Dhaka Health Database
City profile
Age of Dhaka City: 400 years
Area: 590 sq miles (people
live in only 40% land, rest 60% is either used for cultivation or, are
forest, low land, etc.)
Area of Dhaka City Corporation:
140 sq miles (24% of Dhaka city) where 60% of the population live
Area of Dhaka City Corporation:
North- Buriganga River to Tongi Canal, West- Amin Bazar, East- Nandipar,
South- Keraniganj and Narayanganj
Megacity further include:
Narayanganj, Tongi, Gazipur, Savar
Current Population: 8 million
Population in 1901: 101
Expected Population in 1999:
10 million
Annual Population Growth Rate:
Overall density of population
per sq. mile: 15 thousand
Population density per sq mile
where people live: 35 thousand
Population in slum area:
1/3rd of total population (density 600 persons/acre of land)
Expected Population in 2015:
20 million
It is suspected that in next 16-17
years, the megacity will become a dirty and environmentally polluted place.
The Population Crisis Committee (1993) has opined that Dhaka is among the
5 lowest metroplises in the world for general living conditions and among
3 lowest for public health services. The UN source says that it was the
31st largest city in the world in 1985 and will occupy the 15th position
in 2000.
City health profile
EPI Centers: 60
Service of EPI Centers:
EPI vaccination plus Vitamin A capsules distributution
Hospitals: 2
- Child Hospital at Chawkbazar. Beds-
- Mohanagari General Hospital at
Nayabazar. Beds-50
Allopath dispensaries- 20
Homeopath dispensaries- 4
Maternity Hospitals: 10
beds at Maulabi bazar known as Maulabi bazar Matri Sadan
Table-1. Use
of modern contraceptive methods by Dhaka slum dwellers
compared to national rate (1990)
Slum residents of Dhaka city
National urban residents
National rural residents
From where city dwellers collect contraceptives
% of pill users
% of condom users
Field workers (NGO/GOB)
Clinic (NGO/GOB)
Other source (private doctors, friends, relatives, neighbours)
Source: Urban Panel Survey, Baseline,
Table-3. Sick Child
Management in Dhaka city (% of respondents)
Diarrhea (N=119)
Respiratory Infection (N=119)
Give ORS
Seek doctor's advice
Seek advice from pharmacy
Go to clinic/hospital
Self treat
Is child taken for treatment?
Never, bring back medicine
If severe only
Source: Pharmacy and Consumer Survey
in Dhaka city, 1996
Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Address: Bangladesh Secretariat, Segunbagicha,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-866540 (PS to Health Minister);
880-2-867461 (PS to Deputy Minister)
Fax: 880-2-869077
Person to contact: Hon'ble Minister Mr. Salah
Uddin Yusuf; Hon'ble Deputy Minister Prof. Dr. M. Amanullah
Home page:
Field of specialty: Health policy/ Health budgeting/
Health Supervision/ Health Administration/ Health and Family Planning/
Health and Population Sector Strategy
Mission: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh looks after the
broad policy issues and implementation of the activities related to health,
family planning, food hygiene and pharmaceutical products in Bangladesh.
The Hon'ble Health Minister's position is at the top of the administrative
hierarchy. Below the Minister is the position of the Hon'ble Deputy Minister.
The Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare occupies the top position
in the ministry's bureacratic structure who discharges his duties through
several Joint Secretaries. There are 5 Joint Secretaries, one for each
of Administration, Personnel, Hospitals and Clinics, WHO and Coordination,
and Gender Issues. Each Joint Secretary accomplishes his duties through
few Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries. The ministry is responsible
for determining the health policy, planning the structure and reforms of
health and family planning system in the country, budgeting for health
and family planning sector, suepervsion and administration of health and
family planning personnel and staff. The ministry also conducts the posting
and transfer of mid to top level health and family planning officers. The
Ministry implements its plan and supervisory activities through two Directorates
General: Directorate General of Health Services and Directorate General
of Family Planning. The ministry is now at the preparation of initiating
implementation of the 5th Health and Population Sector Strategy (HAPSS-5)
from July 1998 in collaboration with World Bank. Under this program, the
two Directorates General's offices will be integrated and similar integration
will also be done in the field level. Thus, there will be only one Directorate
General's office.
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Directorate General of Health Services
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-881424
Fax: 880-2-9886415
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. K. M. Nurul Anowar
Email: dhcqa@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: Implementation of health policy/
Health Supervision/ Health Administration/ Primary health care/ Expanded
program of immunization/ Health personnel management/ Safety and sanitation/
Health manpower development/ Medical education/ Health education/ Nursing
services/ Medical equipment/ Management information system/ Thana Health
Complex/ Homeopath/ Indigenous medicine
Mission: The Directorate General of Health Services
(DGHS) looks after the implementation and supervision of the activities
related to health and pharmaceutical products in Bangladesh. The objectives
include: supervision of the primary health care activities; supervision
of the hospital services at different levels; supervision of the
expanded programs of immunization; supervision of the public health
activities including food, hygiene, safety and sanitation; undertaking
the health personnel management activities including recruitment, posting,
transfer and promotion; undertaking health manpower development activities
including planning of medical education; carrying out mass health education
program; supervision of the pharmaceutical products for quality and prices; supervision
of the nursing services; undertaking the central procurement for health
services and to distribute them amongst different health care centers and
undertaking the repair and maintenance services of medical equipment. The
DGHS has following divisions with one director to head the division: General
Administration & Personnel Division, Primary Health Care Division,
Medical Education & Health Manpower Division, Finance Division, Management
Information System Division, Drug Administration Division, Central Medical
Store Division, Engineering & Repair Division, Nursing Division, Integrated
Thana Health Complex (Rural Health Centers) Divisions, and Homeopath &
Indigenous Medicines Division.
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Councils and State Medical Faculty under
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC)
Address: 86, Bijoynagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9555538; 880-2-9555236
Fax: 880-2-9555236
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Abu Ahmed Chowdhury,
Home page:
Field of specialty: recognition of medical and
dental qualifications/ registration of medical and dental practitioners/
medical list/ penalty/ medical Act/ prescribing standard/ content of course/
duration of courses/ standard of course/ standards of examinations/ qualifications
of examiners
Mission: The council is an autonomus body under
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It is the legal body for maintenance
of standard of medical and dental practice and has following functions:
a) recognition of medical and dental qualifications granted by medical
and dental institutions within and outside Bangaldesh; b) setting of scheme
of reciprocity with foreign medical and dental councils for recognition
of medical and dental qualifications; c) amendment of schedules; d) registration
of medical and dental practitioners; withdrawal of recognition of medical
and dental institutions; e) maintenance of registers of medical and dental
practitioners; maintenance of registers of medical assistants and unqualified
dental practioners who are engaged in practice as dentists; f) publication
of medical list; g) penalty for fraudulent representation or registration;
h) action against use of false title, etc. by registered medical and dental
practitioners; i) removal of names from registers of medical and dental
practitioners; action against person not registered under Act; j) prohibition
to organize course of study without approval of government; k) approval
of journals published by different organizations; l) management of property
of the Council and maintenance and audit of its accounts; m) prescribing
a minimun standard of courses of training for obtaining graduate and postgraduate
medical and dental qualifications to be included in the first, third and
fifth schedules; n) prescribing minimum requirements for the content and
duration of courses of training as aforesaid; o) prescribing the conditions
for admission to courses of training as aforesaid; prescribing the minimum
qualifications and experience required for teachers for appointment in
medical and dental institutions; p) presecribing the standards of examinations,
methods of conducting examinations and other requirements to be specified
for securing recognition of medical and dental qualifications under this
Act; and q) prescribing the qualifications and ecperience required by the
examiners for professional examinations in medicine and dental antecedent
or school or any university and the fees payable in respect of such registration.
Composition of the Council: a) 10 ex-officio members, viz. Director Generals
of health services, family planning, and armed forces medical services;
Directors of medical education, drug administration, and nursing, National
Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine; Deans of faculties of medicine
of universities of Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chittagong; b) 2 Government nominated
professors from each adminstrative Divisions of Bangaldesh; c) elected
medical teachers, one from each medical college; d) nominated members,
one by Bangaldesh Medical Association, one from Bangladesh Private Medical
Practitioners' Association, and one by Chief Justice; e) 8 members of National
Parliament nominated by Speakers; f) 2 Government nominated female representatives.
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Nursing Council
Address: 86, Bijoynagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9561116
Person to contact: Mrs. Jahanara Khatun, Registrar
Home page:
Field of specialty: recognition of nursing qualifications/
registration of nurses/ penalty/ regulations for nursing standards/ inspection
of examinations/ nurses
Mission: The council was run by an Adhoc Committee
from 1972 till October 4, 1983 when "The Bangladesh Nursing Council
Ordinance 1983" was declared. The Council possesses following powers:
a) recognition of nursing and allied qualifications; b) power to certify
certain persons to be possessed of sufficient nursing and allied qualifications;
c) power to require information as to courses of study and examinations;
d) inspection of examinations; e) withdrawal of recognition; f) maintenance
of nursing and allied register; f) removal of names from the register;
g) penalty for fraudulent representation or registration; h) imdenity;
i) power to make regulations with a view to maintenace of standards of
nursing practices and maintenance of property of the Council. Composition
of the Council: a) 7 ex-officio members: Secretary, MOHFW, Director Generals
of health services, family planning and armed forces medical services (or
his representative), Directors of medical education, and nursing and Principal,
College of Nursing; b) one government nominated principal from medical
colleges; c) one government nominated superintendent/director from medical
college hospitals; d) one officer nominated by ministry of social welfare/women
affairs; e) one officer nominated by ministry of labour and manpower; f)
one officer not below deputy secretary nominated by Health Division; g)
one deputy director nominated by Nursing Services; h) 2 matrons nominated
by Director, Nursing; i) one teacher nominated by government from medical
assistant teaching schools; j) one member nominated by Bangaldesh Medical
and Dental Council; k) one member nominated by Bangaldesh Nursing Association;
l) two teachers from nursing institutions nominated by Director, Nursing;
m) 3 members nominated by government from nursing profession; n) one member
nominated by government from prominent lady educationists; o) one member
nominated by government from lady social workers. The Council elects a
7 members Executive Committee for a tenure of 3 years with the port folios
of: one Chairman, one Vice Chairman, one Treasurer, one Secretary and three
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
State Medical Faculty of Bangaldesh
Address: 86, Bijoynagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9564049
Person to contact: Dr. Latifa Khanam, Secretary
Home page:
Field of specialty: controller of examinations/
syllabus of courses/ diploma on health technology/ medical assistant/ rural
medical practioners
Mission: The Faculty is a government body under
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare which functions as the Controller
of Examinations for the Paramedical courses. There are 2 Institutes of
Health Technology and 5 Medical Assistants' Training Schools (MATS) in
the country. The Faculty formulates the syllabus of the courses, prepare
questionnaires and methodology of evaluation and conducts examinations
of the courses. It also offers certificates of diploma on health technology
or Medical Assistantship to the successful candidates. Earlier this Faculty
issued certificates for LMF (licentiates of medical daculty) courses and
also to 27,000 Rural Medical Practioners during 1978-1981.
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bureau, Council and Center under DGHS
Bureau of Health Education (BHE)
Address: C-8/C-9, Eastern Housing Complex, Kalyanpur,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9000368; 880-2-9000154; 880-2-601093
Fax: 880-2-9886415
Person to contact: Mr. Ali Akbar, Chief, Bureau
of Health Education; Khondaker Mahfuzul Haque, Deputy Chief, BHE
Email: dhcqa@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: training, health workers,
health education, prevention, information, communication, sanitation, family
health education project, community response, community participation,
school health education, environment and sanitation, nutrition, kitchen
gardening, safe drinking water, use of latrines, cost effective health
education model
Mission: The bureau is a government run organization
under the Directorate General of Health Services. The mission of the bureau
is to coordinate the overall health education activities and campaign programs
on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. There is a network
of trained health education staff up to the rural health care centers in
Bangladesh and the bureau supervises their activities, including training,
motivation and reporting system. It designs health education materials,
posters, hand outs, cinema and TV spots and short films and use those materials
for creating health awareness. The bureau has mobile cinema vans, one for
each divisional head quarter to show health educational short films in
the community level. The bureau conducts special campaign programs during
natural calamities to prevent or control epidemic outbreak of communicable
dieseases. One unique feature of the bureau's activities is the conduction
of health education sessions in each government hospital or health center
at the out-patient sections. Recently, the bureau implemented a project
titled "Family Health Education Project" in one village under
each of 64 districts of the country. The idea behind the project was to
foster community response and participation for the improvement of their
own health status. The strategy of the project included: involvement of
the local people in planning, implementation and evaluation process of
the intervention, mobilizing community and exploring local resources for
the purpose, development of health education programs on the basis survey
findings, formation of local committees for project implementation and
orientation of committee members, determining yearly targets for each component
of the project, production and use of information, education and communication
materials and coordination with allied orgainizations to involve them.
5 areas, viz. environment and sanitation, prevention and control of communicable
diseases, maternal and child health, nutrition and kitchen gardening, and
immunization were chosen for intervention. Seven approaches were taken,
viz. school health education, group discussion, film show, essay competition,
folk songs, personal contacts and rally. An Information Center was established
in each project area to gather information, monitor progress and undertake
coorective measures. Report shows that positive and encouraging impacts
have been occurring in the project areas with respect to prevention of
diseases, health care of infants and mothers, use of safe water and proper
latrines. The project has been claimed as a cost-effective systematic model
done at a very minimal cost.
Library address and other details:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Center for Medical Education
Address: IPH building (2nd Floor), Mohakhali,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-870830; 880-2-881809
Fax: 880-2-881809
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Mozaherul Huq, Director
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: reorientation of medical education/
health human resources/ medical education unit/ medical skill room/ curriculum
development/ teacher training/ monitoring/ evaluation/ quality control/
instructional media/ media production/ computer training/ data management
Mission: The center is a government academic body
under the Directorate General of Health Services which was established
in 1983. Since its inception, CME is actively engaged in the process of
reorientation of medical education by developing need based health human
resources in the country. CME has strong linkages with Medical Education
Units (MEUs) and Medical Skill Rooms (MSRs) in the medical colleges to
collaborate with academic innovations and activities. It has also established
academic collaboration with regional and extra regional medical education
and teacher training centers. The functions of CME includes: task analysis,
need analysis and curriculum development; monitoring, supervision and evaluation
of course curriculum and its implementation; developing quality control
scheme for educational institutes and training and facilitating its implementaion;
training of medical teachers; training of trainers for health personnel
training; training and development of instructional media; organizing continuing
medical education programs for health professionals; providing technical
assistance to the health human resource development institutes and conducting
educational research. The center has a well equipped audio-visual unit
with editing facilities for instructional media production including video
films. It has computer facilities and slide plus 35 mm film development
facilities. Photocopying, lamination, printing and binding facilities are
also available. Recently it has started a computer section for data management,
media production, graphic designing and computer training for doctors.
The center conducts competitive examinations for recruitment of medical
teachers in junior positions, which it refers as program for development
of career teachers. It also conducts the admission procedures of undergraduate
courses for three institutions, viz. physiotherapy, homeopathic medicine
and indigenous medicine. The CME has a future vision to develop itself
as an Institute of Health Professionals' Development and provide technical
support for continuing professional development.
Library: Library of Center for Medical Education
Library address: IPH building (2nd Floor), Mohakhali,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-870830; 880-2-881809
Fax: 880-2-881809
Person to contact: Mrs. Sahana Parveen
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Medical Schools
Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical
Address: Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9661065
Fax: 880-2-865757
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. M. A. Qaderi, Vice
Email: bsmmu@medinet.agni.com; ipgmr@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry,
pharmacology, microbiology, virology, pathology, medicine, nephrology,
gastroenterology, hepatology, psychiatry, hematology, cardiology, coronary
care unit, neurology, skin and venereal diseases, general pediatrics, neonatology,
pediatric nephrology, pediatric hematology and oncology, pediatric nutrition
and gastroenterology, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery,
pediatric surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, anesthesiology
and ICU, radiation oncology, radiology and imaging, transfusion medicine,
nuclear medicine, clinical pathology, physical medicine, Diploma, M.Phil,
MS, MD, Fellowship, PhD
Mission: This University has started functioning
from April 30, 1998 as per an Act passed in the National Parliament of
Bangaldesh. Formerly it was popularly known as the Institute of Postgraduate
Medicine and Research (IPGMR) which was established in 1965. It has following
Departments: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology,
virology, pathology, medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology, hepatology,
psychiatry, hematology, cardiology and coronary care unit, neurology, skin
and venereal diseases, general pediatrics and neonatology, pediatric nephrology,
pediatric hematology and oncology, pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology,
general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery,
obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, anesthesiology and ICU,
radiation oncology, radiology and imaging, transfusion medicine, nuclear
medicine, physical medicine, clinical pathology, and emergency section
of neurosurgery. It has a 750 bed affiliated hospital with out-patient
departments for major disciplines. About 450 students are admitted per
year for different postgraduate courses in medical sciences, viz. Diploma,
M.Phil, MS, MD, Fellowship and PhD.
Affiliated to: Bangobandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
Library: Library of Bangobandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Library address : Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-862550-4 extension 445
Fax: 880-2-865757
Person to contact: Mr. Shahadat Hossain
Email: bsmmu@medinet.agni.com; ipgmr@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD)
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-814806; 880-2-9122560-78
Fax: 880-2-810986
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman,
Home page:
Field of specialty: Cardiac problem/ Cardiovascular
surgery/ Cardiology
Mission: The institute was established in 1961
with the objectives of producing trained health man power and treatment
facilities for cardiac problems including cardiovascular surgeries. It
has the departments of cardiology, cardiac surgery, and epidemilogy and
preventive medicine. Other allied support departments, viz. anesthesiology,
clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging, blood transfusion, physical
medicine and emergency are also existing. It has a 350 bed affiliated hospital
with wide range of diagnostic facilities for cardiac problems. The institute
offers postgraduate diplomas, MD and MS degrees in cardiology and cardiothoracic
Affiliated to: National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD) Hospital
Library: Library of National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-9122560-78 extension 165
Fax: 880-2-810986
Person to contact: Md. Fakrul Islam
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Ophthalmology
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-814807
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Syed Modasser Ali,
Home page:
Field of specialty: Medical Treatment for ophthalmic
problems/ Cataract/ Intraocular lens implants/ Glaucoma/ Vitreo-retinal
Mission: The institute was established with the
objectives of producing trained health man power and treatment facilities
for eye problems. Besides three units of ophthalmic departments, it has
also department of anesthesilogy and an emergency section. Along with prophylactic
and medical treatment for eye problems, if offers wide range of surgical
treatment for ophthalmic problems, viz. cataract surgery, intraocular lens
implants, surgical treatment for glaucoma, vitreo-retinal surgeries, etc.
