send them close to the enemy base by using transports and let them go to the enemy from a closer spot.

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