Grandma Pine's Tapestry Bag
My great-great grandmother Pine lived in Colorado during the same time period that many romance novels in Colorado were written. Only... her life didn't sound so romantic.
It was hard work being the wife of a miner.
So she left her husband. Which wasn't all that common one hundred years ago. She was living in San Fransicso in 1906 during the big earthquake, and a letter she wrote has been handed down within my family describing the horrors.
She visited her family in Colorado with the relief money the Red Cross gave to people who survived with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
By the end of her life, my great-great grandmother Pine lived in the Napa Valley, California. She died very tragically in a accident. Her dress caught on fire at the wood stove while she was cooking.
But, the woman was a character all right! We have few photos, but she reminds me of Katherine Hepburn in wearing masculine styles. And, she was apt to get all dressed up when a freak snow storm hit the Napa Valley and make snowmen!
I might not have met her, but having these stories of her have shaped my life. So, I started this background in 2003 in honor of her, and the other people in my family who have shaped me.
Image Source
All these images come from a digital picture that I took of a vintage tapestry
bag that my grandmother Pine owned years ago.
Can You Use This Background Set?
You are welcome to use any or all of the images that make up this "Grandma Pine's Vintage Tapestry Bag" background set on personal, not-for-profit, and in fact, even on for-profit web pages.
And, you can do this at no financial cost; your cost will be free advertising for my own endeavors on the WWW.
Which means you need to use one of my logos (it doesn't have to be the one on this page, but it matches) and link back to ---
Sounds fair... Link back as payment... Anyway, and though it isn't a requirement, I would appreciate an e-mail from anyone who plans to use my work, so I can see your ideas.
E-Mail Angie McPangie.
The font face on this page is "arial" ; the dark font color is "993366".
This background is "busy". So if you use it, make sure to make the text "b" for bold, or "strong".
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