It has a 100 bed affiliated teaching hospital. The institute offers postgraduate
diplomas and MS degrees in ophthalmology and also conducts primary eye
care training workshops for the doctors and health workers from the rural
health centers.
Affiliated to: National Institute of Ophthalmology
(NIO) Hospital
Library: Library of National Institute of Opthalmology
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-814807
Person to contact: Abu Bakkar Siddique
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
M A I Institute of
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215,
Telephone: 880-2-9119315; 880-2-812856
Fax: 880-2-812856
Person to contact: Dr. Nazmul Hoque Robi, Assistant
Professor cum Consultant & Coordinator
Email: ieh@bangla.net;
Home page:
Field of specialty: general ophthalmology, orbit,
oculoplasty, glaucoma, cornea, retina, vitreous, pediatric ophthalmology,
IOL microsurgery, cataract, community ophthalmology, residency training
in ophthalmology
Mission: Mirza Ahmed Ispahani Instiute of Ophthalmology
is a teaching ophthalmic institute established in the non-profit private
sector in 1960 by the generous donation of Mirza Ahmed Ispahani. It has
following clinical departments: general ophthalmology, orbit and oculoplasty,
glaucoma, cornea, retina and vitreous, pediatric ophthalmology, IOL microsurgery
and community ophthalmology. It conducts following ophthalmic teaching/training
programs: Diploma in Ophthalmology (15 students per year); Fellowship training
(3 students per year), Two years' Residency Training (3 students per year),
One year Postgraduate Residency Training (12 students per year) and 10
weeks' Short Courses on Ophthalmology (16 students per year). The prerequisites
for admission are undergraduate medical degree and completion of internship
in a multidisciplinary tertiary hospital. Two years' Residency Training
and Short Courses are offered against tuition fee. Foriegn students can
also join the courses. The hospital is affiliated to Islamia Eye Hospital,
the largest ophthalmic hospital in the country.
Affiliated to: Islamia Eye Hospital
Library: Library of M A I Institute of Ophthalmology
Library address : 880-2-9119315; 880-2-812856
Fax: 880-2-812856
Person to contact: Mrs. Nilufar Yasmin
Email: ieh@bangla.net;
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Rehabilitation,
Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9114075
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Ruhul Huq, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: Orthopedic problem/ Orthopedic
surgery/ Physiotherapy/ Plastic surgery
Mission: The institute was established with the
objectives of producing trained health man power, treatment facilities
and rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic problems. Besides units
of orthopedic departments it has also departments of plastic surgery, anesthesiology,
clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging, blood transfusion, physiotherapy
and an emergency section. It has a 500 bed affiliated hospital. The institute
offers postgraduate diplomas and MS degrees in Orthopedic surgery and also
offers undergraduate degrees in physiotherapy.
Affiliated to: Hospital of
Institute of Rehabilitation, Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Library: Library of Institute
of Rehabilitation, Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-9114075
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Ruhul Huq, Director
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Diseases of Chest
and Hospital (IDCH)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-871910
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Sofiullah, Director
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: thoracic surgery, respiratory
medicine, respiratory ICU, physiotherapy, pathology, clinical pathology,
histopathology, hematology, microbiology, biochemistry, asthma unit, blood
transfusion, radiology and imaging, anesthesiology, general ICU, thoracic
diseases, cardiac diseases, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular diseases
Mission: The institute is a postgraduate teaching
and training center for treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of wide
range of medical and surgical chest diseases. It has following clinical
departments and services: thoracic surgery, respiratory medicine, respiratory
ICU, physiotherapy, pathology (clinical pathology, histopathology, hematology,
microbiology, biochemistry), asthma unit, blood transfusion, radiology
and imaging, anesthesiology and general ICU. The affiliated teaching hospital
provides facility for 650 beds. It conducts Diploma (10 students) and MD
(5 students) courses in thoracic and cardiac diseases and jointly conducts
with Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases training courses for MS, Cardiothoracic
Surgery and Vascular Diseases (10 students).
Affiliated to: Institute
of Diseases of Chest Hospital (IDCH)
Library: Library of Institute
of Diseases of Chest and Hospital (IDCH)
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-608031-5 extension- Library
Person to contact: Mr. Anowar Hossain
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute for Cancer
Research & Hospital
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9880078; 880-2-886561-4
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Fazle Elahi
Home page:
Field of specialty: cancer/ cancer research/ oncology/
radiotherapy/ cobalt 60 machine
Mission: The institute is a teaching institute
and training center for postgraduate studies and research on cancer and
offers teaching and training to the diploma and fellowship students of
radiotherapy. It has an affiliated hospital with 50 indoor beds and 4 departments,
viz. medical oncology, surgical oncology, gynecological oncology and radiotherapy.
Supported by diagnostic laboratory, radiology and imaging section, and
cobalt 60 machine, the hospital also provides services to about 80 outdoor
patients daily.
Affiliated to: National Cancer Hospital
Library: Library of National
Institute for Cancer Research & Hospital
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9880078; 880-2-886561-4
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. M. Hassan
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Leprosy Control Institute
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601835
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. Md. Ahsan Ali, Chief
Home page:
Field of specialty: leprosy/ leprosy control
Mission: The institute is a training center of
primary health care physicians and staff in Bangladesh for treatment, prevention
and rehabilitation of leprosy patients. It has a 20 bed affiliated hospital
with a diagnostic clinical laboratory.
Affiliated to: Leprosy Hospital
Library: Library of Leprosy Control Institute
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601835
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. Md. Ahsan Ali,
Chief Consultant
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH)
Address: Project Office: 3rd Floor, Dhaka Medical
College, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-867816
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan, Project
Email: nimh@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: psychiatric hospital, mental
health, adult psychiatry, child psychiatry, community psychiatry, social
psychiatry, organic psychiatry, geriatic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry,
psychotherapy, clinical psychology, drug addiction, mental retardation,
EEG, bio feedback, fellowships, M.Phils, MD, PhD, students' counseling
Mission: The institute aims to fully start functioning
from 1999. Currently, the construction work of physical facilities are
running in an area of 1.75 acre land at Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. The
projected institute will be housed in a 8-storied building which will also
include an affiliated 100 bed psychiatric hospital. The institute will
have following departments: adult psychiatry, child psychiatry, community
and social psychiatry, organic and geriatic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry,
and psychotherapy and clinical psychology. Cases such as drug addiction
will be dealt under community and social psychiatry. Likewise mental retardation
will be dealt under child psychiatry. The affiliated hospital will also
be backed by anesthesiology section and also diagnostic sections, such
as, clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, radiology and imaging, EEG,
bio feedback, etc. The institute will conduct postgraduate courses in psychiatry
and will offer fellowships, M.Phils, MD and PhD degrees. Currently, the
institute conducts limited activities from its small office located at
the 3rd floor of Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. The activities include:
training course for the primary physicians and health workers from the
rural health centers (later trainings are held at the respective center
which also operate mental health camp), out-patient services, teaching
of postgraduate students in clinical psychology, M.Phil and fellowship
courses. It also operates a Students' Counseling service.
Affiliated to: National Institute
of Mental Health (NIMH) Hospital
Library: Library of National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Library address : NIMH, Dhaka Medical College,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-867816
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan, Project
Email: nimh@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Nuclear Medicine
Address: Bangobandhu Medical University Campus,
Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-869157
Person to contact: Dr. M. A. Karim, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: Atomic Energy Commsison/ nuclear
medicine/ SPECT/ planner gumma camera/ recti-linear scanner/ thyroid uptake/
renogram/ in vitro/ radioimmunoassay/ RBC life span/ fluid compartment/
vitamin B12 absorption/ DNA technology/ PCR/ brachiotherapy
Mission: The institute was established in 1980.
It is a project of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. The functions of
the institute include production of qualified and trained health manpower
in the field and also to provide diagnostic patient services. It offers
M.Phil in Nuclear Medicine. Prerequisites for admission are undergraduate
degree in medical sciences and one year's working experience in nuclear
medicine. The institute has following diagnostic techniques: SPECT for
tomographic imaging, planner gumma camera for two dimensional imaging,
recti-linear scanner, computerized thyroid uptake machine, pro-renogram,
in vitro facilities for hormone estimation by radioimmunoassay, RBC life
span detection by Cr51, fluid compartment measurements, vitamin B12 absorption
(schilling test), ultrasounds, echocardiography, DNA technology (PCR) for
diagnosis of communicable diseases and brachiotherapy. Diagnostic services
inclusive all techniques are offered to around 100 patients per day. International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides technical supports to the institute.
Library: Library of Institute
of Nuclear Medicine
Library address : Bangobandhu Medical University
Campus, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-869157
Person to contact: Dr. M. A. Karim, Director
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Preventive
& Social Medicine (NIPSOM)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-811236; 880-2-602922
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Shahjada Chowdhury,
Home page:
Field of specialty: biostatistics/ community medicine/
medical entomology/ epidemiology/ health education/ hospital management/
maternity and child health/ occupational and environmental health/ population
dynamics/ microbiology/ parasitology/ nutrition/ biochemistry/ public health/
industrial hygiene
Mission: The institute was established in 1974
under a development scheme of the Government of Bangaldesh with the aim
to provide need-based postgraduate education and training to doctors, nurses,
paramedics, social scientists, etc. in order to support primary health
care services with a view to bringing health services to the reach of the
vast majority of the underserved population of the country and also to
conduct research in the field of public health. The institute has following
departments: biostatistics, community medicine, medical entomology, epidemiology,
health education, hospital management, maternity and child health, occupational
and environmental health, population dynamics, microbiology, parasitology,
nutrition and biochemistry. 110 students are admitted each year for postgraduate
courses and they are offered MPH degrees in public health, community medicine,
health education, industrial hygiene, maternal and child health, hospital
management and epidemiology and also M.Phil (PSN) degree. In addition to
academic courses and training programs, the institute has been organizing
seminars, workshops, meetings, etc. on public health matters in collaboration
with WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, etc. It publishes a regular journal titled JOPSOM
(Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine).
Library: Library of National
Institute of Preventive & Social Medicine (NIPSOM)
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-811236; 880-2-602922
Person to contact: Mr. Taufiq Uddin Ahmed
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Institute of Research
and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM)
Address: 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1000,
Telephone: 880-2-866641-50 (PBX); 880-2-867130
(Secretary General); 880-2-810985 (Director General)
Fax: 880-2-863004
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. K. Azad Khan,
Secretary General; Prof. Dr. K. M. Fariduddin, Director General
Email: azadkhan@ncll.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: center of excellence/ diabetes/
Diabetic Association/ diagnostic network/ rehabilitation/ BIRDEM/ endocrinology/
metabolism/ PhD/ MD/ MS/ M.Phil/ Diploma/ radiology/ gastroenterology/
obstetrics/ gynecology/ ophthalmology/ anesthesiology/ immunology/ clinical
biochemistry/ research/ microbiology/ histopathology/ pharmacology/ cell/
molecular biology/ epidemiology/ biostatistics/ health education/ ANRAP/endocrine
conference/ WAN/ epidemic/ quality control/ patient loads/ out-patient/
Mission: BIRDEM, today's Center of Excellence
and Reference point in diabetes care was established in 1957 as an out-patient
department in a small semi-parmanent structure of about 380 sq. ft. at
Segunbagicha, Dhaka. The initiative was taken by Late National Professor
M. Ibrahim with a group of social workers, philanthropists, physicians
and civil servants with the formatiom of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh
(DAB) on February 28, 1956. Currently, DAB operates BIRDEM, National Diagnostic
Network (NDN) and Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center (RVTC)
for poor and young diabetic patients. BIRDEM has, amongst others, Research
and Academy Division and BIRDEM Hospital. The later is currently known
as Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Center. Research and Academy Division operates
BIRDEM Academy which has started function from 1986 and conducts following
courses: PhD; MDs in endocrinology and metabolism, diagnostic radiology,
and gastroenterology; MS in obstetrics and gynecology; M.Phil in radiology
and imaging; and Diplomas in endocrinology and metabolism, ophthalmology,
and anesthesiology. It also plans to start courses for MS (ophthalmology),
M.Phil (biochemistry), and M.Phil (immunology). Research and Academy Division
also includes library, computer unit, and following departments: radiology,
clinical biochemistry, endocrinology, microbiology, histopathology, immunology,
biochemistry and metabolism, pharmacology, cell and molecular biology,
epidemiology and biostatistics, and health education. Apart from the regular
research and academic activities, the division also houses the Secretariat
of the Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP) which is
aimed to stimulate collaborative research in the area of antidiabetic treatment.
The division also houses the Secretariat of Diabetes and Endocrine Conference,
an yearly scientific meeting jointly organized by the DAB and Bangladesh
Endocrine Society (BES). Currently, the division is playing an active role
in the implementation of the projects like NDN and initiation of a new
project like upgradation of BIRDEM Academy to a non-profit private
university status by name, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences. NDN
is an innovative project of BIRDEM aimed at providing quality diagnostic
services at a reasonable cost throughout the country. Inter-connected via
a tele-computer Wide Area Network (WAN), the central laboratory at BIRDEM
will check quality control, patient loads, data compilation, analysis,
identification of epidemic pattern of diseases, etc. The institute is affiliated
with the 539 beds state of the art teaching and training hospital, the
Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Center (described elsewhere) with all the major
and sub-specialty disciplines including out-patient and emergency departments.
Affiliated to: Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Center
Library: BIRDEM Library
Library address : BIRDEM, 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam
Avenue, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-866641-50 (PBX) extension 2330
Fax: 880-2-863004
Person to contact: Bipin Roy
Email: lali@citechco.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE and POPLINE CD-ROMs
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Child Health (ICH)
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-816061-2
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Sirajul Islam, Academic
Email: bich@bdcom.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: neonatology/ pediatric
gastroenterology/ STD/ pediatrics/ pediatric surgery/ otolaryngorhinology/
anesthesiology/ clinical laboratory/ radiology and imaging/ neurology/
blood transfusion/ physical medicine
Mission: The institute was established in 1983
and is a private non-profit initiative. It consists of following departments:
biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pediatric gastroenterology, sexual-skin-and-venereal
diseases, pediatric medicine, pediatric surgery, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology,
diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging), neurology, blood
transfusion and physical medicine. It has an affiliated teaching hospital
having 350 in-patient beds. 32 students are admitted for postgraduate courses
each year through competitive examination. Students are awarded postgraduate
diplomas, FCPS, MS and MD degrees.
Affiliated to: Institute
of Child Health (ICH) Hospital
Library: Library of Institute
of Child Health (ICH)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-816061-2 ext 407
Person to contact: Mr. Nazrul Bashar, Chief Librarian
Email: bich@bdcom.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Address: CMH, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-885211
Person to contact: Brig. Dr. A. S. M. Motiur Rahman,
Home page:
Field of specialty: specialist training/
armed forces/ graded specialist/ pathology/ clinical pathology/ diploma/
residency training/ fellowship
Mission: This institute aims to provide specialist
training to the doctors working in Bangaldesh Armed Forces with a view
to produce graded specialists in pathology and also to offer diplomas in
clinical pathology. It is a part of doctors' career planning as well as
to meet the increasing demand of experts in clinical pathology for armed
forces. Graded specialty course is of 18 months duration with three term
examinations at the interval of six months. It also provides residency
training to fellowship students. The AFIP is renowned for its wide range
of diagnostic facilities and quality control standards and besides providing
services to the Combined Military Hospital, it has extended its services
to the civil people. The later is a good source of revenue for the
Affiliated to: Combined Military Hospital (CMH)
Library: Library of Armed Forces Medical Institute
Library address : CMH, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-886539
Person to contact: Mrs. Lutfunnessa Begum
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Armed Forces Medical Institute
Address: CMH, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-886539
Person to contact: Brig. Dr. Manjoor Mollah, Commandant
Home page:
Field of specialty: graded specialists, armed
forces, medicine, surgery, ENT, ophthalmology, radiotherapy, radiology,
diploma course, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, residency
training, fellowship
Mission: This institute aims to provide specialist
training to the doctors working in Bangaldesh Armed Forces with a view
to produce graded specialists in different medical disciplines mainly.
It is a part of doctors' career planning as well as to meet the increasing
demand of medical experts for armed forces. Graded specialty course is
of 18 months duration with three term examinations at the interval of six
months and is offered for the following disciplines: medicine, surgery,
ENT, ophthalmology, radiotherapy and radiology. The institute also conducts
diploma courses for pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and psychiatry,
It also provides residency training to fellowship students. The Combined
Military Hospital serves purpose of training.
Affiliated to: Combined Military Hospital (CMH)
Library: Library of Armed Forces Medical Institute
Library address : CMH, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-886539
Person to contact: Mrs. Lutfunnessa Begum
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh College of Physicians
& Surgeons (BCPS)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-885005-6
Fax: 880-2-888928
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Nazmun Nahar, Secretary
Home page:
Field of specialty: fellowship examination/ membership
examination/ internal medicine/ general surgery/ pediatrics/ obstetric
and gynecology/ ophthalmology/ ENT/ radiology/ radiotherapy/ psychiatry/
anesthesiology/ physical medicine/ hematology/ biochemistry/ microbiology/
histopathology/ dermatology & venereology/ forensic medicine/ dental
surgery/ clinical pathology/ family medicine
Mission: The Bangladesh College of Physicians and
Surgeons (BCPS) was established in 1972 by Presidential Order in June 1972.
