Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

Last Updated: 5/31/2000



+bigbrother     CPU cycles through units
+clock          Shows game clock
+lotsablood     Units bleed more
+nameunit X     Rename unit X
+wackywater     Toggle wavy water effects (3D only) 
+wackyfog       Toggle wave fog effects (3D only) 
+rollingfog     Toggle rolling fog effects (3D only) 
+fogcolor X     Change the fog color (X = 1-256)
+logo X         Change your race color (X = 1-9)
+lightrange X   Change render lighting (X = 1-20)
+F2menu         Brings up the menu 
+selectunits    Deselect selected units 
+vidmode        Change resolution 
+makeposter     Svaes screen as a huge .bmp 
+quit           Exit to windows 
+atm            Full mana
+tilt           Max men and material
+cdstart        Start/stop music
+combustion     Enemies die
+doubleshot     Weapons do double damage
+halfshot       Weapons do half damage
+ilose          Instant lose
+iwin           Instant win
+lushee         Limited resource increase

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