The aims of the college as incorporated in its charter includes: a) to
improve specialist practice in all branches of medical sciences by improved
teaching and training; b) to arrange postgraduate education and training
in all specialities of medical sciences; c) to hold and conduct Fellowship
and Membership Examinations in different specialities; d) to provide guidance
and create facilities for research in all branches of medicine; e) to create
facilities for continuing medical education for all categories of medical
personnel and f) to bring together general physicians and specitialists
periodically for scientific discussion, seminars, workshops, practical
demonstrations, etc. in different fields of medical sciences. The college
conducts Fellowship (FCPS) Examinations twice a year in January and July
in the following specialities: internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics,
obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, radiology, radiotherapy,
psychiatry, anesthesiology, physical medicine, hematology, biochemistry,
microbiology, histopathology, dermatology & venereology. It also conducts
Membership (MCPS) Examinations in internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics,
obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, radiology, radiotherapy,
psychiatry, anesthesiology, forensic medicine, dental surgery, clinical
pathology and family medicine. The college runs a four weeks course in
basic medical sciences which is held twice a year before each FCPS Part
I examination and is intended to prepare the examinees. The college also
organizes weekened course every Thursday and Friday throughout the year
except January, June, July and December. Any medical graduate may take
course by providing enrollment fee. In addition, the college also organizes
lectures, seminars and workshops on topics of medical and scientific interest
and on aspects of medical education and examination methodology as part
of program of continuing medical education.
Library: Library of Bangladesh College of Physicians
and Surgeons (BCPS)
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-885005-6 extension Library
Fax: 880-2-888928
Person to contact: Mr. Mokbular Rahman
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Dhaka Medical College (DMC)
Address: Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-500698
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. B. M. Ahsan Ullah,
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, STD, medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, diabetes, cancer, nephrology,
psychiatry, anesthesiology, casualty surgery, pediatrics, pediatric surgery,
neurosurgery, burn unit, radiology, nuclear medicine, emergency, blood
Mission: Dhaka Medical College is the most premier
medical college in the country and is run under government sector. It
consists of following departments: preclinical (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry,
pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine,
community medicine), clinical medicine (general medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology,
neurology, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics,
surgery (general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric
surgery, casualty surgery, plastic surgery), ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, radiotheraphy (oncology), diagnostic (clinical laboratory,
radiology and imaging, nuclear medicine), blood transfusion, burn unit
and physical medicine. The medical college has an affiliated teaching hospital
having 1400 in-patient beds which often exceeds 2000.) 150 students having
pre-medical A-level education are admitted each year through national competitive
examination conducted by Director, Medical Education & Health Man Power
Development. Students are awared undergraduate MBBS degree after 5 years'
study in college and hospital and 3 professional examinations (first prof.
after 2 years, second prof. after 4 years and final prof. after 5 years
of admission) under the University of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full
residency training in the affiliated hospital to get registration for practicing
medicine. The degree and training are recognized by the General Medical
Council (GMC) of UK.
Affiliated to: Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Library: Library of Dhaka Medical College
Library address : Dhaka Medical College (3rd Floor),
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-500698 extension Library
Person to contact: Mr. Sirajul Islam, Chief Librarian
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base: The Medical Information Group
(MIG), a non-profit organization has recently started POPLINE CD-ROM service.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Sir Salimullah Medical College
Address: Midford, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-236486
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Abdus Sakur, Principal
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community
medicine, STD, medicine, surgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetrics, gynecology,
ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, diabetes, psychiatry, anesthesiology,
pediatrics, pediatric surgery, radiology, emergency, blood transfusion
Mission: The medical college consists of following
departments: preclinical (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology),
paraclinical (pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community medicine),
clinical medicine (general medicine, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal
diseases), pediatrics, surgery (general surgery, orthopedic surgery, pediatric
surgery), ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and diagnostic
(clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging). The medical college possesses
a 600 bed general hospital inculding OPD and IPD services in above disciplines
and an integrated emergency department. 150 students having pre-medical
A-level education are admitted each year through open competitive examination.
Students are awared undergraduate MBBS degree after 5 years' study in college
and hospital and 3 professional examinations (first prof. after 2 years,
second prof. after 4 years and final prof. after 5 years of admission)
under the University of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full residency training
in the hospital to get registration for practicing medicine.
Affiliated to: Midford Hospital
Library: Library of Sir Salimullah Medical College
Library address: Midford, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-236486
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Abdus Sakur, Principal
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Medical College (BMC)
Address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Major General Dr. Anis Waiz,
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Home page: No home page
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community
medicine, STD, medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, diabetes, psychiatry, anesthesiology, pediatrics,
radiology, emergency
Mission: The medical college is a wing of Bangladesh
Medical Studies and Research Institute which is a private non-profit initiative.
The medical college consists of following departments: preclinical (anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology, microbiology,
forensic medicine, community medicine), clinical (general medicine, psychiatry,
sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics, surgery (general surgery,
orthopedic surgery), ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology,
diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging) and blood transfusion.
The medical college possesses a 250 bed affiliated general hospital and
an integrated emergency department. 100 students having pre-medical A-level
education are admitted each year through competitive examination following
rules made by ministry of health. Students are awared undergraduate MBBS
degree after 5 years' study in college and hospital and 3 professional
examinations (first prof. after 2 years, second prof. after 4 years and
final prof. after 5 years of admission) under the University of Dhaka.
Then, they do 1 year full residency training in the hospital to get registration
for practicing medicine. The Medical College is enlisted by the General
Medical Council of UK and WHO.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh Medical College Hospital
and Bangaldesh Dental College
Library: Library of Bangladesh Medical College
Library address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi
R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Mrs.
Farida Begum
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM database since
1966. Access to Internet database.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Medical College for Women
Address: Road- 8 & 9, Sector-1, Uttara,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-893939
Fax: 880-2-893939
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. M. Muzibul Haque,
Email: mhwt@citechco.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community
medicine, medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
psychiatry, anesthesiology, pediatrics, radiology, emergency
Mission: The medical college is run by a private
non-profit body and consists of following departments: preclinical (anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology, microbiology,
forensic medicine, community medicine), clinical (general medicine, psychiatry),
pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and diagnostic (clinical laboratory,
radiology and imaging). The medical college possesses a 300 bed general
hospital inculding OPD and IPD services in above disciplines and an integrated
emergency department. 75 women students having pre-medical A-level education
are admitted each year through open competitive examination following the
regulations of government of Bangladesh. Students are awarded undergraduate
MBBS degree after 5 years' study and training in college and hospital and
3 professional examinations (first prof. after 2 years, second prof. after
4 years and final prof. after 5 years of admission) under the University
of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full residency training in the hospital
to get registration for practicing medicine.
Affiliated to: Medical College for Women Hospital
Library: Library of Medical College for Women
Library address: Road- 8 & 9, Sector-1,
Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-893939
Fax: 880-2-893939
Person to contact: Mrs. Irin
Email: mhwt@citechco.net
Details of Data-base: Access to Internet database
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Medical College
Address: 53/1 Johnson Road, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-233469; 880-2-237300
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Mahmudur Rahman,
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community
medicine, medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, pediatrics, radiology, emergency
Mission: The medical college is established in
1995 by a private non-profit trust which successfully operated a general
hospital in old city for long time. The National Medical College has affiliation
with this hospital. Following departments are currently working: preclinical
(anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology,
microbiology, forensic medicine, community medicine), clinical (medicine,
pediatrics, surgery, obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology and diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging).
The medical college possesses a 200 bed general hospital. It has also OPD
services and an integrated emergency department. 60 students having pre-medical
A-level education are admitted each year through a competitive examination
following the regulations of government of Bangladesh. Students are awarded
undergraduate MBBS degree after 5 years' study in college and hospital
and 3 professional examinations (first prof. after 2 years, second prof.
after 4 years and final prof. after 5 years of admission) under the University
of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full residency training in the hospital
to get registration for practicing medicine.
Affiliated to: Dhaka National
Medical College Hospital
Library: Library of National
Medical College
Library address: 53/1 Johnson Road, Dhaka-1100,
Telephone: 880-2-233469; 880-2-237300
Person to contact: Mr Salim Ahmed
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Zainul Haque Sikder Women's
Medical College Pvt. Ltd.
Address: Monika State, West Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815951; 880-2-813313
Fax: 880-2-815965
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. T. Siddique, Rector
Home page:
Field of specialty: anatomy, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community
medicine, medicine, cardiology, surgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, psychiatry, anesthesiology,
pediatrics, clinical laboratory, radiology, emergency
Mission: The medical college is run by a private
initiative established in 1992-93 and consists of following departments:
preclinical (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), paraclinical
(pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community medicine), clinical
(medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetric
and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and
diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging). The medical college
possesses a 250 bed general hospital which aims to be raised to 500 beds.
It has also OPD services and an integrated emergency department. 100 women
students having pre-medical A-level education are admitted each year through
a competitive examination following the regulations of government of Bangladesh.
Students are awarded undergraduate MBBS degree after 5 years' study in
college and hospital and 3 professional examinations (first prof. after
2 years, second prof. after 4 years and final prof. after 5 years of admission)
under the University of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full residency training
in the hospital to get registration for practicing medicine.
Affiliated to: Zainul Haque
Sikder Women's Medical College Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Library: Library of Zainul
Haque Sikder Women's Medical College & Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Library address: Monika State, West Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815951; 880-2-813313
Fax: 880-2-815965
Person to contact: Mrs. Nilufa Aktar
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Health Sciences/
Gono Bishwabiddyaloy (People's University)
Address: GonoSaystha Kendra, Mirza Nagar, Nayarhat,
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9332245; 880-2-839366
Fax: 880-2-863567
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Amal Krishna Sarker,
Professor & Head of Clinical Pharmacology
Email: gk.mail@drik.bgd.toolnet.org
Home page:
Field of specialty: Gono Saystha Trust, Health
insurance scheme, People's University, MBBS, BDS, BSc, anatomy,
physiology, pathology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, forensic
medicine, community medicine, medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology,
ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, pediatrics, radiology,
clinical laboratory, emergency, need based, problem based, integrated teaching,
english language course, computer course, environmental sciences, nutrition
education, biostatistics, demography, essential drug concepts, therapeutics,
rational use of drugs, research methodology, health insurance, medical
help for rural families
Mission: The instituite is a non-profit initiative
of Gono Saystha Trust (People's Health Trust), a pro-people popular health
delivery concept for the community created by some freedom fighters. The
Trust was established in 1972 just after the liberation of Bangladesh.
Gono Saystha Trust has been successfully running many health initiatives,
viz. Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital, Gono Saystha Pharmaceuticals, People's
Health Insurance Scheme and Gono Saystha Nagar Hospital (People's Health
City Hospital). In 1998, the Trust has established the Gono Bishawbiddyaloy
(People's University) of which the Institute of Health Sciences is a faculty.
The institute aims to offer undergraduate medical degree (MBBS- 30 seats),
dental degree (BDS -30 seats) and BSc (honours) in Pharmacy (30 seats),
Microbiology (20 seats) and Physiotherapy (20 seats). Later postgraduate
courses, viz. MS, MD, M.Phil and PhD may be opened. Currently, following
departments are operating: preclinical (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry,
pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine,
community medicine), clinical (medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery,
obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology,
diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging) and emergency.
The institute follows need based, problem oriented and integrated teaching
programs and also different durations of teaching blocks in constrast to
other medical colleges in the country. The teaching blocks are: first year
and second year or preclinical block (9+9=18 months with 4 semesters and
first professional at the end), third year or legal and community medicine
block (9 months with 2 semesters), fourth year or paraclinical block (9
months with 2 semesters and second professional examination at the end)
and final year or clinical block (18 months with semesters and final professional
at the end). Clinical orientation actually begins from first year, be enhanced
from second year and takes full shape during the final block. Internship
training is of 18 months duration in contrast to 1 year in other medical
colleges. Curriculum includes, in addition to Bangladesh Medical Dental
Council (BMDC)'s requisites, english language course, computer course,
environmental sciences, nutrition education, biostatistics, demography,
essential drug concepts, therapeutics and rational use of drugs, and research
methodology. Each medical and dental students are assigned to 10 rural
families to take care for the medical help of the respective family members,
to collect and record essential data, to learn in detail and acquire skill
to identify, investigate, diagnose and manage the medical problems concerning
the assigned families independently as well as with guide's help. Data
for all the families are planned to compile to build community database.
The institute is affiliated to 250 bed Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital at
Savar and 150 bed City Hospital, and also with the Trust's field out-patient
centers. The whole concept is to produce health manpower oriented and sympathetic
to the health problems of the community.
Affiliated to: Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital and
150 bed City Hospital
Library: Library of Institute
of Health Sciences/ Gono Bishwabiddyaloy (People's University)
Library address: GonoSaystha Kendra, Mirza Nagar,
Nayarhat, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9332245; 880-2-839366
Fax: 880-2-863567
Person to contact: Mr. Zaki Uddin Ahmed
Email: gk.mail@drik.bgd.toolnet.org
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Homeopathic Degree College
Address: Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Telephone: 880-2-9001150
Person to contact: Dr. Mofazzal Hossain, Principal
Home page:
Field of specialty: homeopathic medicine/ homeopathy/
Mission: The college was established in 1982.
It aims at producing homeopathic graduates who are conversant in homeopathic
medicine. It has the departments of anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacy,
clinical homoepathy and clinical laboratory. It has a 100 bed affiliated
hospital with out-patient services. Each year 100 students having A-level
are admitted through competitive examination conducted by the Center for
Medical Education. Students need to complete 5 years' basic and clinical
courses and three professional examinations and there after they are offered
undergraduate degree from the University of Dhaka. One year full time residency
training is mandatory for each student after achieving the degree to get
the practitioner's certificate.
Affiliated to: Homeopathic
Degree College Hospital
Library: Library of Homeopathic
Degree College
Library address: Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Telephone: 880-2-9001150
Person to contact: Abdul Matin
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Government Ayurvedic and Unani
(Indigenous) Degree College
Address: Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka-1221,
Telephone: 880-2-802048
Person to contact: Dr. Karam Hossain, Principal
Home page:
Field of specialty: traditional medicine/ harbal
medicine/ unani/ ayurvedic
Mission: The college was established in 1982.
It aims at producing medical graduates who are conversant in traditional
medicine based on harbal sources. It has the departments of anatomy, physiology,
pathology, harbal pharmacy, surgery, unani, ayurvedic and clinical laboratory.
It has a 100 bed affiliated hospital with out-patient services. The medical
college also accompanies a garden to cultivate many harbal plants to serve
as own source of harbal medicines and also to undertake research for new
harbal medicines. Each year 100 students (50 for Unani course and rest
50 for Ayurvedic course) having A-level are admitted through competitive
examination conducted by the Center for Medical Education. Students need
to complete 5 years' basic and clinical courses and three professional
examinations and there after they are offered undergraduate degree from
the University of Dhaka. One year full time residency training is mandatory
for each student after achieving the degree to get the practioner's certificate.
Affiliated to: Government
Ayurvedic and Unani (Indigenous) Degree College Hospital
Library: Library of Government
Ayurvedic and Unani (Indigenous) Degree College
Library address: Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka-1221,
Telephone: 880-2-802048
Person to contact: Md. Abul Hossain
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Health Technology
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601974
Person to contact: Dr. Nurul Islam, Principal
Home page:
Field of specialty: laboratory, radiography, dental,
pharmacy, physiotheraphy, sanitary
Mission: The institute was established in 1963.
It aims at producing medical technologists to promote creation of diagnostic
facilities in the government hospitals and health centers of the country.
It has a biochemistry and clinical pathology laboratory, a microbiology
laboratory, a histopathology laboratory, a physiotheraphy department, a
dental department and a radiology and imaging section. 3 years' diploma
courses in medical technology are offered in the following disciplines:
laboratory, radiography, dental, pharmacy, physiotheraphy and sanitary
inspection. Students having their O-level completed are allowed to sit
for admission test.
Library: Library of Institute of Health Technology
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601974
Person to contact: Md. Faridul Islam
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Schools of Dentistry
Dhaka Dental College (DDC)
Address: Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-508009
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Mozammel Hossain,
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: BDS, anatomy, physiology,
dental chemistry, dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology,
medicine, surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics,
oral surgery, community dentistry, conservative dentistry, maxillofacial
surgery, advanced oral surgery
Mission: The college is the only full-fleged Dental
College in the country and is run under government sector. It conducts
4-year Bachelor of Dental Surgery courses. Year-wise course contents are
as follows: first year- anatomy, physiology, dental chemistry; second year-
dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology; third year- medicine,
surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery; fourth year- orthodontics,
prosthodontics, oral surgery, community dentistry and conservative dentistry.
The college has an out-patient department and 20-bed in-patient maxilofacial
surgery department and also an emergency section. The main dental care
services offered by the institute is through out-patient department. 100
students are admitted each year through national competition. Pre-qualification
of student for admission is completion of A-level. The BDS course is of
4 years with 3 professional examinations (first after 2 years, second after
3 years and final after 4 years). Students need to do one year full residency
training after completion of study. From 1997, the college has started
Masters in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in collaboration with Adelaide
University, Australia, Government of NewZealand and Bangaldesh Dental Association.
The students will have opportunity of credit transfers with Adelaide University
and they will also receive an end-course 3 month's advanced oral surgery
training in Adelaide University under an exchange program. Under the same
exchange program, Adelaide University dental students will also visit Dhaka
Dental College to receive hands on training on various common dental surgical
Affiliated to: Dhaka Dental College Hospital
Library: Library of Dhaka Dental College
Library address: Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-508009
Person to contact: Mr. S. M. Iqbal Shahid
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Dental College
Address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Major General Dr. Anis Waiz,
Principal; Dr. Amirul Islam, Vice Principal
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: BDS, anatomy, physiology,
dental chemistry, dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology,
medicine, surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics,
oral surgery, community dentistry, conservative dentistry
Mission: The dental college is a wing of Bangladesh
Medical Studies and Research Institute which is a private non-profit initiative.
The dental college has been established recently and now is in developmental
stage. The dental college will offer undergraduate degree (Bachelor of
Dental Surgery-BDS) in dental specialty. Year-wise course contents are
as follows: first year- anatomy, physiology, dental chemistry; second year-
dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology; third year- medicine,
surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery; fourth year- orthodontics,
prosthodontics, oral surgery, community dentistry and conservative dentistry.
50 students are admitted each year following the regulations of government
of Bangladesh. Pre-qualification of student for admission is completion
of A-level. The BDS course is of 4 years with 3 professional examinations
(first after 2 years, second after 3 years and final after 4 years). Students
will need to do one year full residency training after completion of study.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh Dental College Hospital
Library: Library of Bangladesh Medical College
Library address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi
R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Mrs.
Farida Begum
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM database
since 1966. Access to Internet database.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Pioneer Dental College
Address: 111, Malibagh DIT Road,
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9340203; 880-2-9340204
Person to contact: Dr. Kh. Md. Shafiqur Rahman,
Secretary General
Home page:
Field of specialty: BDS, anatomy, physiology,
dental chemistry, dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology,
medicine, surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics,
oral surgery, community dentistry, conservative dentistry
Mission: The dental college is a private initiative
and officially started functioning from April 1995. It is still in the
developmental stage and aims to offer undergraduate degree (Bachelor of
Dental Surgery-BDS) in dental specialty. Year-wise course contents are
as follows: first year- anatomy, physiology, dental chemistry; second year-
dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology; third year- medicine,
surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery; fourth year- orthodontics,
prosthodontics, oral surgery, community dentistry and conservative dentistry.
64 students which include 15% foreign students are admitted each year following
the regulations of government of Bangladesh. Pre-qualification of student
for admission is completion of A-level. The BDS course is of 4 years with
3 professional examinations (first after 2 years, second after 3 years
and final after 4 years). Students will need to do one year full residency
training after completion of study.
Affiliated to: Pioneer Dental College Hospital
Library: Library of Pioneer Dental College
Library address: 111, Malibagh DIT Road,
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9340203; 880-2-9340204
Person to contact: Mrs. Rashida Begum
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
City Dental College
Address: 1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhury Para, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-9341662-4
Fax: 880-2-839687
Person to contact: Prof. Al-Mamun Ferdousi
Home page:
Field of specialty: BDS, anatomy, physiology,
dental chemistry, dental anatomy, pharmacology, pathology/microbiology,
medicine, surgery, dental surgery, periodontal surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics,
oral surgery, community dentistry, conservative dentistry
Mission: The college is a private initiative and
is recognized by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
Medical and Dental Council and also University of Dhaka. The dental college
has been established recently and now is in developmental stage. The dental
college will offer undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Dental Surgery-BDS)
in dental specialty. Year-wise course contents are as follows: first year-
anatomy, physiology, dental chemistry; second year- dental anatomy, pharmacology,
pathology/microbiology; third year- medicine, surgery, dental surgery,
periodontal surgery; fourth year- orthodontics, prosthodontics, oral surgery,
community dentistry and conservative dentistry. 65 students are admitted
each year following the regulations of government of Bangladesh. Pre-qualification
of student for admission is completion of A-level. The BDS course is of
4 years with 3 professional examinations (first after 2 years, second after
3 years and final after 4 years). Students will need to do one year full
residency training after completion of study. Both local and foreign students
are admitted.The students are offered english language and computer training
as part of their course.
Affiliated to: City Dental College Hospital
Library: Library of City Dental College
Library address: 1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhury Para,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-868532
Fax: 880-2-839687
Person to contact: Mrs. Shahina Akhter
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
School of Nursing
College of Nursing
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-603320
Person to contact: Mrs. Rahima Khatun, Principal
Home page:
Field of specialty: nurse, nursing diploma, graduate
nurse, public health nursing, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, clinical
pathology, epidemiology, chemistry, physics, nutrition, family planning,
maternity, child health, nursing administration, comprehensive nursing,
sociology, psychology, principles of nursing teaching, methodologies of
nursing teaching, curriculum development, community health nursing, nursing
Mission: The college is a government institute
for producing nurses with undergraduate degrees. Each year 120 nursing
students having general nursing diploma, three years' service experience
and one year's charge nurse experience are admitted. They are given BSc
(nursing) or BSc (public health nursing) degree after 2 years' academic
courses. The major subjects to be taught in the BSc nursing courses include:
anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, clinical pathology, epidemiology, chemistry,
physics, nutrition, family planning, maternity and child health, nursing
administration, comprehensive nursing, sociology, psychology, principles
and methodologies of nursing teaching, curriculum development, community
health nursing, and nursing research. The Institute of Chest Diseases and
Hospital located nearby and other government teaching hospitals in Dhaka
city are used for hands-on nursing training.
Library: Library of College of Nursing
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-603320
Person to contact: Mr. Jamil Ahmed
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Faculty & Department of
Pharmacy, University of Dhaka
Address: Dhaka University, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9661900-19 (PBX) extensions:
4843 & 4835 (Dean); 4837 (Chairman)
Fax: 880-2-865583
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Muniruddin Ahmed,
Dean; Prof. Dr. Rebecca Banu (Chairman till May 1999); Prof. B.
K. Datta (May 1999-2002)
Email: duregstr@bangla.net; email@ducc.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: pharmacy/ B.Pharm/ M.Pharm/
M.Phil/ PhD/ natural product chemistry/ pharmaceutical chemistry/ pharmacology/
toxicology/ medicinal chemistry/ drug design/ biopharmaceutics/ drug delivery
system/ organic sysnthesis/ organic pharmacy/ inorganic pharmacy/ pharmacognosy/
physiology/ microbiology/ computer science/ statistics/ mathematics/ physical
pharmacy/ environmental science/ macromolecular pharmacy/ pharmaceutics/
clinical physiology/ hospital pharmacy/ analytical pharmacy/ pharmaceutical
management/ cosmetology/ biopharmaceutics/ clinical pharmacy/ pharmaceutical
engineering/ industrial pharmacy/ hospital pharmacy/ pharmaceutical analysis/
quality control/ rational use of drugs/ drug revolving funds/ managing
drug supply
Mission: The Faculty and Department of Pharmacy
under the University of Dhaka were established in 1964. It offers Bachelor
of Pharmacy (honors) and Masters of Pharmacy degrees and also M.Phils and
PhDs in Pharmacy. 65 students are admitted in B.Pharm course and they are
taught for 4 years. After that students need to study another year and
conduct research for 6 month to complete the Masters course. Limited number
of deserving students willing to do research in any of natural product
chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, medicinal
chemistry (drug design), biopharmaceutics and drug delivery system, and
organic sysnthesis are admitted in M.Phil and PhD courses. The Faculty
has revised its curriculum recently. The current course contents are as
follows: first year (organic pharmacy, inorganic pharmacy, pharmacognosy-I,
physiology-I, microbiology, computer science, statistics and mathematics,
physical pharmacy-I); second year (inorganic pharmacy II comprising environmental
science, macromolecular pharmacy, pharmacognosy II, physiology II, pharmacology
I, pharmaceutics I, physical pharmacy II); third year (medicinal chemistry
I, pharmacology II, clinical physiology, pharmaceutics II, hospital pharmacy,
analytical pharmacy); fourth year (medicinal chemistry II, pharmacology
and toxicology, pharmaceutical management and cosmetology, biopharmaceutics,
clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical engineering and technology, project,
6 month training in industrial/hospital pharmacy); Masters (advanced pharmaceutical
analysis and quality control, medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, manufacturing
pharmacy and cosmetology, pharmaceutical engineering and biopharmaceutics).
The Faculty is specially interested for research programs in rational use
of drugs, drug revolving funds and managing drug supply. The Department
has all ranges of chromatographic techniques, electrophoresis and spectrophotometer
(UV,IR). It has collaborative PhD program with Pasteur University, France.
Affiliated to: University of Dhaka
Library: Dhaka University Science Library &
Library of Department of Pharmacy
Library address : Dhaka University, Dhaka-1000,
Telephone: 880-2-9661900-19 (PBX) extensions:
4130 (Science Library) & 4837 (Dept. of Pharmacy Library)
Fax: 880-2-865583
Person to contact: Sirajul Islam, PhD (Science
Library); Isha Sheikh (Dept. of Pharmacy Library)
Email: duregstr@bangla.net; email@ducc.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Department of Pharmacy, Institute
of Life Sciences, Jahangir Nagar University
Address: Post Code No. 1342, Savar,
Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9330185 (PBX); 880-2-9332186
(PBX) extension: 338
Fax: 880-2-833054
Person to contact: A. Y. S. K. Firoz Uddin Ahmed
Chowdhury, Chairman
Email: ju@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: pharmacy/ B.Pharm/ M.Pharm/
organic pharmacy/ inorganic pharmacy/ pharmacognosy/ physiology/ microbiology/
computer science/ statistics/ mathematics/ physical pharmacy/ environmental
science/ macromolecular pharmacy/ pharmaceutics/ medicinal chemistry/ clinical
physiology/ hospital pharmacy/ analytical pharmacy/ cosmetology/ biopharmaceutics/
clinical pharmacy/ pharmaceutical engineering/ pharmacology/ toxicology/
pharmaceutical management/ clinical pharmacy/ advanced pharmaceutical analysis
/quality control/ manufacturing pharmacy/ phytochemistry
Mission: The Department of Pharmacy under the Jahangir
Nagar University of is located within 20 kilometers from the center of
Dhaka city in a panoromic view surrounded by nature. It offers Bachelor
of Pharmacy (honors) and Masters of Pharmacy degrees. B.Pharm course is
of 4 years. After that students need to study another year to complete
the Masters course. The Faculty has revised its curriculum recently. The
current course contents are as follows: organic pharmacy, inorganic pharmacy,
pharmacognosy, physiology, microbiology, computer science, statistics and
mathematics, physical pharmacy, environmental science, macromolecular pharmacy,
pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, clinical physiology, hospital pharmacy,
analytical pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology, pharmaceutical management
and cosmetology, biopharmaceutics, clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical engineering
and technology, project, industrial/hospital pharmacy. Masters course include
advanced pharmaceutical analysis and quality control, medicinal chemistry
and pharmacology, manufacturing pharmacy and cosmetology, pharmaceutical
engineering and biopharmaceutics. The Department is carrying out research
work in pharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Affiliated to: Jahangir Nagar University, Savar,
Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Library: Library of Institute of Life Sciences
Library address : Jahangir Nagar University, Savar,
Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9330185 (PBX); 880-2-9332186
(PBX) extension: Library of Institute of Life Sciences
Fax: 880-2-833054
Person to contact: Abdur Razzak
Email: ju@bangla.net
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Hospitals Associated
with Schools of Medicine/Schools of Dentistry
Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical
University Hospital
Address: Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-502428
Fax: 880-2-865757
Person to contact: Dr. Anowarul Haque Prodhania,
Email: bsmmu@medinet.agni.com; ipgmr@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: biochemistry, microbiology,
virology, pathology, clinical pathology, medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology,
hepatology, psychiatry, hematology, cardiology, coronary care unit,
neurology, skin and venereal diseases, general pediatrics, neonatology,
pediatric nephrology, pediatric hematology and oncology, pediatric nutrition
and gastroenterology, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery,
pediatric surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, anesthesiology,
ICU, radiation oncology, radiology and imaging, transfusion medicine, nuclear
medicine, physical medicine, neurosurgical emergency, OPD, MRI, CT Scan,
Lithotropsy, Brachiotherapy, renal transplants
Mission: This hospital has started functioning
as University Hospital from April 30, 1998 as per an Act passed in the
National Parliament of Bangaldesh. Formerly it was popularly known as the
PG Hospital which was established in 1965. It has following paraclinical
and clinical disciplines: biochemistry, microbiology, virology, pathology,
clinical pathology, medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology, hepatology,
psychiatry, hematology, cardiology and coronary care unit, neurology, skin
and venereal diseases, general pediatrics and neonatology, pediatric nephrology,
pediatric hematology and oncology, pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology,
general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery,
obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT, anesthesiology and ICU,
radiation oncology, radiology and imaging, transfusion medicine, nuclear
medicine, physical medicine, and emergency section of neurosurgery. It
has a 750 bed affiliated hospital with out-patient departments for major
disciplines. Daily out-patient attendance is around 1000 patients. The
hospital has MRI, CT Scan, Lithotropsy, Brachiotherapy and renal transplants
surgical facility.
Affiliated to: Bangobandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
Library: Library of Bangobandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Library address : Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-862550-4 extension 445
Fax: 880-2-865757
Person to contact: Mr. Shahadat Hossain
Email: bsmmu@medinet.agni.com; ipgmr@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD) Hospital
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-814806; 880-2-9122560-78
Fax: 880-2-810986
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman,
Home page:
Field of specialty: Cardiac problem/ Cardiovascular
surgery/ Holter monitoring/ Echocardiography/ Doppler/ Cardiac catheterization/
Coronary angiography/ Open heart surgery/ Vascular surgery
Mission: This is a teaching hospital established
in 1961 and is affiliated with the National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD). It has the departments of cardiology, cardiac surgery
and epidemilogy and preventive medicine. Other allied support departments,
viz. anesthesiology, clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging, blood
transfusion, physical medicine and emergency are also existing. It has
a 350 bed affiliated hospital, out-patient services (daily average patient
attendance is 250) and wide range of diagnostic facilities for cardiac
problems. The services include: medical care and treatment, biochemical
investigations, ECG, ETT, 24 hr holter monitoring, echocardiography, color
doppler, cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography, TEE/PTCA, CCU with
invasive and non-invasive monitoring, closed open heart surgery, post operative
ICU and vascular surgery.
Affiliated to: National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD)
Library: Library of National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-9122560-78 extension Library
Fax: 880-2-810986
Person to contact: Md. Fakrul Islam
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Ophthalmology
(NIO) Hospital
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-814807
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Syed Modasser Ali,
Home page:
Field of specialty: Medical Treatment for ophthalmic
problems/ Cataract/ Intraocular lens implants/ Glaucoma/ Vitreo-retinal
Mission: This is a teaching hospital affiliated
with the National Institute of Ophthalmology (NIO) and was established
with the objectives of producing trained health man power and treatment
facilities for eye problems. Besides three units of ophthalmic departments
it has also department of anesthesiology and an emergency section. Along
with prophylactic and medical treatment for eye problems if offers wide
range of surgical treatment for ophthalmic problems, viz. cataract surgery,
intraocular lens implants, surgical treatment for glaucoma, vitreo-retinal
surgeries, etc. It has a 100 bed affiliated hospital.
Affiliated to: National Institute of Ophthalmology
Library: Library of National Institute of Opthalmology
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-814807
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Islamia Eye Hospital
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215,
Telephone: 880-2-9119315; 880-2-812856
Fax: 880-2-812856
Person to contact: Dr. Nazmul Hoque Robi, Assistant
Professor cum Consultant & Coordinator
Email: ieh@bangla.net;
Home page:
Field of specialty: general ophthalmology, orbit,
oculoplasty, glaucoma, cornea, retina, vitreous, pediatric ophthalmology,
IOL microsurgery, cataract, community ophthalmology, residency training
in ophthalmology
Mission: This is a teaching specialized hospital
established in the non-profit private sector in 1960 for training of health
manpower and treatment of patients for ophthalmic problems. It has following
clinical departments: general ophthalmology, orbit and oculoplasty, glaucoma,
cornea, retina and vitreous, pediatric ophthalmology, IOL microsurgery
and community ophthalmology. Backed by a clinical laboratory and an ophthalmic
emergency section, this hospital provides 300 in-patient beds. The daily
out-patient attendance is around 500 new patients and 200 old follow-up
patients. The hospital is the only in Bangladesh which possesses vitreoctomy
machine and conducts vitreo-retinal surgeries. The hospital is running
a special project, Intraocular Lens (IOL) Microsurgery in collaboration
with Sight Savers from May, 1997. Under this project, low and middle income
group cataract patients are getting their cataracts removed followed by
intraocular lens at a nominal price of US$ 40 inclusive all expenses. Social
marketing campaign for popularizing IOL implants are also conducted through
lectures and patient counseling at the OPD.
Affiliated to: MAI Institute of Ophthalmology
Library: Library of MAI Institute of Ophthalmology
Library address : 880-2-9119315; 880-2-812856
Fax: 880-2-812856
Person to contact: Mrs. Nilufar Yasmin
Email: ieh@bangla.net;
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Hospital of Institute of Rehabilitation,
Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9114075
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Ruhul Huq, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: Orthopedic/ Physiotherapy/
Plastic surgery
Mission: The institute was established with the
objectives of producing trained health man power, treatment facilities
and rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic priblems. Besides units
of orthopedic departments it has also departments of plastic surgery, anesthesiology,
clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging, blood transfusion, physiotherapy
and an emergency section. It has a 500 bed affiliated hospital. The daily
average out-patient attendance is 500.
Affiliated to: Institute
of Rehabilitation, Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Library: Library of Institute
of Rehabilitation, Hospital and Diseases (RIHD)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-9114075
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Diseases of Chest
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-871910
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Sofiullah, Director
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: thoracic surgery, respiratory
medicine, respiratory ICU, physiotherapy, pathology, clinical pathology,
histopathology, hematology, microbiology, biochemistry, asthma unit, blood
transfusion, radiology and imaging, anesthesiology, general ICU,
tuberculosis, carcinoma, foreign body, oesophagus, bronchus,
trachea; pneumonia, asthma; bronchoscopy, oesophagoscopy, thoracoplasty,
tracheostomy, bronchoplasty, water seal drainage, peumothorax, fibre
optic bronchoscopy, servo ventilator, surgical intervention, average duration
of surgery
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Institute
of Diseases of Chest and Hospital and is a postgraduate teaching
and training hospital for treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of wide
range of medical and surgical chest diseases. It has following clinical
departments and services: thoracic surgery, respiratory medicine, respiratory
ICU, physiotherapy, pathology (clinical pathology, histopathology, hematology,
microbiology, biochemistry), asthma unit, blood transfusion, radiology
and imaging, anesthesiology and general ICU. The affiliated teaching hospital
provides facility for 650 beds and the out-patient department caters services
to around 200 patients daily. The major areas of treatment include: treatment
and follow-up of tuberculosis, surgical treatment of carcinoma and foreign
body invloving oesophagus, bronchus and trachea; medical treatment for
pneumonia, asthma; bronchoscopy, oesophagoscopy, thoracoplasty, tracheostomy,
bronchoplasty, water seal drainage for peumothorax, etc. The hospital has
blood gas analyzer, servo ventilator and fibre optic bronchoscopy. The
hospital records show an average duration of major surgical intervention
to be around 5 hours. Despite it conducts over 450 major surgeries, 1000
minor surgeries and 1500 bronchoscopies/esophagoscopies a year in the context
of constraints of manpower and logistics.
Affiliated to: Institute
of Diseases of Chest and Hospital (IDCH)
Library: Library of Institute
of Diseases of Chest and Hospital (IDCH)
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-608031-5 extension- Library
Person to contact: Mr. Anowar Hossain
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Cancer Hospital
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9880078; 880-2-886561-4
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Fazle Elahi
Home page:
Field of specialty: cancer/ cancer research/ oncology/
radiotherapy/ cobalt 60 machine
Mission: This is a teaching hospital affiliated
to National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital. It has 50 indoor
beds and 4 departments, viz. medical oncology, surgical oncology, gynecological
oncology and radiotherapy. Supported by diagnostic laboratory, radiology
and imaging section and cobalt 60 machine, the hospital, in addition, provides
services to about 80 outdoor patients daily.
Affiliated to: National Institute of Cancer Research
& Hospital
Library: Library of National
Institute for Cancer Research & Hospital
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9880078; 880-2-886561-4
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. M. Hassan
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Leprosy Hospital
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601835
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. Md. Ahsan Ali, Chief
Home page:
Field of specialty: leprosy/ leprosy control
Mission: The hospital is a training center of primary
health care physicians and staff in Bangladesh for treatment, prevention
and rehabilitation of leprosy patients. It has 20 beds with a diagnostic
clinical laboratory and an out-patient department.
Affiliated to: Leprosy Control Institute
Library: Library of Leprosy Control Institute
Library address : Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-601835
Person to contact: Dr. A. K. Md. Ahsan Ali,
Chief Consultant
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH) Hospital
Address: Project Office: 3rd Floor, Dhaka Medical
College, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-867816
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan, Project
Email: nimh@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: psychiatric hospital, mental
health, adult psychiatry, child psychiatry, community psychiatry, social
psychiatry, organic psychiatry, geriatic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry,
psychotherapy, clinical psychology, drug addiction, mental retardation,
EEG, bio feedback, fellowships, M.Phils, MD, PhD, students' counseling
Mission: The hospital aims to fully start functioning
from 1999 being affiliated with National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
as a teaching psychiatric hospital. Currently, the construction work of
physical facilities are running in an area of 1.75 acre land at Shere Bangla
Nagar, Dhaka. The projected institute and hospital will be housed in a
8-storied building. The hospital will have following departments: adult
psychiatry, child psychiatry, community and social psychiatry, organic
and geriatic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and psychotherapy and clinical
psychology. Cases such as drug addiction will be dealt under community
and social psychiatry. Likewise mental retardation will be dealt under
child psychiatry. The hospital will also be backed by anesthesiology section
and also diagnostic sections, such as, clinical biochemistry and clinical
pathology, radiology and imaging, EEG, bio feedback, etc. Currently, the
project office based in Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka operates out-patient
services and Students' Counseling service.
Affiliated to: National Institute of Mental Health
Library: Library of National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Library address : NIMH, Dhaka Medical College
(3rd Floor), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-867816
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan, Project
Email: nimh@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Ibrahim Memorial Diabetic Center
Address: 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1000,
Telephone: 880-2-866641-50 (PBX); 880-2-867130
(Secretary General); 880-2-810985 (Director General)
Fax: 880-2-863004
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. K. Azad Khan,
Secretary General; Prof. Dr. K. M. Fariduddin, Director General
Email: azadkhan@ncll.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: state of the art/ center
of excellence/ diabetes/ Diabetic Association/ diagnostic network/ rehabilitation/
BIRDEM/ OPD/ diet/ nutrition/ dentistry/ dermatology/ physical medicine/
social welfare/ public relations/ internal medicine /neurology/ gastroenterology/
hepatology/ nephrology/ endocrinology/ medicine/ /pulmonology/ cardiology/
pediatrics/ neonatology/ gynecology/ obstetrics/ general surgery/ vascular
surgery/ urology/ orthopedics/ traumatology/ ophthalmology/ ENT/ anesthesiology/
transfusion medicine/ critical care medicine/ emergency/ metabolism/ PhD/
MD/ MS/ M.Phil/ Diploma/ radiology/ immunology/ clinical biochemistry/
research/ microbiology/ histopathology/ pharmacology/ cell/ molecular biology/
epidemiology/ biostatistics/ health education/ ANRAP/endocrine conference/
WAN/ epidemic/ quality control/ patient loads
Mission: Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Center is a
539 bed state of the art teaching and training hospital affiliated to BIRDEM.
Now-a-days, BIRDEM is recognized as the Center of Excellence
and Reference point in diabetes care which was established in 1957 as an
out-patient department in a small semi-parmanent structure of about 380
sq. ft. at Segunbagicha, Dhaka. The initiative was taken by Late National
Professor M. Ibrahim with a group of social workers, philanthropists, physicians
and civil servants with the formatiom of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh
(DAB) on February 28, 1956. Currently, DAB operates BIRDEM, National Diagnostic
Network (NDN), and Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center (RVTC)
for poor and young diabetic patients. BIRDEM has, amongst others, Research
and Academy Division and BIRDEM Hospital. The later is currently known
as Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Center. The hospital has Clinical Services
Division, In-patient Services Departments and also other allied support
Departments. The Clinical Services Division runs two out-patient departments,
viz. diabetic OPD and endocrine OPD. It also runs following departments:
diet and nutrition, dentistry, dermatology, physical medicine, social welfare,
and public relations. Under the In-patient Service Departments are included
following clinical disciplines: internal medicine and neurology; gastroenterology
and hepatology; nephrology and endocrinology; medicine, endocrinology and
pulmonology; cardiology; pediatrics and neonatology; gynecology and obstetrics;
general surgery; vascular and general surgery; urology; orthopedics and
traumatology; ophthalmology; ear, nose and throat; anesthesiology; transfusion
medicine; critical care medicine (ICU) and emergency. The Research and
Academy Division operates BIRDEM Academy which has started function from
1986 and conducts following courses: PhD; MDs in endocrinology and metabolism,
diagnostic radiology, and gastroenterology; MS in obstetrics and gynecology;
M.Phil in radiology and imaging; and Diplomas in endocrinology and metabolism,
ophthalmology, and anesthesiology. It also plans to start courses for MS
(ophthalmology), M.Phil (biochemistry), and M.Phil (immunology). Research
and Academy Division also includes library, computer unit, and following
departments: radiology, clinical biochemistry, endocrinology, microbiology,
histopathology, immunology, biochemistry and metabolism, pharmacology,
cell and molecular biology, epidemiology and biostatistics, and health
education. Apart from the regular research and academic activities, the
division also houses the Secretariat of the Asian Network of Research on
Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP) which is aimed to stimulate collaborative research
in the area of antidiabetic treatment. The division also houses the Secretariat
of Diabetes and Endocrine Conference, an yearly scientific meeting jointly
organized by the DAB and Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES). Currently,
the division is playing an active role in the implementation of the projects
like NDN and initiation of a new project like upgradation of BIRDEM Academy
to a non-profit private university status by name, Bangladesh Institute
of Health Sciences. NDN is an innovative project of BIRDEM aimed at providing
quality diagnostic services at a reasonable cost throughout the country.
Inter-connected via a tele-computer Wide Area Network (WAN), the central
laboratory at BIRDEM will check quality control, patient loads, data compilation,
analysis, identification of epidemic pattern of diseases, etc.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh
Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic
Disorders (BIRDEM)
Library: BIRDEM Library
Library address : BIRDEM, 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam
Avenue, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-866641-50 (PBX) extension 2330
Fax: 880-2-863004
Person to contact: Bipin Roy
Email: lali@citechco.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE and POPLINE CD-ROMs
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Child Health (ICH)
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-816061-2
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Sirajul Islam, Academic
Email: bich@bdcom.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: neonatology, pediatric
gastroenterology, general pediatrics, pediatric surgery, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging, neurology,
blood transfusion, physical medicine, emergency
Mission: The hospital was established in 1983 as
a private non-profit initiative. It is affiliated to Institute of Child
Health (ICH). It has following departments: neonatology, pediatric gastroenterology,
general pediatrics, pediatric surgery, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology,
diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging), neurology, blood
transfusion and physical medicine. It has 350 in-patient beds and out-patient
services. Daily average OPD patient attendance is 500.
Affiliated to: Institute
of Child Health (ICH)
Library: Library of Institute
of Child Health (ICH)
Library address : Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207,
Telephone: 880-2-816061-2 ext 407
Person to contact: Mr. Nazrul Bashar, Chief Librarian
Email: bich@bdcom.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Combined Military Hospital
Address: CMH, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-885467
Person to contact: Brig. Dr. Ahmed Ali, Commandant
Home page:
Field of specialty: general medicine, nephrology,
neurology, psychiatry, STD, skin and VD, pediatrics, pediatric ICU, general
surgery, orthopedic surgery, trauma center, urology, neurosurgery, plastic
surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, general ICU,
radiotherapy, oncology, cardiac center, CCU, diagnostic, clinical laboratory,
radio-immuno assay techniques, radiology, imaging, ultrasound, MRI, CT
scan, blood transfusion, physical medicine, OPD, emergency
Mission: This is a teaching hospital for the doctors
working in the Bangladesh Armed Forces and also caters service to the personnel
and staff of the Armed Forces. The hospital has following clinical departments:
general medicine, nephrology, neurology, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal
diseases, pediatrics with pediatric ICU, general surgery, orthopedic surgery
and trauma center, urology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology with general ICU, radiotherapy (oncology),
cardiac center with CCU, diagnostic (clinical laboratory with radio-immuno
assay techniques, radiology and imaging including ultrasound, MRI and CT
scan), blood transfusion, physical medicine, OPDs and emergency. The in-patient
capacity is of 1000 beds.
Affiliated to: Armed Forces Medical Institute
(AFMI) and Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP)
Library: Library of Armed Forces Medical Institute
Library address : CMH, Dhaka Cantonment,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-886539
Person to contact: Mrs. Lutfunnessa Begum
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Address: Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-861101; 880-2-501180; PABX: 880-2-505025-32
Person to contact: Col. Dr. Badrul Monir, Director
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, STD, venereal disease, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
diabetes, cancer, radiotherapy, urology, nephrology, psychiatry, anesthesiology,
casualty surgery, pediatrics, radiology, nuclear medicine, burn unit, plastic
surgery, emergency, blood transfusion, clinical laboratory, radiology and
imaging, physical medicine, ultrasound, CT scan, radioimmunoassay
Mission: This is a teaching hospital having following
clinical departments: clinical medicine (general medicine, nephrology,
gastroenterology, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics,
surgery (general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric
surgery, casualty surgery, plastic surgery, burn unit), ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, radiotherapy (oncology), diagnostic
(clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging including ultrasound and CT
scan, nuclear medicine with radio-immuno assay techniques), blood transfusion
and physical medicine. The in-patient capacity is 1400 beds which often
exceeds 2000. All the major disciplines possess out-patient services and
there is an integrated emergency department. The training offered by this
hospital is recognized by the General Medical Council (GMC) of UK.
Affiliated to: Dhaka Medical College
Library: Library of Dhaka Medical College
Library address : Dhaka Medical College (3rd Floor),
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-500698 extension Library
Person to contact: Mr. Sirajul Islam, Chief Librarian
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base: The Medical Information
Group (MIG), a non-profit organization has recently started POPLINE CD-ROM
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Nuclear Medicine Center, Dhaka
Medical College Hospital
Address: Dhaka Medical College Hospital Campus,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-501329
Person to contact: Dr. Shahana Afroz
Email: nmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: Atomic Energy Commission/ nuclear
medicine/ SPECT/ planner gumma camera/ recti-linear scanner/ thyroid uptake/
renogram/ in vitro/ radioimmunoassay/ RBC life span/ fluid compartment/
vitamin B12 absorption/ DNA technology/ PCR
Mission: The center is a project of Bangladesh
Atomic Energy Commission. It functions for providing training to the doctors
in ultrasound and nuclear imaging techniques, and in radioimmunoassay,
and also to provide diagnostic services mostly to the patients of Dhaka
Medical College Hospital. The center has following diagnostic techniques:
planner gumma camera for two dimensional imaging, recti-linear scanner
for small organ imaging, computerized thyroid uptake machine, in vitro
facilities for hormone estimation by radioimmunoassay, RBC life span detection
by Cr51, fluid compartment measurements, ultrasounds, echocardiography,
and DNA technology (PCR) for diagnosis of communicable diseases in collaboration
with Institute of Nuclear Medicine. Diagnostic services inclusive of all
techniques are offered to around 60 patients per day. Currently the center
is conducting researches on "Therapeutic and genetic effect of beta
radiation on oncomycosis" under University of Dhaka and on "Standardization
of iodine131 treatment for hyperthyroidism in collaboration with International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Library: Library of Nuclear
Medicine Center
Library address : Dhaka Medical College Hospital
Campus, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-501329
Person to contact: Dr. Shahana Afroz
Email: nmc@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Midford Hospital
Address: Midford, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-239915
Person to contact: Director
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, orthopedic
surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, diabetes,
psychiatry, anesthesiology, pediatrics, pediatric surgery, radiology, emergency,
blood transfusion
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Sir Salimullah
Medical College (SSMC). It has following paraclinical and clinical departments:
paraclinical (biochemistry, pathology, microbiology), clinical medicine
(general medicine, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics,
surgery (general surgery, orthopedic surgery, pediatric surgery), ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and diagnostic (clinical laboratory,
radiology and imaging). The hospital possesses 600 beds inculding OPDservices
in major disciplines and an integrated emergency department.
Affiliated to: Sir Salimullah Medical College
Library: Library of Sir Salimullah Medical College
Library address: Midford, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-236486
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Abdus Sakur, Principal,
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Medical College Hospital
Address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Abu Ahmed Chowdhury,
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Home page: No home page
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, diabetes, psychiatry, anesthesiology,
pediatrics, radiology, emergency, blood transfusion
Mission: This is a teaching hospital and is affiliated
to Bangladesh Medical College. It possesses 250 in-patient beds, wide range
of out-patient services in various disciplines and an integrated emergency
department. Following departments are available: clinical medicine (general
medicine, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics, surgery
(general surgery, orthopedic surgery), ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging)
and blood transfusion.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh Medical College
Library: Library of Bangladesh Medical College
Library address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi
R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Mrs.
Farida Begum
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM database since
1966. Access to Internet database.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Medical College for Women Hospital
Address: Road- 8 & 9, Sector-1, Uttara,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-893939
Fax: 880-2-893939
Person to contact: Col. Dr. Hashmat Ali,
Email: mhwt@citechco.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, psychiatry, anesthesiology,
pediatrics, radiology, emergency
Mission: This hospital is affiliated to Medical
College for Women and is run by a private non-profit body. It has following
clinical departments:general medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, general
surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and diagnostic
(clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging). The hospital possesses a
300 bed general hospital inculding OPD and IPD services in above disciplines
and an integrated emergency department.
Affiliated to: Medical College for Women
Library: Library of Medical College for Women
Library address: Road- 8 & 9, Sector-1,
Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-893939
Fax: 880-2-893939
Person to contact: Mrs. Irin
Email: mhwt@citechco.net
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Dhaka National Medical College
Address: 53/1 Johnson Road, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-233469; 880-2-237300
Person to contact: Dr. Tasmina Matin, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, pediatrics,
radiology, emergency, clinical laboratory
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to National
Medical College run by a non-profit trust and is used as a teaching and
service hospital. Following paraclinical and clinical departments are currently
working: biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, medicine, pediatrics, surgery,
obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology
and diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging). The hospital
possesses 250 beds. It has also OPD services and an integrated emergency
Affiliated to: National
Medical College
Library: Library of National
Medical College
Library address: 53/1 Johnson Road, Dhaka-1100,
Telephone: 880-2-233469; 880-2-237300
Person to contact: Mr. Salim Ahmed
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Zainul Haque Sikder Women's
Medical College Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Address: Monika State, West Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815951; 880-2-813313
Fax: 880-2-815965
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. A. T. Siddique, Rector
Home page:
Field of specialty: pathology, biochemistry, microbiology,
medicine, cardiology, surgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetrics, gynecology,
ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, psychiatry, anesthesiology, pediatrics,
radiology, emergency
Mission: The hospital is a private initiative
established in 1992-93 and is a teaching hospital of Zainul
Haque Sikder Women's Medical College Pvt. Ltd. It consists of following
paraclinical and clinical departments: paraclinical (pathology, biochemistry,
microbiology), clinical (medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, orthopedic
surgery, obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology) and diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging).
The hospital possesses 250 beds which is planned to raise to 500 beds.
It has also OPD services and an integrated emergency department.
Affiliated to: Zainul Haque
Sikder Women's Medical College Pvt. Ltd.
Library: Library of Zainul
Haque Sikder Women's Medical College & Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Library address: Monika State, West Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815951; 880-2-813313
Fax: 880-2-815965
Person to contact: Mrs. Nilufa Aktar
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital
(GHKH) and Gono Saystha City Hospital (GSCH)
Address: GSKH:
GonoSaystha Kendra, Mirza Nagar, Nayarhat, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh;
GSCH: Road-6, Dhanmondi R/A, Mirpur Road, Dhaka
Telephone: 880-2-9332245; 880-2-839366 (GHKH);
880-2-500720; 880-2-867208 (GSCH)
Fax: 880-2-863567
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Amal Krishna Sarker,
Professor & Head of Clinical Pharmacology
Email: gk.mail@drik.bgd.toolnet.org
Home page:
Field of specialty: Gono Saystha Trust, health
insurance scheme, People's University, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology,
medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, pediatrics, radiology, emergency, CT scan, ultrasound,
echocardiography, vaccine lab, vaccines, EPI, antibiotics raw material
Mission: The hospital has two wings, viz. Gono
Saystha Kendra Hospital (GHKH) and Gono Saystha City Hospital (GSCH) and
several out-patient field centers. The hospitals are affiliated to Institute
of Health Sciences, a non-profit
initiative of Gono Saystha Trust (People's Health Trust). Gono Saystha
Trust is a pro-people popular health delivery concept for the community
created by some freedom fighters. The Trust was established in 1972 just
after the liberation of Bangladesh. Gono Saystha Trust has been successfully
running many health initiatives, viz. Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital, Gono
Saystha Pharmaceuticals, People's Health Insurance Scheme and Gono Saystha
Nagar Hospital (People's Health City Hospital). In 1998, the Trust has
established the Gono Bishawbiddyaloy (People's University) of which the
Institute of Health Sciences is a faculty. Currently, following paraclinical
and clinical departments are in operation: biochemistry, pathology, microbiology,
medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, ICU, diagnostic (clinical laboratory,
radiology and imaging) and emergency. The Gono Saystha Kendra Hospital
is a 250 bed hospital at Savar and the Gono Saystha City Hospital is a
150 bed hospital in Dhaka city. CT scan, ultrasound, echocardiography,
etc. are available. Gono Sasthya Trust also operates a vaccine lab to test
vaccine quality and produce vaccines for use under government's EPI program.
It has also a antibiotics raw material plant which caters to supply of
raw materials of 3 antibiotics including amoxycillin, penicillin, etc.
Affiliated to: Institute
of Health Sciences
Library: Library of Institute
of Health Sciences/ Gono Bishwabiddyaloy (People's University)
Library address: Gono Saystha Kendra, Mirza
Nagar, Nayarhat, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9332245; 880-2-839366
Fax: 880-2-863567
Person to contact: Mr. Zaki Uddin Ahmed
Email: gk.mail@drik.bgd.toolnet.org
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Homeopathic Degree College Hospital
Address: Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Telephone: 880-2-9001150
Person to contact: Dr. Ruhul Amin, Superintendent
Home page:
Field of specialty: homeopathic medicine/ homeopathy/
Mission: The hospital was established in 1982.
It is a teaching hospital for producing undergraduate doctors who are conversant
in homeopathic medicine. It has 100 beds and out-patient services.
Affiliated to: Homeopathic
Degree College
Library: Library of Homeopathic
Degree College
Library address: Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Telephone: 880-2-9001150
Person to contact: Abdul Matin
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Government Ayurvedic and Unani
(Indigenous) Degree College Hospital
Address: Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka-1221,
Telephone: 880-2-802048
Person to contact: Hakim Ataur Rahman, Superintendent
Home page:
Field of specialty: traditional medicine/ harbal
medicine/ unani/ ayurvedic
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Government
Ayurvedic and Unani (Indigenous) Degree College and was established
in 1990 to create training facilities for the future doctors in traditional
medicine. It has 100 beds which comprise 50 beds for unani and 50 beds
for ayurvedic medicine. Both unani and ayurvedic disciplines have separate
out-patient services.
Affiliated to: Government
Ayurvedic and Unani (Indigenous) Degree College
Library: Library of Government
Ayurvedic and Unani (Indigenous) Degree College
Library address: Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka-1221,
Telephone: 880-2-802048
Person to contact: Md. Abul Hossain
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Dhaka Dental College Hospital
Address: Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-508009
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Mozammel Hossain,
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: dental filling, root canal,
bleching, apexification, replacement of denture, bridge, crown, dental
appliance, brace system, myofunctional appliance, episectomy, repair of
fracture of maxilla, repair of fracture of mandible, cyst enucleation,
marsupialization, excision biopsy, repair of cleft lip/palate, removal
of tumor, ameloblastoma, oral hygiene
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Dhaka Dental
College and is a training hospital for dentistry. The hospital has an out-patient
department and 20-bed in-patient maxilofacial surgery department and also
an emergency section. The main dental care services offered by the hospital
is through out-patient department. The available dental care services include:
filling, root canal, bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete
denture, bridge, crown, removal of dental appliance, brace system,
myofunctional appliance, episectomy, repair of fracture of maxilla/mandible,
cyst enucleation, marsupialization, excision biopsy, repair of cleft lip/palate,
removal of tumor, ameloblastoma and advice for oral hygiene, etc. From
1997, the college has started an exchange program with Adelaide University,
Australia under which Adelaide University dental students visit this hospital
to receive hands on training on various common dental surgical techniques.
Affiliated to: Dhaka Dental College
Library: Library of Dhaka Dental College
Library address: Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-508009
Person to contact: Mr. S. M. Iqbal Shahid
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Dental College Hospital
Address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209,
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Major General Dr. Anis Waiz,
Principal; Dr. Amirul Islam, Vice Principal
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: dental filling, root canal,
bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture, cyst
enucleation, excision biopsy, oral hygiene
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Bangladesh
Dental College. The hospital is in developmental stage now and caters only
out-patient dental services currently, viz. dental filling, root canal,
bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture, cyst
enucleation, excision biopsy, and advice for oral hygiene, etc. The hospital
plans to develop full range of services keeping pace with the students
promotion to clinical courses.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh Dental College
Library: Library of Bangladesh Medical College
Library address: House-35, Road-14/A, Dhanmondi
R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-815843; 880-2-9120792-93; 880-2-9118202
Fax: 880-2-9125655
Person to contact: Mrs.
Farida Begum
Email: bmch@bangla.net
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM database
since 1966. Access to Internet database.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Not Applicable.
Special application being used (GIS, etc.): Not
Pioneer Dental College Hospital
Address: 111, Malibagh DIT Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-841904
Person to contact: Dr. Kh. Md. Shafiqur Rahman,
Secretary General
Home page:
Field of specialty: dental filling, root canal,
bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture, cyst
enucleation, excision biopsy, oral hygiene
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to Pioneer
Dental College and is a private initiative. It is in the developmental
stage and caters both out-patient and in-patient dental services. The out-patient
services include, amongst others, dental filling, root canal, bleching,
apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture, cyst enucleation,
excision biopsy, and advice for oral hygiene, etc. Daily out-patient attendance
is around 20 patients. The number of beds in the in-patient department
is 60 and the hospital plans to develop full range of services keeping
pace with the students promotion to clinical courses.
Affiliated to: Pioneer Dental College
Library: Library of Pioneer Dental College
Library address: 111, Malibagh DIT Road, Dhaka-1217,
Telephone: 880-2-9340203; 880-2-9340204
Person to contact: Mrs. Rashida Begum
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
City Dental College Hospital
Address: 1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhury Para, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-9341662-4
Fax: 880-2-839687
Person to contact: Prof. Al-Mamun Ferdousi
Home page:
Field of specialty: dental filling, root canal,
bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture, cyst
enucleation, excision biopsy, oral hygiene
Mission: The hospital is affiliated to City Dental
College and is a private initiative. It is in the developmental stage and
caters only out-patient dental services currently, viz. dental filling,
root canal, bleching, apexification, replacement of partial/complete denture,
cyst enucleation, excision biopsy, and advice for oral hygiene, etc. The
hospital plans to develop full range of services keeping pace with the
students promotion to clinical courses.
Affiliated to: City Dental College
Library: Library of City Dental College
Library address: 1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhury Para,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-868532
Fax: 880-2-839687
Person to contact: Mrs. Shahina Akhter
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Research Centers
and Public Health Institutes
Bangladesh Medical Research Council
Address: IPH Building, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Telephone: 880-2-871395, 880-888396
Fax: 880-2-888820
Person to contact: Dr. Harun-ur-Rashid, Director
Email: bmrc@drik.bgd.toolnet.org; bmrc@citechco.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: reaserch, training, research
grants, journal, database, MEDLINE
Mission: The BMRC's mission is to create effective
and quality health care facilities for the whole population of the country
by promoting health research through strengthening of research facilities,
training and dissemination of research results. Established in 1972, the
council's activities have been speeded up over the recent years. Its functions
include: a) identifying problems and issues relating to medical and health
needs, goals, policies and objectives; b) organizing and promting scientific
research in various fields of medicine, public health, family planning
and nutrition with specific references to primary health care needs; c)
initiating, assisting, promoting and coordinating scientific research in
the field of health in medical institutions and helping such institutions
in developing expertise and facilities for health research; d) training
manpower in health research through workshops/training programs; e) organizing
and disseminating research information through publications, research seminars,
workshops and orientation courses and f) arranging for the application
and utilization of the results of health research. BMRC has identified
some priority research areas for its funding support which include: safe
motherhood, child health care, acute respiratory infection, infectious
diseases, nutrition, non-communicable diseases, health systems research,
and occupational and environmental health. A Health Systems Research (HSR)
Unit provides due attention in stimulating and coordinating the research
activities. BMRC has so far organized 55 training courses, workshops and
seminars for 1062 participants under WHO/WB/Government programs. BMRC publishes
a journal, BMRC Bulletin thrice a year, a Research Information Bulletin
(RICH- Research information and communication on health) twice a year and
a Current Awareness Service (CAS) once a year. It has published Bibiliography
of Research Results with 1678 abstracts and several other research related
publications. It provides literature search services through computer based
National Retrieval System (NRS) containing all abstracts of Bangladeshi
health publications from 1972 till current month of 1998, MEDLINE CD-ROM,
online Internet and full text search service through IntelliDoc. Health
systems research related literatures, WHO reports, etc. are also available
in the HSR units. The council is now trying to organize Research Cells
in all the Government owned medical colleges with a view to stimulate and
coordinate research activities in those locations.
Library: IPH Building, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Telephone: 880-2-871395, 880-888396
Fax: 880-2-888820
Person to contact: Dr. Harun-ur-Rashid, Director
Email: bmrc@drik.bgd.toolnet.org; bmrc@citechco.net
Details of Data-base: Bibiliography, Computer
based National Retrieval System since 1972, MEDLINE CD-ROM, Internet
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): National Retrieval System (NRS) contains all
abstracts of Bangladeshi health publications from 1972 till current month
of 1998 and can be accessed through BMRC's assistance at their own place.
Software platform is DBASE.
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Epidemiology, Disease
Control & Research (IEDCR)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: PABX: 880-2-608326' 880-2-608248,
608253; Director: 880-2-881236
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman,
Email: dhcqa@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: epidemiology, biostatistics,
medical sociology, viorlogy, microbiology, parasitology, medical entomology,
zoonosis, kala azar, filariasis, HIV, dengue, anthrax, epidemiological
surveillance, weekly health databases, common disease profile
Mission: This is a national level institute which
coordinates the activities of communicable endemic diseases in Bangladesh
and also conducts an epidemiological surveillance for the health care centers
in the country. Located near the Directorate General Health Services Office,
the institute has following departments: epidemiology, biostatistics, medical
sociology, viorlogy, microbiology, parasitology, medical entomology and
zoonosis. The objective of establishment of this institute was to create
a good epidemiological research environment for the communicable diseases
in Bangladesh and also to create facilities for allied support services.
But, materilization of this aim often suffers due to fund constraints.
Currently, the institute's activities are concentrating mainly to epidemiological
surveillance on Kala azar, Filariasis, HIV, Dengue and Anthrax. The institute
conducts special epidemiological surveillance during epidemic outbreak
of certain diseases. Earlier the institute contributed significantly for
malaria control program. An important aspect of the institute's activity
is the computerization of weekly health databases (number of patients seen
as per common disease profile) collected from all the government owned
health care delivery facilities of Bangladesh and production and dissemination
of statistical output from those data. Started in 1992-93, such databases
are maintained in Microsoft FoxPro and EPI 5.0/6.0 platforms. The institute
does not admit students or offers degrees; but conduct training programs/workshops
for the doctors and other health workers.
Library: Library of Institute of Epidemiology,
Disease Control and Research (IEDCR)
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: PABX: 880-2-608326' 880-2-608248,
608253; Director: 880-2-881236
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman,
Details of Data-base: Weekly Disease Profiles
from all government owned health centers of Bangladesh since 1992-93.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Microsoft FoxPro and EPI 5.0/6.0 (For internal
use/ external use on special request)
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Public Health (IPH)
Address: IPH building, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212,
Telephone: 880-2-888030
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Director
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: public health/ HIV/ polio/
epidemiology/ food and water test/ drug testing laboratory/ anti rabies
vaccine/ intravenous fluid/ tetanus toxoid/ DPT/ anti venom/ antirabies
sera/ blood bag/ laboratory reagents/ training center
Mission: The institute is a national center for
public health activities run under the public sector and was established
in 1953. Supported by around 800 staff, the institute has following sections:
Administration (supervises administration, finance and personnel department),
Microbiology Laboratory (sub-sections: microbiology, virology and epidemiology;
undertakes HIV and polio identification and research, production of WIDAL
Test reagents), Public Health Laboratory/Drug Testing Laboratory (food
and water test and analysis of medicines sent by Director of Drug Administration),
Pasteur cum Vaccine Institute (produces anti rabies vaccines), Bangladesh
Vaccine Laboratory (undertook TAB and cholera vaccines research), Intravenous
Fluid Section (produces all types of intravenous fluids for government
hospitals and health centers; annual production capacity: 20 lac units),
Tetanus Toxoid and DPT Section (produces tetanus toxoids and DPT vaccines),
Antisera Section (produces anti venom sera against snake bites and anti
rabies sera), Blood Bag Section (produces ACD blood bags for the government
owned health centers; annual production capacity: 2.5 lac units), Reagent
Section (produces and distributes about 40 types of reagents commonly used
in the clinical laboratories of the government owned hospitals and health
centers). The institute also serves as the training center for doctros
and health workers.
Library: Library of Institute
of Public Health (IPH)
Library address: IPH building, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212,
Telephone: 880-2-888030
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Director
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Institute of Public Health Nutrition
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-881361
Person to contact: Dr. Mamtaz Haque, Director
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
(on request)
Home page:
Field of specialty: Blindness/ Visually impaired
person/ Blindness prevention /Nutrition /Nutrition Disorder/ Iodine deficiency/
Nutrition Survey /Breast Milk/ Breast milk substitute/ Vitamin A / Goiter/
Mission: The institute is a national level center
with the following programs: national blindness prevention program and
distribution of vitamin A capsules among children of 1-5 years age group,
control of iodine deficiency disorder, nutrition surveillance in 20 sub-districts,
breast milk substitutes Act implementation program, field level intestinal
parasite control and iron deficiency anemia control, nutritional training
program for the doctors and health workers and WHO supported nutrition
program 001. Under the later program, the institute is carrying out nutritional
educational programs for the health staff and primary school teachers in
25 sub-districts of Bangladesh. Campaign programs to create awareness for
prevention of various nutritional deficiencies are also conducted by the
Library: Library of Institute of Public Health
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-881361
Person to contact: Mrs. Kaniz Fatema
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Libraries and Information
National Health Library &
Documentation Center (NHL&DC)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-603738
Person to contact: Dr. Khondaker Abul Kashem
Email: cmed_dk@bangla.net
(on request)
Home page:
Field of specialty: Reader service/ Text books
/Journals/ ICDDR,B/ Bangladesh Index Biomedicus
Mission: The NHL&DC was established in 1975.
It provides reader service from 9-00 am to 8-00 pm everyday other than
holidays. It has a stock of about 15,000 text books and 15,000 journals.
It subscribes 57 international journals with the assistance of WHO and
all the national journals. It provides photocopying services to the readers.
It has collaboration with the International Center for Diarrheal Disease
Research, Bangladesh Library to provide books/journals loan service to
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE CD-ROM database
and paper based Bangladesh Index Biomedicus for 1972-1990.
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
International Center for Diarrheal
Disease Research Library (ICDDR,B Library)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-882467; 880-2-871751-60 (PABX)
Fax: 880-2-883116, 880-2-886050
Person to contact: M. Shamsul Islam Khan
Email: msik@icddrb.org
Home page: http://www.icddrb.org/
Field of specialty: current awareness services/
bibiliography and photocopying services/ DISC Bulletin/ Journal of Diarrheal
Diseases Research/ GLIMPSE/ information management/ internship training
on library
Mission: The Library of ICDDR,B is one of the
most resourced in the subcontinent. It includes an extensive collection
of books, journals and other periodicals through purchase and inter-library
loans, provision of computerized literature searches through MEDLINE, AIDS,
AHEAD and POPLINE in CD-ROMS, references and referral services, current
awareness services, bibiliography and photocopying services. A total of
book and journal collection is raised to 28,524 in 1996 in addition to
over 12,750 reprints and documents on diarrheal disease-related subjects.
As of May 1997, the library collection consists of 30,560 volumes of bound
journals (nearly 75%) and books, over 12,500 reprints and documents, and
352 current periodicals (202 titles on subscription) and databases. It
is growing at a rate of 1000-1200 volumes of books and bound journals per
year. A total of 7,298 readers visited the library during 1996. The library
also runs a Dissemination and Information Services Center (DISC) which
produces Fast bulletin, on incoming issues of journals and periodicals,
and the DISC Bulletin, on articles of relevance to the center's scientists,
availability of new books, as well as information on conferences, training
opportunities, etc. Besides, DISC also publishes Journal of Diarrheal Diseases
Research, an English newsletter, GLIMPSE, and Bangla newsletter, Shaystha
Sanglap (Health Talks). The library also provides training on information
management and internship training on library. The library has also a small
colllection of microfiches and other audiovisual materials.
Affiliated to: International
Center for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B)
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE, AIDS, AHEAD,
POPLINE CD-ROM database, bibiliography, Internet
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Public access on users' charge basis
Special application being used (GIS, etc.): GIS
BIRDEM Library
Address: BIRDEM, 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-866641-50 (PBX) extension 2330
Fax: 880-2-863004
Person to contact: Bipin Roy
Email: lali@citechco.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: BIRDEM/ diabetes/ endocrine/
metabolic/ resource center/ inter-library loan/ literature search/ MEDLINE/
POPLINE/ journal
Mission: The BIRDEM Library is affiliated to Bangladesh
Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic
Disorders (BIRDEM). It serves as the literature resource center
for the teachers and students, researchers and the health care team of
the BIRDEM. By courtesy, its services are also extended to the same community
form similar organizations provided they are actively engaged in promoting
health care of the people. The aim of the section is to provide adequate
access to the recorded knowledge which is most relevant to the needs of
the library users. The section focuses its attention to the scope and coverage
for each of the subject disciplines which relates predominantly to BIRDEM's
overall programs of activities. It shares its resources with other medical
and related libraries in the city as well in the vicinity by way of inter-library
loans, answering questions from literature, extending literature search
services from MEDLINE and POPLINE databases, photocopying services, current
awareness and selective dissemination of information services. As of May,
1998, the library stocks 5255 texts and 1270 bound journals. It is subscribing
71 international medical journals and receiving complimentary copies of
100 national and international journals.
Affiliated to: Bangladesh
Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic
Disorders (BIRDEM)
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE and POPLINE CD-ROMs
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Dental Society
Address: Room No. 69, Aziz Super Market, Shahbag,
(GPO Box No. 8009), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-895369; 880-2-896162 (President's
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Joynal Abdin,
International Affairs Secretary
Email: pwc@citechco.net
Home page:
Field of specialty: dental surgeon/ dentistry/
community dental health/ dental museum/ school dental health program/ community
dental camps/ awareness about dental care/ dental care/ teeth brushing/
dental defects/ tooth extraction/ dental filling/ dental scaling
Mission: The society is the professional organization
of dental surgeons of Bangladesh. The memorandum of the society describes
following objectives: a) To diffuse useful knowledge about building and
developing dental and allied sciences with a view to promoting the field;
b) To encourage and promote the study of dentistry and its allied sciences
both in home and abroad; c) To promote amongst its members and members
of the dental profession both in home and abroad mutual understanding,
social intercourse and goodwill; d) To diffuse amongst its members information
on all matters relating to dental profession and to print, publish issue
and circulate such papers, periodicals, books, journals, and other literary
undertaking as may seem conductive to any of these objects; e) To encourage
and promote the improvement of the community health and particularly the
community dental health; f) To establish, form and maintain a library and
museum of instruments, equipment, models, drawings, and other articles
of interest in connection with the dental profession; g) To grant, pay
salaries, honorarium, allowances, rewards and other benefits including
scholarship and other remuneration to the students of dentistry, employees
or some other persons engaged in dental profession; i) To establish, undertake,
superintend and contribute to any charitable or benovolent fund from where
may be made donation or other helps to the deserving persons who are or
have been engaged in the dental profession; j) To do such other lawful
things as may be conducive to and necessary for the attainment of its aims
and objects. The management of the society is done by a 27 member Executive
Committee elected for two years by the individual members of the society
through secret ballots. Together with looking for professional interest
and development, the society also conducts community programs. The most
notable community programs include School Dental Health Program and Community
Dental Camps with a view to create awareness about dental care, teeth brushing
techniques, food habits, etc. and identification of dental defects. Treatment
possible at the field level, viz. tooth extraction, filling, scaling, etc.
are also done. Patients who require major intervention are referred to
dental hospital.
Library: Library of Bangladesh Dental Society
Library address: Room No. 69, Aziz Super Market,
Shahbag, (GPO Box No. 8009), Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-895369; 880-2-896162 (President's
Person to contact: Dr. Sarwar Jahan, Office Secretary
Email: pwc@citechco.net
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Bangladesh Medical Association
Address: BMA Bhavan, Topkhana Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9568714; 880-2-9562527
Fax: 880-2-9568714; 880-2-9562527
Person to contact: Dr. Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin,
Secretary General
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: professional organization/
professional dignity/ rights and previlages/ health education/ medical
education/ research/ expert advice/ continuing medical education/ workshop/
free friday clinic/ Bangladesh Medical Journal/ BMJ/ natural disaster/
democratic movement/ Bangladesh liberation war
Mission: The society is the national professional
organization of the physicians of Bangladesh. The memorandum of the association
describes following objectives: a) To develop the medical science and its
allied sciences; b) To preserve the honour and dignity of the medical profession,
and to preserve the rights and previlages of the members of the association,
and to encourage the members show appropriate political role in national
and personal life due to moral, social and professional reasons; c) To
compliment the medical profession through carrying out health education
campaign for the physical and mental well-being of the people of Bangladesh;
d) To undertake appropriate measures for the development of medical education
and allied researches in Bangaldesh; e) To maintain the cooperation as
well as cohesiveness and also to create brotherly relationship amongst
the members of the association, to maintain also cooperation and cohesiveness
with other scientific and technological organizations and institutions,
and if required to build friendship with such organizations for promoting
the scientific outlook of the health professionals as well as of the people
of Bangladesh; f) To enhance the understanding between the physicians and
people of the country whom they serve; g) To provide professional and expert
assistance and advice to the physicians who are involved in running the
health and medical teaching institutes both in government as well as other
sectors; h) To extend cooperation to and to be involved with other national
and international organizations with similar aims and objectives; i) To
provide advice and assistance to the members of the profession, specially
to the young members of the profession in developing themselves; and j)
To provide assistance to the physically disabled members of the profession
and also to the families of the members who are not alive. Any Bangladeshi
citizen having recognized medical undergraduate or postgraduate degree
is eligible to be a member of the association. The association has three
tire management bodies: General body (comprising all ordinary members,
around 25,000), Central Council (comprising all Central Executive Committee
members, branch representatives-one for every 100 ordinary members, and
president and general secretary of each branch) and Central Executive Committee
(comprizing 31 members elected through secrets ballots by members, 3 ex-officio
members and 6 members nominated by Central Executive Committee). The Bangladesh
Medical Association closely works with the government to formaulate the
policies and guidelines relating to health, medical education and family
planning programs. It also liaise with administration for preserving the
rights and previlages of the doctors in the country. The BMA Secretariat
remains open in all week days to listen to the problems of its members
and also to collaborate with the government. One important function of
BMA is to organize seminars and continuing medical education workshops.
BMA runs many Free Friday Clinics in the country and observes the National
Days. BMA operates relief camps during natural disasters. BMA publishes
Bangladesh Medical Journal (BMJ). BMA is the most prestious professional
organization of the country and played leading roles in all the national
crises as torch bearer. BMA, as a professional organization sacrificed
largest number of members during the Bangladesh liberation war and was
also in the fore-front in the democratic movement of the country.
Library: Library of Bangladesh Medical Association
Library address: BMA Bhavan, Topkhana Road, Dhaka,
Telephone: 880-2-9568714; 880-2-9562527
Fax: 880-2-9568714; 880-2-9562527
Person to contact: Dr. Ahmed Abu Saleh, Office
Email: bma@medinet.agni.com
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Medical Information Group (MIG)
Address: Teachers' Association Room, 3rd Floor,
Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-818670
Fax: 880-2-863060 (attention: 818670)
Person to contact: Dr. Abul Kalam Azad, President
Email: akazad@medinet.agni.com
Home page: https://www.angelfire.com/ak/medinet/
Field of specialty: MIG/ non-profit/ MEDINET/
Internet/ mailing list/ mignet/ majordomo/ computer training/ newsletter/
doctor/ medical student/ checklist/ research/ teaching methodology/ incentives/
lesson content/ POPLINE/ audio/ video/ medical education
Mission: MIG is a non-profit group of dedicated
medical teachers and students, which is striving relentlessly since its
inception in the middle of 1995 towards the achievement information technology
awareness amongst the medical professionals and students. Registered as
a Trust under the Registration Authority of Bangladesh Government, MIG
has established MEDINET
(Medical Network) to provide medical related professionals and organizations
in Bangladesh access to information available on the Internet at no cost.
MEDINET is the locally
appropriate cost-effective solution for a region with poor telecommunication
infrastructure. MIG also operates a mailing list on the Internet called
<mignet> to discuss issues relating
to development of health and medical education system in Bangladesh. To
subscribe <mignet>, one needs to send
<subscribe mignet> command without the
< > symbols in the body of an email message to: majordomo@medinet.agni.com.
The organization also runs computer-training program for the doctors and
medical students in packages deemed essential for them. MIG holds seminars,
demonstrations and discussions on the use of Internet technology explaining
how it benefits the health professionals. The organization urgently
feels and seeks assistance for a print-based newsletter to make the campaigns
more effective. MIG is specially interested to help medical students
achieve highest degree of knowledge and skills within the existing situation.
It has Students' Self-Development Scheme under which students are given
assistance to self-assess learning progress and alleviate deficiencies,
if any. An innovative weekly Checklist has been designed for the purpose.
The scheme also includes program of operational researches for development
of medical education emphasizing efficiencies of the teaching methodologies
and students' liking. MIG provides incentives by rewarding the best students
and teachers selected through college evaluation and 'Students' Opinion
Survey' respectively. The later is done on items, such as, lesson contents,
style of expression, capability of presenting complex things in most simple
forms, personality, relations with students, and attitude towards them,
etc. MIG has introduced POPLINE CD-ROM research information dissemination
service and is trying to establish an audio-video library and archives
for medical education.
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base: POPLINE CD-ROM
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Major Hospitals
/ Health Centers
Shaheed Shuhrowardi Hospital
Address: Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9130800-19 (PABX); 880-2-4856
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Abdul Basit, Superintendent
Home page:
Field of specialty: clinical laboratory, STD,
medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, orthopedics, pediatrics, radiology, emergency, physical
Mission: The hospital is a multidisciplinary tertiary
level setup. It consists of following departments: general medicine, sexual-skin-and-venereal
diseases, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology,
otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, clinical laboratory, radiology and
imaging and physical medicine. The hospital caters 300 in-patient beds
and OPD services in above disciplines and an integrated emergency department. The
daily average OPD attenadance is 700 patients.
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Infectious Diseases Hospital
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-608979; 880-2-603097-8
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Kawsar Ali, Senior
Home page:
Field of specialty:
Mission: This was founded before the independence
of Bangladesh in 1971 and was popularly known as School of Tropical Medicine
and Hospital. After the liberation, School of Tropical Medicine is shifted
to a new location and was upgraded to the Institute of Postgraduate Medicine
and Research (IPGMR). The hospital has been turned into the Infectious
Diseases Hospital. As the name suggests, it is a specialized hospital and
provides treatment for tetanus, diphtheria, chicken pox, measles, jaundice,
rabies and AIDS. It has 100 bed in-patient department divided in 8 wards,
a clinical laboratory and an OPD. The daily attendance in the OPD is around
70 patients. The hospital serves as the demonstration side for the subject
of community medicine taught in the fourth year curriculum of undergraduate
medical students. The students of National Institute of Preventive and
Social Medicine (NIPSOM) undertake clinical courses during their second
part and also sit for their bed case examinations at this hospital.
Library: Library of Infectious Diseases Hospital
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-608979; 880-2-603097-8
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Kawsar Ali, Senior
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Central Police Hospital
Address: Razar Bag, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9342297
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam,
Home page:
Field of specialty: police department/ medical
treatment/ diagnostic services/ on call consultants
Mission: This is a 120 bed hospital established
for providing medical care to the personnel and staff under the Police
Department of Bangladesh Government and their dependents. It mainly caters
the medical treatment and also diagnsotic services. Minor to mid ranges
of surgical treatment are often offered with the assistance of on call
consultants working in the teaching hospitals of the city.
Library address:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Government Employees' Hospital
Address: Fulbaria, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9558017
Person to contact: Dr. A. S. M. Nazrul Kazir,
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, STD, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, pediatrics,
Mission: This is a general hospital established
in 1986 to serve the government employees and their dependent family members.
Located at the center of the city, the hospital has 50 in-patient beds,
out-patient departments and following in-patient departments: clinical
laboratory, general medicine, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases, pediatrics,
general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology,
anesthesiology, and radiology and imaging. Daily out-patient attendance
is 250.
Library: Library of Government
Employees' Hospital
Library address: Fulbaria, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9558017
Person to contact: Dr. A. S. M. Nazrul Kazir, Superintendent
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Railway Hospital
Address: Kamalapur, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-409672
Person to contact: Dr. Md. Habibullah Khan,
Divisional Medical Officer
Home page:
Field of specialty: medical care/ medical treatment/
on call consultant
Mission: This is a 75 bed general hospital established
for providing medical care to the personnel and staff under the Bangladesh
Railway and their dependents. It has a out-patient department having daily
attendance of around 200 patients. It mainly caters the medical treatment
and also diagnostic services. Minor to mid ranges of surgical treatment
are often offered with the assistance of on call consultants working in
the teaching hospitals of the city.
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Mohanagari General Hospital
Address: Nayabazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-240060
Person to contact: Captain Dr. Anisuzzaman, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalamology, ENT, skin, venereal diseases, pediatrics, clinical
laboratory, radiology
Mission: This is a general hospital run by the
Dhaka City Corporation. It has 50 in-patient beds. The in-patient services
include medicine, surgery, and obstetrics & gynecology. The out-patient
services include medicine, surgery, obstetrics & gynecology, ophthalamology,
ENT, skin & venereal diseases, and pediatrics. Daily out-patient attendance
is around 200 patients. There are clinical laboratory and radiology department
to support the clinical departments.
Affiliated to:
Library address :
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Children's Hospital
Address: Chawkbazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-247056
Person to contact: Dr. Sahana Zaman, Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology, ophthalamology, ENT, skin, venereal diseases, pediatrics, clinical
laboratory, radiology
Mission: This is a children's hospital run by
the Dhaka City Corporation. It has 100 in-patient beds. The in-patient
services include general pediatrics and general pediatric surgery. The
hospital aims to provide antenatal services to the expecting mothers from
June 1998. There is a out-patient department which caters services to around
200 patients daily.
Affiliated to:
Library address :
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital
Address: 1, New Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-831164; 880-2-831721-5
Person to contact: Col. Dr. Labib Uddin,
Home page:
Field of specialty: medicine, cardiology,
ICU, psychiatry, STD, skin & VD, pediatrics, surgery, orthopedic surgery,
ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology, clinical laboratory,
radiology and imaging, ultrasound, echocardiograph, MRI, blood transfusion,
physical medicine, OPD, emergency
Mission: This general hospital was established
in 1953 by a Christian Charity Mission and was donated to Bangladesh Red
Crescent Society after the emergence of the country as independent nation
in 1971. The hospital has following departments: medicine, cardiology and
ICU, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases, pediatrics, surgery,
orthopedic surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology,
clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging including ultrasound, echocardiograph
and MRI), blood transfusion, physical medicine, OPDs and emergency. The
in-patient capacity is 350 beds to be raised to 500 bed soon.
Library: Library of Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital
Library address : 1, New Eskaton Garden Road,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-831721-5
Person to contact: Mrs. Latifa Akhtar Khuku,
Chief Librarian
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Lions Eye Hospital
Address: Lions Bhavan, Begum Rokey Sharani, Agargaon,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-810894; 880-2-328407
Person to contact: Dr. S. M. Shafiul Islam, Chief
Home page:
Field of specialty: refraction, conjunctivitis,
oculoplasty, eye ball enucleation, glaucoma, cornea ulcer/injury/opacity,
retinal detachment, cataract, IOL microsurgery
Mission: This is a service ophthalmic hospital
run by the Bangladesh Lions Foundation. It has 80 in-patient beds and an
out-patient department catering service to around 250 out-patients per
day. All the consultancies for common eye problems, viz. refraction, conjunctivitis,
oculoplasty, eye ball enucleation, glaucoma, cornea ulcer/injury/opacity,
retinal detachment, cataract and IOL microsurgery are provided.
Library address :
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Heart Foundation Hospital
Address: Section-2, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216,
Telephone: 880-2-804914
Person to contact: Brig. Dr. Abdul Malik, Secretary
Home page:
Field of specialty:
Mission: This is a service non-profit hospital
established and run by the Bangladesh National Heart Foundation. As of
May, 1998, it has 40 in-patient beds which is planned to raise to 100 beds
in next two months. Preventive cardiology, medical cardiology, cardiovascular
surgeries and research in the field are the functional areas of the hospital.
The out-patient department caters service to around 50 patients per day.
Library address :
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
International Center for Diarrheal
Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) Hospital
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-871751-60 (PABX)
Fax: 880-2-883116, 872530, 871568, 871686
Person to contact: Dr. George J. Fuchs, Division
Email: gfuchs@citechco.net
Home page: http://www.icddrb.org/
Field of specialty: Clinical sciences/ Diarrhoea/
Surveillance/ Research/ Malnutrition/ Acute respiratory infection/ ARI/
Diarrheal disease/ Clinical mangement/ Under-5 children/ Clinical study
Mission: The ICDDR,B hospital is under the center's
Clinical Sciences Division (CSD) the general aims of which include reducing
diarrheal disease morbidity and mortality by the development of improved
methods of clinical management through research and providing care to patients
with diarrheal disease and related problems of malnutrition and acute respiratory
infections (ARIs). Training of health care providers, both national and
international, in case management of diarrheal disease and clinical research
is also an important objective. Besides in-patient (Short Stay Ward and
General Ward) and out-patient services to all diarrheal disease and related
patients who come to the center for help, the hospital also provides a
15-bed Clinical Study Ward and a 12-bed Metabolic Research Ward. CSD also
operates a surveillance program in which a 2% sub-sample of patients (every
50th patient) attending the Clinical Research and Service Center (CSRC)
is investigated in detail. A total of 108,566 patients, 61% of whom were
under-5 children, received treatment from the center during 1996.
Affiliated to: International
Center for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B)
Library: Library of ICDDR,B
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-882467; 880-2-871751-60 (PABX)
Fax: 880-2-883116, 880-2-886050
Person to contact: M. Shamsul Islam Khan
Email: msik@icddrb.org
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE, AIDS, AHEAD,
POPLINE CD-ROM database, bibiliography
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Public access on users' charge basis
Special application being used (GIS, etc.): GIS
National Center for Control
of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease
Address: Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9123722-3 (PABX); 880-2-9112440
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. M. Abdur Rauf, Project
Home page:
Field of specialty: prevention, rheumatic, heart
disease, streptococcus, sore throat, valvular heart disease, bacterial
culture, anti-streptolysin, radiological, echocardiographic, prophylaxis
Mission: This center, established few years back,
is located within the compound of National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases (NICVD), Dhaka and is working for prevention, treatment and research
for control of rheumatic heart diseases. The incidence of rheumatic heart
diseases and its complications in Bangladesh is quite high due to its poor
socio-economic condition with consequent illiteracy, lack of awareness
and limited access to health facilities of its people. Thus, the need of
early diagnoses and prophylactic treatment of streptococcal sore throat
and rheumatic heart conditions was strongly felt to reduce the country's
financial loss to treat the complicated cases such as rheumatic valvular
heart diseases. The center has been established with the finanacial assistance
of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and with Japanese technical
assistance. The program of the center includes out-patient services for
early diagnosis, prophylactic treatment and follow-up of patients with
streptococcal sore throat infection and rheumatic heart diseases. The complicated
patients are referred to NICVD for surgical interventions. The diagnostic
approach mainly includes history and physical examinations, bacterial culture
and sensitivity tests, anti-streptolysin and other antibody study, radiological
and echocardiographic imaging techniques. The center has also field programs
for detection of rheumatic patients both within the city and in the rural
areas around Dhaka. One of the important aspects of the center's activities
is conducting surveys and research regarding the incidence and control
of rheumatic heart problems and identifying better ways to fighting the
Library: Library of National
Center for Control of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease
Library address: Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9123722-3 (PABX); 880-2-9112440
Person to contact: Mrs. Gulshan Ara
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
National Center for Hearing
and Speech for Children
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-882007
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. M. N. Amin, Honorary
Founder Director
Home page:
Field of specialty: Hearing impaired/ Hearing
aid/ ENT/ Audiometry/ Rural Ear Camp/ Primary ear care
Mission: The center was established on February
04, 1991 on a small piece of land in Dhaka donated by the Government of
Bangaldesh as an initiative of Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired
Children (SAHIC) and with the financial assistance of Andheri Hilfe, the
Donor agency based in West Germany. The center has an out-patient department,
a well-eqipped diagnostic laboratory and an operation theater to provide
consultancy of hearing problems of all age group people. Audiometry (BERA)
and psychological tests are also performed. It provides hearing aids to
patients and also arranges repair and/or fitting of hearing aids for individual
patients. The center has a trained team comprising four ENT specialists,
four audiometricians, one hearing aid technician and two ear mold technicians.
Thousands of hearing impaired patients have been given treatment from the
inception of the center and daily out-patient attendance is over 100 patients.
The center plans for a 40-bed in-patient department from 1999. The center
also runs a integrated school for the hearing impaired children within
the campus which provides one hall room, eight class rooms and four individual
care rooms. One of the important aspects of the center's programs is organization
of mobile rural ear camps each year at the remote areas of the country
which help in identification and treatment of the hearing impaired patients.
The center also conducts training programs for the doctors and health workers
at the rural health setups of Bangaldesh to enable them play effective
role in primary ear care, deafness prevention and cure.
Library: Library of National
Center for Hearing and Speech for Children
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-882007
Person to contact: Prof. Dr. M. N. Amin,
Honorary Founder Director
Details of Data-base: Medical System for patients'
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Microsoft Fox Pro based, for internal use
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Central Treatment Center / Drug
Addiction Cure Hospital
Address: 441, Tezgaon Industrial Area,
Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9886269; 880-2-9886267
Person to contact: Dr. Shamim Matin Chowdhury,
Director in Charge
Email: firoz@bdonline.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: drug addicts/ addiction/
heroin/ canabis/ fensidyl/ alcohol/ narcotics/ training/ counselling/ narcotics
Mission: This is a government level anti-drug
treatment center in Bangladesh run by the Department of Narcotics Control,
a branch of Ministry of Home Affairs. The functions of the center include:
out-patient and in-patient treatment of drug addicts, follow-up, after
care and training of health manpower regarding the diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of drug addicts. The center also conducts awareness campaign
programs. Headed by a Director, the hospital has 40 in-patient male beds.
The out-patient section provides services for both nale and female patients.
Daily average OPD attendance is about 70. Patients addicted from heroin,
canabis, fensidyl, alcohol or other narcotics are given treatment from
the center. Patients and families are also given adequate counselling.
United Nations Organization for Drug Control and Prevention (UNDCP) and
European Commission provide supports to the center.
Library address and other details:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Hospital of Society for Assistance
and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts (SARDA)
Address: 2, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Person to contact: Dr. Akhtaruzzaman, Director,
Email: akazad@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: drug addicts/ follow-up/
addiction/ heroin/ canabis/ fensidyl/ alcohol/ counselling/ rehabilitation
Mission: This is a non-profit small hospital run
by the Society for Assistance and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts (SARDA).
The functions of the hsopital include: out-patient and in-patient treatment
of drug addicts, weekly follow-up of enrolled patients, after care, and
home visits of drug addicts. The hospital has a 25 bed in-patient ward.
The out-patient section provides services for both male and female patients.
Daily average OPD attendance is about 20. Patients addicted from heroin,
canabis, fensidyl, alcohol or other narcotics are given treatment from
the center. Patients and families are also given adequate counselling.
Rehabilitation of the persons who have been cured from drug addiction is
also one of the important preventive approaches followed.
Library address and other details:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
International Center
International Center for Diarrheal
Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B)
Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-871751-60 (PABX)
Fax: 880-2-883116, 872530, 871568, 871686
Person to contact: Dr. Robert M. Suskind,
Email: director@icddrb.org
Home page: http://www.icddrb.org/
Field of specialty: Cholera/ Diarrheal disease/
Nutrition/ Fertilty/ Clinical service/ Maternal and child health/ Population
sciences/ MCH-FP/ Epidemic/ Epidemic control preparedness/ Surveillance/
Clinical Research/ Environmental health/ Biomedical/ Public health/ Laboratory/
Bacterial genetics/ Vaccine/ ORS/ Rehabilitation/ Preventive medicine/
Mission: The ICDDR,B was established in December
1978, succeeding the former Cholera Research Laboratory which had been
founded in 1960. The mandate of the center is to undertake and promote
research on diarrhoeal diseases and on the related subjects of nutrition
and fertility, to train and disseminate knowledge in these fields and to
develop improved means to prevent and control diarrhoeal diseases in developing
countries. The center is an independent, international, non-profit organization
for research, education, training, and clinical service. Located in Dhaka,
the center is the only truly international organization in a developing
country. The results of research developed over the years at the center
today provide guidelines for policy makers, implementing agencies, and
health professionals in Bangladesh and around the globe. During the past
three decades, researchers at the center have made major scientific achievements
in diarrheal disease control, maternal and child health, nutrition, and
population sciences. These significant contributions have been recognized
world-wide. The center is governed by a distinguished multinational Board
of Trustees comprising researchers, educators, public health administrators,
and representatives of the Government of Bangladesh. The Board appoints
a Director and Division Directors who head four scientific divisions and
the support divisions of Finace, and Administration and Personnel. The
center has projects in several other parts of the country and provides
technical assistance to certain foriegn nation(s). The center has following
divisions: Health and Population Extension Division (MCH-FP project-rural,
MCH-FP project-urban, epidemic control preparedness program, environmental
health program, technical assistance to GOB and NGOs); Administrative
and Personnel Division; Clinical Sciences Division (clinical services-treatment
of diarrhoea and surveillance program; clinical research- clinical medicine,
pathophysiology, drugs, ORS; child health- nutrition, rehabilitation, preventive
medicine); Public Health Sciences Division; Laboratory Sciences Division
(laboratory services department- all research and diagnostic labs, immunology
and bacterial genetics, cholera vaccine trial project) and Finance Division.
The ICDDR,B is a multinational center where experts from around the world
work and undertake research activities. Funded by the consortium of donors,
the ICDDR,B is in almost unique position as an independent international
biomedical research center. It has the confidence of many thousands of
patients and healthy individuals who willingly participate in clinical
and epidemilogical research, well-equipped laboratories, field stations,
a comprehensive library, an animal house, advanced computer facilities,
most importantly, competent and devoted staff.
Affiliated to: International
Center for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) Hospital
Library: Library of ICDDR,B
Library address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-882467; 880-2-871751-60 (PABX)
Fax: 880-2-883116, 880-2-886050
Person to contact: M. Shamsul Islam Khan
Email: msik@icddrb.org
Details of Data-base: MEDLINE, AIDS, AHEAD,
POPLINE CD-ROM database, bibiliography
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.): Public access on users' charge basis
Special application being used (GIS, etc.): GIS
Blood Banks and Eye Banks
Sandhani, the Medical and Dental
Students' Voluntary Organization and Blood Banks
Address: Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9668690; 9665140
Fax: 880-2-864040
Person to contact: Nur Alam Siddique Munna, Central
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: voluntary organization/ medical
and dental students/ national blood and posthumous eye donation day/ blood
transfusion/ eye donation/ medicine bank/ disaster management/ cornea transplants/
school health program/ students' welfare program/ health surveys/ relief
camps/ donors' club/ blood typing/ screening of blood/ safe blood transfusion/
hepatitis B/ VDRL/ malarial parasites/ cyclone shelters/ coastal area/
health teams/ hypertension/ anemia/ blood types/ Commonwealth Youth Award
Mission: Established in February 05, 1977,
Sandhani is a well-reputed voluntary organization of the medical and
dental students of the country. The inspiration of creation of Sandhani
was a financially troubled fellow medical student in Dhaka Medical College
who drew sympathy of his six second year class mates. They started Sandhani
to provide an scholarship of US$ 1.00 per month to this friend as food
support. Later this organization has been developed as a fully professional
voluntary medical organization with some briliant and pioneering achievements.
Sandhani pioneered the voluntary blood donation campaigns in the country
and launched first blood donation camp on November 02, 1978. The day has
been marked and recognized by the government of Bangaldesh and is declared
as the National Blood and Posthumous Eye Donation Day to be celebrated
formally each year. Sandhani's work forces comprise volunteers recruited
from medical and dental students. The objectives of the organization are:
a) campaigns for voluntary blood and eye donation, b) procurement of blood
and eyes with storage and processing, distribution of human blood for transfusion
and eyes for transplants in blind persons, c) distribution of medicines
among poor patients through medicine banks, d) organizing disaster management
activities, relief and rehabilitation camps following disasters, e) carrying
out school health programs, f) carrying out students' welfare programs
(assistance to students in financially difficult position and running high
school), and g) carrying out health surveys. Sandhani has established a
network of blood banks and organizing committees in 14 medical colleges.
It has also established 33 Donors' Clubs in the district towns of the country.
Over the years, Sandhani made steady progress in collection and distribution
of human blood and in fact it is the largest source of safe human blood
collected from volunteers and ready for transfusion. Statistics shows that
Sandhani collected 207 bags of blood (each unit is 450 ml in acid-citrate-dextrose)
in 1978 which is raised to 29053 bags in 1995. By the end of 1988 the total
collection will be well above 2,50,000 bags. Sandhani provides blood typing
services and also arranges screening of the collected blood for hepatitis
B virus, VDRL, malarial parasites, etc. Sandhani conducts health surveys
and its own survey results are available in paper media for hypertension,
anemia and blood types in Bangladesh. Sandhani's large number of volunteers
recruited from medical and dental students serve the essential purpose
of health teams of government as well as many non-government organizations
to manage out breaks of epidemic or other health crises following natural
disasters. Sandhani built a number of Cyclone Shelters and schools with
assistance from Japanese people along the cyclone prone coastal areas of
Bangladesh. Sandhani is the pride of Bangladesh and is an unique example
of volunteer activities and sacrifices of time, money and energy by the
young medical and dental students for the cause of community. Sandhani
was given Commonwealth Youth Award, 1995 due to its remarkable success
Affiliated to: Sandhani National Eye Donation
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base: Paper based survey
results of hypertension, anemia and blood types in Bangladesh
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Red Crescent Blood Center
Address: 7/5, Aurangojeb Road, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-9116563
Person to contact: Khondaker Zakaria Khaled,
Home page:
Field of specialty: Red Crescent Society/ voluntary
blood donation/ safe blood transfusion/ blood typing/ cross matching/ screening
of blood/ thalassemia/ hepatitis B/ VDRL/ HIV/ fresh plasma/ frozen plasma/
platelets/ leukocyte poor blood/ cryoprecipitate/ washed red cells
Mission: This blood center is run under the project
of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society's Blood Program. Established in 1981,
it conducts mass motivational program for voluntary blood donation and
other measures for safe blood transfusion. The center has following functional
units: Collection and distribution (for indoor and mobile blood collection
and distribution of blood or blood components to the patients), Laboratory
I (for blood typing, screening and cross-matching), Laboratory II (for
separation of blood components), Transfusion (for transfusion of blood
to the thalassemia patients), Training (for training of medical officers
and lab technicians at the thana hospitals and NGOs on blood banking),
and Administration. It organizes motivational camps to encourage people
for voluntary blood donation through lectures, posters, leaflets, social
incentives, etc. and also conducts campaigns through video cable network.
All collected blood are screened for hepatitis B virus and VDRL antigens
routinely, and for HIV on demand. Besides whole blood, it also prepares
red cell concentrates, fresh and frozen plasma, platelets, leukocyte poor
blood, cryoprecipitate and washed red cells. These are distributed among
patients receiving treatement in the government as well as private or non-profit
hospitals. Statistics shows that the center collected 12000 units of blood
(450 ml in acid-citrate-dextrose bag) in 1996 and 11000 units in 1997.
The target of collection for 1998 is 14000 bags. From this collection,
it can provide service to over 20000 patients annually through whole blood
and various blood components.
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base:
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):
Sandhani National Eye Donation
Society (SNEDS) & Sandhani International Eye Bank (Bangladesh)
Address: Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka-1000,
Telephone: 880-2-864040
Fax: 880-2-864040
Person to contact: Mr. Ruhul Amin Mazumdar, President
Email: migdmc@medinet.agni.com
Home page:
Field of specialty: voluntary organization of
medical and dental students/ eye donation/ posthumous/ posthumous eye donation/
blind/ landless/ blindness/ diarrhea/ measles/ human eyes/ ophthalmology/
prevention of blindness/ eye banks/ motivational camp/ modern eye bank/
computer network/ cornea/ cornea transplant
Mission: Established in November 25, 1984,
Sandhani National Eye Donation Society (SNEDS) is the associate organization
of Sandhani, the well-reputed voluntary organization of the medical and
dental students of the country. Sandhani was founded in 1977, by six medical
students of Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka in second year of their courses
to provide an scholarship of US$ 1.00 per month to one of their class-mates
as food support. Later this organization has been developed as a fully
professional voluntary medical organization with some briliant and pioneering
achievements. In contrast to Sandhani's work forces, who are largely volunteers
recruited from medical and dental students, Sandhani National Eye Donation
Society is organized by the doctors, eye surgeons, philanthropists, educationists,
medical and dental students, etc. Senior and experienced members retired
from Sandhani are the main work forces. It is estimated that number of
blind people in Bangladesh is 1.0 million. Each year another 30-40 thousand
children below the age of 6 years lose eye sights. 75% of them are blinded
from corneal damage. The incidence of corneal lesion in Bangladesh is 10
times in excess of WHO threshold criteria. Almost 80% of the blind children
come from landless house-holds. Diarrheal diseases and measles are the
leading causes of blindness. Replacement of their corneas by fresh human
ones collected within 6 hours after death is the only treatment. SNEDS
is the only organization in the country which is actively working for promoting
the cause of eye banking for procurement of enough human corneas. It has
set following objectives: a) To promote the cause of posthumous eye donation
in the country, b) To create conditions for collection, preservation and
utilization of human eyes, c) To conduct social and scientific research
in the field of ophthalmology, and d) To undertake appropriate communication
programs for prevention of blindness. SNEDS has established a network of
eye banks and organizing committees in all the government medical college
hospitals and also in some private medical colleges of the country. The
organizing committees, both at HQ and in branches, are elected by the general
body members. The Head Quarter at Dhaka Medical College Hospital operates
Sandhani International Eye Bank which remains open round the clock for
receiving donors' calls, procure, process and distribute corneas. There
are social and religious constraints in the country for the motivational
campaign of eye donation to be successful, which are largely due to illiteracy,
ignorance, superstitions and old customs of the people. Despite the organization
has made remarkable success in the movement. As of April, 1998, the figures
for collection of eye pledges and corneas, and number of cornea transplants
are 27599, 1108 and 1009 respectively. The classes of recipients of corneas
are as follows: low income (78.88%), lower middle income (10.78%), middle
income (8.82%) and high income (1.96%). The organization looks support
for improvement of its service quality, which amongst others include MK
media to enable preserve corneas for prolonged period, and computer and
telecommunication support to build a wide area network (WAN) between its
eye banks and having Internet access. The Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh
has donated a piece of land to SNEDS for building a modern eye bank and
SNEDS will highly appreciate donor support in the implementation process.
Affiliated to: Sandhani, the medical and dental
students' voluntary organization and blood banks
Library address:
Person to contact:
Details of Data-base: Paper based Bangladesh
eye donors' list
Detailed description of data-base (software-platform,
public access, etc.):
Special application being used (GIS, etc.):